
Effect of the off-Diagonal dd Electron Overlappings on the Effective Pair Interaction in the Equiatomic Cu–Ag Melt
Dubinin N.
Phase Equilibria of a Pb–Sb–Ag Alloy during Vacuum Distillation
Korolev A., Krayukhin S., Mal’tsev G.
Calculation of the titanium and zirconium activities in an aluminum–calcium oxide melt
Zhilina E., Krasikov S., Agafonov S.
Effect of the Neutron Irradiation Characteristics on the Irradiation-Induced Swelling in a Kh18N9 Steel
Kozlov A., Asiptsov O., Portnykh I.
Molecular Dynamics Calculation of the Self-Diffusion Coefficients in Molten LiF–RbBr and LiF–CsBr Mixtures
Kobelev M., Oleinik K., Tatarinov A.
Plasma Heating of Periclase–Carbon Refractory
Kats Y., Krasnyanskii M., Yusupov D., Tyuftyaev A., Gadzhiev M., Khromov M.
Graphical Analysis of the State of Stress in Road Harrow Cutters
Seliverstov N., Stasyuk A.
Model for the Interaction of a Rigid String with a Deformable Target
Goloveshkin V., Myagkov N.
Hot-tearing susceptibility of Al–Zn alloys
Bazhenov V., Pikunov M., Safronova A., Tselovalnik Y.
Molecular Models of Suprastructural Units for Alkaline Borates
Babina I., Vorontsov B., Moskvin V., Babin A.
Self-diffusion coefficients of cadmium and indium in liquid
Fefelov A., Furman I., Nikitina E., Ivanov R., Evdokimova I.
Interaction of a Liquid Metal with Dispersed Steel Inclusions during Lost-Foam Casting
Vorontsov B., Nesterov N.
Surface tension of a titanium-containing oxide–fluoride melt calculated by the polymer theory
Zhilina E., Krasikov S.
Brittle Fracture of a Material upon Microcutting of the Workpiece Surface by the Microrelief Protrusions of Loose Abrasive Grains
Skryabin V., Zverovshchikov A., Zotov E.
Finite element simulation of microindentation
Zhuk D., Isaenkova M., Perlovich Y., Krymskaya O.
Effective Wills–Harrison Pair Interaction in Liquid Au
Dubinin N., Bhuiyan G., Abbas F.
Stabilization of the Liquid Metal Bath during DC ESR
Chumanov V., Chumanov I., Sergeev Y.
Analysis of the geometrical–probabilistic models of electrocrystallization
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Zaykov Y.
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