
Calculating excess volumes of binary solutions with allowance for structural differences between mixed components
Balankina E.
Isotherms of the Molar Viscosity of Liquids and Fluids over a Wide Range of Pressures
Tyunina E., Badelin V.
Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacity and the Volume of the Cadmium Ion in Acetonitrile at 298.15 K
Doronin Y., Novikov A., Rassokhina L., Kostyleva E., Vasilev V., Rakhmanova P.
DFT Calculations of Structure and Properties of Asymmetric Clusters (HClInN3)n (n = 1–6)
Zhidu Chen , Ma D., Liu G., Xia Q.
Molecular Interactions in 1,4-Dioxane, Tetrahydrofuran, and Ethyl Acetate Solutions of 1,1′-Bis(4-isopropyloxyacetylphenoxy)cyclohexane on Reological, Density, and Acoustic Behavior
Dhaduk B., Patel C., Parsania P.
Effect of adding ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate on the coordination environment of Li+ ions in propylene carbonate, according to data from IR spectroscopy and quantum chemical modeling
Shestakov A., Yudina A., Tulibaeva G., Shul’ga Y., Ignatova A., Yarmolenko O.
Theoretical and experimental study of the transformation of 2-pyridone-5-amide into nitrile
Koval’ Y., Okul’ E., Yatsenko A., Babaev E., Polyakova I., Rybakov V.
[Ca(BH4)2]n clusters as hydrogen storage material: A DFT study
Han C., Dong Y., Wang B., Zhang C.
Structure of Equations for Multicomponent Mixtures in Heterogeneous Systems According to Size Fluctuations and the Intermolecular Degrees of Freedom of Components
Tovbin Y.
Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacities and Volumes of Barium and Cadmium Ions in Dimethylsulfoxide at 298.15 K
Novikov A., Doronin Y., Rakhmanova P.
Estimating the sizes of small single crystals satisfying the Wolf theorem
Titov S., Zaitseva E., Tovbin Y.
Effect of the thermoelastic properties of components on the melting point of filamentary nanoparticles of Cu, Ag, and Au in the matrix of anodic Al2O3
Bardushkin V., Kirillov D., Shilyaeva Y., Gavrilov S., Yakovlev V., Silibin M.
Analysis of the [CuLn]2+ and [CuGn]2+ (n = 2–4) complex structures: Comparison with CID experiment and DFT calculation
Zhang S., Liu H., Cheng P., Ren D., Gong X.
Recombination of ions of a dense ion plasma in a fluorine atmosphere
Lankin A.
Formation of the layering boundary in the water–benzene–perfluorobenzene system
Zhuchkov V., Pokid’ko B., Frolkova A.
High-Pressure Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of N-Doped ZnO
LingPing Xiao , Li X., Zeng L.
Radical Abstraction Reactions with Concerted Fragmentation in the Chain Decay of Nitroalkanes
Denisov E., Shestakov A.
Effect of the collective motions of molecules inside a condensed phase on fluctuations in the density of small bodies
Tovbin Y.
Activation diffusion of oxygen under conditions of the metal-semiconductor phase transition in vanadium dioxide
Boriskov P., Belyaev M., Velichko A.
DFT studies on structural properties and electron density topologies of the iron selenides FemSen (1 ≤ m, n ≤ 4)
Zhang J., Liu J.
Interaction of positional isomers of dimethylbenzene with graphite
Pokrovskiy O., Ustinovich K., Usovich O., Parenago O., Lunin V.
The C–H bond dissociation enthalpies in fused N-heterocyclic compounds
Wang Y., Zheng W., Ding L.
Density Functional Theory Study of Solvent Effects on 3-Fluoro-, 3-Chloro-, 3-Bromopyridine
Mustafa Tuğfan Bilkan
Calculating the Entropy of Solid and Liquid Metals, Based on Acoustic Data
Tekuchev V., Kalinkin D., Ivanova I.
Structural, optical, and catalytic properties of undoped and CdS doped CuO–ZnO nanoparticles
Younas N., Farrukh M., Ali S., Ditta M., Adnan R.
1 - 25 的 59 信息 1 2 3 > >> 


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