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Vol 90, No 13 (2016)

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Influence of nSi/nAl ratio of HY zeolite catalysts on alkylation of toluene with tert-butanol

Wang Y., Song H., Sun X., Song H.


The highly selective synthesis of 4-tert-butyltoluene from toluene and tert-butanol over HY zeolites was performed in liquid phase. The effect of Si/Al ratio (6.3, 7.5, 11, 12) of HY zeolites on the alkylation performance was studied. The catalysts were characterized by SEM, XRD, FT-IR, and NH3-TPD methods. With increase of Si/Al ratio, the conversion of toluene and the selectivity towards 4-tert-butyltoluene increased gradually. HY-12 was found to be more suitable for the tert-butylation of toluene. When the alkylation reaction was conducted at 180°C for 4 h using HY-12 catalyst, the conversion and the selectivity of 4-tertbutyltoluene reached 40.74 and 70.91%, respectively.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2503-2507
pages 2503-2507 views

Catalytic hydrolysis of cellulose into furans

Shi C., Tao F., Cui Y.


Chromium chloride in 4-(3-methylimidazolium-1-yl)butane-1-sulfonic acid hydrogen sulfate (IL-1) was found to effectively catalyze the hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) at 150°C for 300 min to achieve 87.8% conversion to a slate of products. With a catalytic amount of CrCl3, the yields of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and furfural were up to 32.4 and 15.2%, respectively, small molecules levulinic acid (LA, 10.8%) and the total reducing sugars (TRS, 10.7%) were also generated. Through LC-MSD analysis and mass spectra, dimer of furan compounds as the main by-products were speculated, and the components of gas products were methane, ethane, CO, CO2, and H2. We suggested that IL-1 and CrCl3 exhibited a coordination interaction; the formation of the intermediate via the hydride shift played a key role in the formation of HMF. The catalyst was recycled and exhibited constant activity for five successive trials.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2508-2516
pages 2508-2516 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Molecular interactions in ternary mixtures tetra-n-butylammonium bromide–inorganic salts–water according to ultrasonic data at T = 293.15–318.15 K

Hooshyar H., Sadeghi R., Khezri B.


The ultrasonic velocity and density for ternary liquid mixtures containing tetrabutylammonium bromide and some inorganic salts in water as a function of electrolyte concentration were measured in the temperature range 293–318 K. These data have been used to estimate the acoustical parameters. The observed variation of these parameters helps in understanding the nature of ion-solvent and ion-ion interactions in the liquid mixtures. The results are discussed in terms of structure-making tendency of additive inorganic salts in the mixtures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2517-2531
pages 2517-2531 views

Phase equilibria in system LiCl–NaCl–H2O at 308 and 348 K

Wang S., Guo Y., Liu D., Deng T.


The solubilities and densities of the solutions in the ternary system LiCl–NaCl–H2O at 308 and 348 K were determined by the method of isothermal dissolution equilibrium. There are one invariant point, two univariant isotherm dissolution curves, and two crystallization regions corresponding to monohydrate (LiCl · H2O) and NaCl, respectively. This system at both temperatures belongs to hydrate type I, and neither double salt nor solid solution was found. A comparison of the phase diagram for the ternary system at 273–348 K shows that the area of crystallization region of LiCl · H2O is decreased with the increasing of temperature, while that of NaCl is increased obviously. The solution density of the ternary system at two temperatures changes regularly with the increasing of LiCl concentration.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2532-2537
pages 2532-2537 views

Refractivity and polarizability of mixtures of L-histidine–metformin hydrochloride–water at 30°C

Deosarkar S.D., Pawde S.S., Kalyankar T.M.


The molar refractivity and polarizability of mixtures of L-histidine (0.01–0.11 mol L–1)–metformin hydrochloride (0.03, 0.05, 0.07 mol L–1)–water were calculated from density and refractive index data at 30°C. Enhancement in the polarizability has been observed with increase in L-histidine concentration as well as metformin hydrochloride content in the solution. The molar refractivity and polarizability of solutions increased appreciably after 0.09 mol L–1 L-histidine in each aqueous solution.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2538-2540
pages 2538-2540 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Search for the structures, stabilities, IR spectra, and thermodynamic properties of the asymmetric clusters (HClBN3)n (n = 1–6)

Wang A., Chen Z., Ma D., Xia Q.


The density functional theory (DFT) method has been employed to systematically investigate the geometrical structures, stabilities, IR spectrum and thermodynamic properties of small asymmetric clusters (HClBN3)n (n = 1–6). When n ≥ 2, the optimized results suggest that the (BNα)2n cyclic structures with alternating boron and α-nitrogen atoms are observed in clusters. The influences of cluster size on the structures of clusters were discussed. The second-order difference in energies show that the (HClBN3)3 isomer is the most stable among the asymmetric clusters (HClBN3)n. Four main characteristic regions are obtained and assigned for the calculated IR spectra. A study of their thermodynamic properties suggests that monomer 1 forms clusters (2–6) thermodynamically favorable by the enthalpies at 298.2 K.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2541-2549
pages 2541-2549 views

Theoretical calculations of high-pressure phases of NiF2: An ab initio constant-pressure study

Kürkçü C., Merdan Z., Öztürk H.


We have studied the structural properties of the antiferromagnetic NiF2 tetragonal structure with P42/mnm symmetry using density functional theory (DFT) under rapid hydrostatic pressure up to 400 GPa. For the exchange correlation energy we used the local density approximation (LDA) of Ceperley and Alder (CA). Two phase transformations are successfully observed through the simulations. The structures of XF2-type compounds crystallize in rutile-type structure. NiF2 undergoes phase transformations from the tetragonal rutile-type structure with space group P42/mnm to orthorhombic CaCl2-type structure with space group Pnnm and from this orthorhombic phase to monoclinic structure with space group C2/m at 152 GPa and 360 GPa, respectively. These phase changes are also studied by total energy and enthalpy calculations. According to these calculations, we perdict these phase transformations at about 1.85 and 30 GPa.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2550-2555
pages 2550-2555 views

Solvatochromic effect and kinetics of methyl violet reduction with potassium iodide in water–isopropanol mixtures

Ashfaq M., Saeed R., Khan S.R., Masood S.


The solvent influence on the reduction kinetics of methyl violet with iodide in binary mixture of aqueous isopropanol was investigated spectrophotometrically. The absorption spectra of methyl violet were recorded in water, aqueous isopropanol and absolute isopropanol. In these solvents λmax was in the range from 580.5 to 582.5 nm. The CNIBS/R-K model was used to calculate the solvatochromic parameters in a binary mixture; polynomial equation was also applied to describe the experimental data. The transition energies (ET) were calculated. They show bathochromic shift with the decrease in the polarity of the solvent. The temperature was varied from 298–318 K, while the pH of the reaction was maintained at 4.99 and 6.00. The reduction reaction was found to be first order by potassium iodide and zero order by methyl violet. The thermodynamic parameters were also evaluated to support the kinetic data.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2556-2563
pages 2556-2563 views

DFT studies on structural properties and electron density topologies of the iron selenides FemSen (1 ≤ m, n ≤ 4)

Zhang J., Liu J.


We report the structural properties and electron density topologies of the iron selenides FemSen (1 ≤ m, n ≤ 4) using DFT method. Structural studies reveal the Se atom leads to significant change in the geometries of the iron selenides. We confirm that the bond length between Fe atoms increase owing to the sequential addition of Se atom. Comparable stabilities were investigated based on the variation of averaged binding energies and selenium doping energy. The covalent property of the Fe–Se bond is increased as the coincident bond critical points (BCPs) showed smaller positive \(\nabla _{{\rho _{BCP}}}^2\) values than those of original FeSe molecule. Our results demonstrate that the ρFe–Fe values keep in the order of 0.048–0.220 a.u. Almost all of the \(\nabla _{{\rho _{BCP}}}^2\) values are positive and consequently mean the closed-shell interactions are conserved in the iron selenides.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2564-2570
pages 2564-2570 views

A theoretical study of high-pressure-induced phases of LiAlH4 using calculated NQCC parameters

Rafiee M.A.


Quadrupolar parameters of nuclei can be used as a tool to understand the electronic structure of compounds. Lithium alanate (LiAlH4) is a potential hydrogen storage material because of its high capacity of 10.5 wt % H2. However, the drawbacks of its dehydrogenation process are the relatively high temperatures and the slow dehydrogenation kinetics; furthermore, its reversibility is rather poor. Understanding the bonding nature of Al and H is essential for improving its dehydrogenation performance. In this work the charge density distribution in LiAlH4 is studied. Thus using calculated nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of hydrogens (2H-NQCCs), the electronic structure of α-LiAlH4 with high pressure forms of LiAlH4, (β- and γ-LiAlH4) were compared. The results show that easier condition for dehydrogenation is expected in β-LiAlH4. Comparison of calculated dehydrogenation enthalpies of LiAlH4 phases verifies this prediction. The electric field gradient (EFG) of quadrupolar nuclei were calculated to obtain NQCC parameters. All calculations performed using Gaussian 03 at B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2571-2575
pages 2571-2575 views

Analysis of the [CuLn]2+ and [CuGn]2+ (n = 2–4) complex structures: Comparison with CID experiment and DFT calculation

Zhang S., Liu H., Cheng P., Ren D., Gong X.


The collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the copper-cytidine complex [CuLn]2+ (L is cytidine, n = 2–4) shows that the inter-ligand proton transfer (PT) is the dominating process. This is quite different from the CID of copper-guanosine complex [CuGn]2+ (G is guanosine, n = 2–4), in which the inter-electron transfer (ET) dominates. The possible structures and zero-point energies for the majority of these structures were calculated using density functional theory (DFT) methods, and the ΔG Gibbs energy analysis of the CID processes also demonstrated the difference between the two complex structures. The results show that the steric hindrance effects and the intermolecular hydrogen bonds are the main reasons that cause the coordination between Cu(II) and the ligands of the cytidine and guanosine molecule. Cu(II) coordinates 4 ligands for [CuLn]2+, forming the primary order sphere and presenting non-covalent bonding of the ligands. A greater steric effect was observed in the purine ring, which could be unstable if the guanosine molecules distributed around the copper ions to form coordination compounds. The [CuGn]2+ complex tends to form intermolecular hydrogen bonds to enhance its structural stability by amino N and carbonyl O of purine ring.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2576-2589
pages 2576-2589 views

Synthesis, photophysical, and electrochemical properties of wide band gap tetraphenylsilane-carbazole derivatives: Effect of the substitution position and naphthalene side chain

Ho K.W., Ariffin A.


Four tetraphenylsilane-carbazole derivatives with wide bandgaps (3.38–3.55 eV) were synthesized. The effects of the substitution position and of the presence of naphthalene groups on the photophysical, electrochemical and thermal properties were investigated. The derivatives exhibited maximum absorption peaks ranging from 293 to 304 nm and maximum emission peaks ranging from 347 to 386 nm. Changing the carbazole substitution position on the tetraphenylsilane did not significantly change the photophysical and electrochemical properties. However, p-substituted compounds exhibited higher glass transition temperatures than m-substituted compounds. Naphthalene groups with bulky structures had extended the conjugation lengths that red-shifted both the absorption and emission spectra. The LUMO level was decreased, which reduced the optical bandgap and triplet energy level. However, the naphthalene groups significantly improved the thermal stability by increasing the glass transition temperature of the compounds.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2590-2599
pages 2590-2599 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Fabrication of silver nanoparticles in pH responsive polymer microgel dispersion for catalytic reduction of nitrobenzene in aqueous medium

Farooqi Z.H., Begum R., Naseem K., Rubab U., Usman M., Khan A., Ijaz A.


Copolymer microgels based on N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) and methacrylic acid (MAA) have been synthesized by free radical emulsion polymerization using N,N-methylenebisacrylamide (BIS) as a cross-linker. Synthesized microgels were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Then silver nanoparticles were fabricated in the synthesized microgels by in-situ reduction of AgNO3 with NaBH4. The formation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by UV–Vis spectroscopy. The pH sensitivity of the copolymer microgels was investigated using dynamic light scattering technique (DLS). Hydrodynamic radius of P (NIPAM–MAA) microgels increases with increase in pH of the medium at 25°C. Surface plasmon resonance wavelength (λSPR) of silver nanoparticles increases with increase in hydrodynamic radius due to change in pH of the medium. The catalytic activity for the reduction of nitrobenzene (NB), an environmental pollutant, into aniline was investigated by UV–Vis spectroscopy in excess of NaBH4 using hybrid microgels as catalyst. The value of apparent rate constant (kapp) of the reaction was calculated using pseudo first order kinetic model and it was found to be linearly related to the amount of catalyst. The results were compared with literature data. The system was found to be an effective catalyst for conversion of NB into aniline.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2600-2608
pages 2600-2608 views

Effect of doping on photovoltaic characteristics of graphene

Deepshikha .


Chemical doping of CVD grown graphene by introducing PTSA (n-type) and NBD (p-type) dopants is explored. This type of doping is key building block for photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices. Doped graphene samples display (1) high transmittance in the visible and near-infrared spectrum and (2) tunable graphene sheet resistance and work function. Large area and uniform graphene films were produced by chemical vapor deposition on copper foils and transferred onto quartz as transparent substrates. For n doping, a solution of p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) was first dropped and spin-coated on the graphene/quartz and then annealed at 100°C for 10 min to make graphene uniformly n-type. Subsequently, a bare graphene was transferred on another quartz substrate, a solution of 4-nitrobenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate (NBD) was dropped and spin-coated on the surface of graphene and similarly annealed. As a result, the graphene was p and n doped on the different quartz substrates. Doped graphene samples were characterized by different techniques. Experimental results suggested that doped graphene sheets with tunable electrical resistance and high optical transparency can be incorporated into photovoltaics and optoelectronics devices.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2609-2615
pages 2609-2615 views

Platinum clusters supported on/in Dion–Jacobson phase HLaNb2O7 by topochemical method

Zhang W., Luo C., Wang C., Cui Y., Tang K.


Platinum clusters were supported on/in HLaNb2O7 nanosheets by topochemical reaction strategy for the first time. The as-prepared samples were analyzed using ICP OES and characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results showed that HLaNb2O7 nanosheets were modified with platinum clusters with good monodispersity. The product was a mesoporous solid with broad pore size distribution and large surface area. The oxidation state of platinum was zero and the size of Pt clusters was only about 1–2 nm. This study provides a novel approach to support metal clusters on layered compounds.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2616-2618
pages 2616-2618 views

Purification and dispersibility of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in aqueous solution

Chen Y., Li Z., Zhao Y.


In this paper, the pristine multi-walled carbon nanotubes (P-MWCNTs) were purified either by the high temperature treatment (HT-MWCNTs) or by concentrated acid treatment (CA-MWCNTs). The HT-MWCNTs were prepared by heating at 500°C, while the CA-MWCNTs were treated by the mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids taken in a volume ratio of 3: 1. Ultrasonic processing and surfactants were utilized to achieve homogenous MWCNTs suspensions. The HT-MWCNTs and CA-MWCNTs were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Among these three MWCNTs, the prepared homogeneously dispersed MWCNTs suspensions were characterized by UV–Vis absorbency and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Finally, the dispersion mechanism was discussed. The results showed that both high temperature treatment and concentrated acid treatment can be used for purification of the P-MWCNTs, removing the amorphous carbon and other impurities. In these suspensions, the purified MWCNTs showed a better dispersibility in aqueous solution. The high temperature treatment was a kind of physical purification treatment method and it just burned the amorphous carbon away and strengthened the structure of MWCNTs, while the concentrated acid treatment was a chemical purification treatment method and this chemical treatment method grafted more effective groups to improve the dispersibility of MWCNTs.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2619-2624
pages 2619-2624 views

The green synthesis of fine particles of gold using an aqueous extract of Monotheca buxifolia (Flac.)

Anwar N., Khan A., Shah M., Azam A., Zaman K., Parven Z.


This study deals with the synthesis and physicochemical investigation of gold nanoparticles using an aqueous extract of Monotheca buxifolia (Flac.). On the treatment of aqueous solution of tetrachloroauric acid with the plant extract, gold nanoparticles were rapidly fabricated. The synthesized particles were characterized by UV–Vis spectrophotometry (UV), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The formation of AuNPs was confirmed by noting the change in color through visual observations as well as via UV–Vis spectroscopy. UV‒Vis spectrum of the aqueous medium containing gold nanoparticles showed an absorption peak at around 540 nm. FTIR was used to identify the chemical composition of gold nanoparticles and Au-capped plant extract. The presence of elemental gold was also confirmed through EDX analysis. SEM analysis of the gold nanoparticles showed that they have a uniform spherical shape with an average size in the range of 70–78 nm. This green system showed to be better capping and stabilizing agent for the fine particles. Further, the antioxidant activity of Monotheca buxifolia (Flac.) extract and Au-capped with the plant extract was also evaluated using FeCl3/K3[Fe(CN)]6 in vitro assay.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2625-2632
pages 2625-2632 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Preparation of manganese dioxide loaded activated carbon adsorbents and their desulfurization performance

Zhang J., Wang G., Wang W., Song H., Wang L.


Manganese dioxide loaded activated carbon adsorbents (MnO2/AC) were prepared and characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption, BET method, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Effects of preparation conditions and adsorption conditions on desulfurization performance of the adsorbents were studied in a fixed-bed adsorption apparatus. Experimental results show that the surface area and pore volume of MnO2/AC decreased compared with the unmodified activated carbon, but the adsorption capacity to H2S was improved greatly. A suitable H2S removal activity was obtained with manganese dioxide to activated carbon ratio of 1.1: 1 and the calcination temperature of 250°C. At the adsorption temperature of 40°C and gas flow rate of 20 mL/min, the H2S saturation capacity and H2S removal rate reached up to 713.25 mg/g and 89.9%, respectively.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2633-2641
pages 2633-2641 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes. Chromatography

Extractive separation of Cu2+–Co2+ and Ni2+–Co2+ mixtures using N-salicylideneaniline

Yamina B.


A study on the extraction of copper(II), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) from solutions containing ions of both metals with N-salicylideneaniline(SAN) in chloroform has been realized. Distribution of the metal ions in wide range of pH has been studied. Extraction of copper(II) was always favored over that of cobalt(II). Extraction of copper(II) from binary metal solution is selective and it can be quantitatively separated from cobalt(II). The equilibrium constant of the extraction of cobalt and nickel from an aqueous solution containing both metals using SAN were evaluated. The separation factors for cobalt and nickel were expressed as a function of the distribution of nickel and cobalt. From these results, salicylideneaniline is an adequate extractant for extractive separation of such mixtures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2642-2645
pages 2642-2645 views

Colloid Chemistry and Electrochemistry

A thermodynamic study of complexation process between N,N′-dipyridoxylidene(1,4-butanediamine) and Cd2+ in some binary mixed solvents using conductometry

Ebrahimpoor S., Khoshnood R.S., Beyramabadi S.A.


Complexation of the Cd2+ ion with N,N′-dipyridoxylidene(1,4-butanediamine) Schiff base was studied in pure solvents including acetonitrile (AN), ethanol (EtOH), methanol (MeOH), tetrahydrofuran (THF), dimethylformamide (DMF), water (H2O), and various binary solvent mixtures of acetonitrile–ethanol (AN–EtOH), acetonitrile–methanol (AN–MeOH), acetonitrile–tetrahydrofuran (AN–THF), acetonitrile–dimethylformamide (AN–DMF), and acetonitrile–water (AN–H2O) systems at different temperatures using the conductometric method. The conductance data show that the stoichiometry of complex is 1: 1 [ML] in all solvent systems. A non-linear behavior was observed for changes of log Kf of [Cd(N,N′-dipyridoxylidene(1,4-butanediamine)] complex versus the composition of the binary mixed solvents, which was explained in terms of solvent–solvent interactions. The results show that the thermodynamics of complexation reaction is affected by the nature and composition of the mixed solvents.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2646-2653
pages 2646-2653 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes by Er3+: YAlO3/Co- and Fe-doped ZnO coated composites under solar irradiation

Chen Y., Lu C., Tang L., Song Y., Wei S., Rong Y., Zhang Z., Wang J.


In this work, the Er3+: YAlO3/Co- and Fe-doped ZnO coated composites were prepared by the sol-gel method. Then, they were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Photo-degradation of azo fuchsine (AF) as a model dye under solar light irradiation was studied to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of the Er3+: YAlO3/Co- and Fe-doped ZnO coated composites. It was found that the photocatalytic activity of Co- and Fe-doped ZnO composites can be obviously enhanced by upconversion luminescence agent (Er3+: YAlO3). Besides, the photocatalytic activity of Er3+: YAlO3/Fe-doped ZnO is better than that of Er3+: YAlO3/Co-doped ZnO. The influence of experiment conditions, such as the concentration of Er3+: YAlO3, heat-treatment temperature and time on the photocatalytic activity of the Er3+: YAlO3/Co- and Fe-doped ZnO coated composites was studied. In addition, the effects of solar light irradiation time, dye initial concentration, Er3+: YAlO3/Co- and Fe-doped ZnO amount on the photocatalytic degradation of azo fuchsine in aqueous solution were investigated in detail. Simultaneously, some other organic dyes, such as Methyl Orange (MO), Rhodamine B (RM-B), Acid Red B (AR-B), Congo Red (CR), and Methyl Blue (MB) were also studied. The possible excitation principle of Er3+: YAlO3/Co- and Fe-doped ZnO coated composites under solar light irradiation and the photocatalytic degradation mechanism of organic dyes were discussed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2654-2664
pages 2654-2664 views

Photocatalytic properties of ZnO micromaterials prepared by hydrothermal method

Gao J., Huang S., Luo P., Huang S.


ZnO microrods were prepared by a simple and inexpensive hydrothermal method. The structure, morphology and optical properties of the micromaterials were characterized by XRD, FE-SEM and UV–Vis spectroscopy. The FE-SEM micrographs indicated that the sizes of the microrods were 0.2–1 μm in width and 2–5 μm in length. With methyl orange as a model degradation target, photocatalytic performance of the microrods under ultraviolet radiation was evaluated. The results indicate that the photocatalytic activity of ZnO microrods was satisfactory even under low power ultraviolet irradiation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2665-2667
pages 2665-2667 views

Photochemical degradation of an anionic surfactant by TiO2 nanoparticle doped with C, N in aqueous solution

Zamiri M., Giahi M.


Novel C,N-doped TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by a solid phase reaction. The catalyst was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The results showed that crystallite size of synthesized C,N-doped TiO2 particles were in nanoscale. UV light photocatalytic studies were carried out using sodium naphthalenesulfonate formaldehyde condensate (SNF) as a model pollutant. The effects of initial concentration of surfactant, catalyst amount, pH, addition of oxidant on the reaction rate were ascertained and optimum conditions for maximum degradation was determined. The results indicated that for a solution of 20 mg/L of SNF, almost 98.7% of the substance were removed at pH ~ 4.0 and 0.44 g/L photocatalyst load, with addition of 1 mM K2S2O8 and irradiation time of 90 min. The kinetics of the process was studied, and the photodegradation rate of SNF was found to obey pseudo-first-order kinetics equation represented by the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2016;90(13):2668-2674
pages 2668-2674 views

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