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Vol 92, No 8 (2018)

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Mass Spectrometry Study of the Thermodynamic Properties of Spinel Solid Solutions

Shornikov S.I.


The partial pressure values of vapor species over spinel solid solutions and the boundary of the solid spinel solutions in the MgAl2O4 (solid solution) + Al2O3 region are determined on the basis of the data obtained by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometric method in the temperature range 2000–2200 K. The obtained thermodynamic information is compared to the information available in the literature. The values of oxide activities, Gibbs energies, enthalpies and entropies of formation of solid solutions show a slightly negative deviations from ideality.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1447-1456
pages 1447-1456 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Catalytic Properties of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles Obtained via Precipitation from Solutions

Fedyaeva O.A., Poshelyuzhnaya E.G., Trenikhin M.V.


The catalytic properties of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles in the photochemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide are studied. It is shown that in aqueous H2O2 solutions of any concentration, cadmium sulfide accelerates the reaction and does not change its order. The quantum yield of the reaction is 1 and does not depend on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The scattering of light by particles and an increase in their concentration reduces the quantum yield.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1457-1462
pages 1457-1462 views

Oxidation of Water by Cerium(IV) Compounds in the Presence of Trinuclear Ruthenium Complexes

Dzhabieva Z.M., Dobrygin V.A., Dzhabiev T.S., Tkachenko L.I.


The oxidation of water by Ce(IV) compounds in the presence of ruthenium complex (NH3)5Ru–O–Ru(NH3)4–O–Ru(NH3)5Cl6 is studied. It is shown that the complex is a catalyst of water oxidation if one-electron oxidizing species Ce4+ are used. Four units of the indicated ruthenium complex then organize themselves into a reactive dodecanuclear cluster. It is established that the formation of bi-, tetra-, and polynuclear cerium clusters in the reacting system is accompanied by the four oxygen atoms in the catalyst molecule being replaced with 4NH3 ligands, resulting in a different catalytic system for biomimetic water oxidation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1463-1466
pages 1463-1466 views

Mechanism of the Decay of the CH3CO3 Radical after Energy Exchange with an Excited CH2O Molecule

Sargsyan G.N., Harutyunyan A.B.


The spontaneous decay of the CH3CO3 radical, which plays an important role in the oxidation reactions of organic compounds (particularly acetaldehyde), is simulated using computer programs for calculating molecular mechanics; Gaussians; the capabilities of the ChemBio 12.0 software package; and the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics. Simulations allow us to calculate the probabilities of a radical’s activation, the formation of the transition state, and its decay due to energy absorbed from excited molecules of formaldehyde, an intermediate product of the acetaldehyde oxidation. It is shown that the activation stage is a limiting stage of the CH3CO3 radical’s decay.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1467-1472
pages 1467-1472 views

Influence of NH4NO3 Formation on the NOx Reduction Pathways over Vanadium-based Catalyst under Diesel Exhaust Conditions

Yuanqing Zhu ., Zhou S., Feng Y., Wang Z.


Nitrates are often deposited on the pipe wall and catalyst surface in the SCR system, so the NOx removing efficiency and catalytic activity are also reduced and limited at low exhaust temperatures. According to working characteristics and exhaust conditions of Diesel engine, a NH3−NO/NO2−SCR reaction model including NOx reduction, NH4NO3 formation and decomposition pathways was proposed in this paper, and the influence of NH4NO3 on the NOx reduction pathways and low-temperature catalytic activity was studied using the described model. As an important intermediate product of NOx reduction at low temperatures, NH4NO3 formation rate is strongly dependent on the apparent rate of SCR reaction. Since NH4NO3 formation reaction is enhanced in the presence of H2O, and its decomposition is controlled by the exhaust temperature, both reactions can proceed into a quasi-equilibrium state at high temperatures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1473-1480
pages 1473-1480 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Thermodynamics of the Dissolution of Macroheterocyclic 2-Phenylindene Derivatives with Thiadiazole Fragments in Dimethylformamide and Ethanol

Berezina G.R., Berezina N.M.


The dissolution of compounds based on 1-imino-2-phenyl-1H-inden-3-amine with fragments of 3,5-diamino-1,2,4- and 2,5-diamino-1,3,4-thiadiazoles in DMF and ethanol is investigated by means of isothermal saturation with spectrophotometric concentration monitoring in the temperature range of 298–318 K. Characteristics of the dissolution of the products of condensation with compositions 1 : 2, 2 : 1, and 2 : 2 in individual solvents are presented. Thermodynamic parameters of the dissolution of the synthesized compounds are calculated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1481-1485
pages 1481-1485 views

Molecular Self-Diffusion Coefficients in Solutions of Dimethylsulfoxide in Monoethanolamine

Rodnikova M.N., Idiyatullin Z.S., Solonina I.A., Sirotkin D.A., Razumova A.B.


The molecular self-diffusion coefficients of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in monoethanolamine (MEA) are measured by means of proton NMR spin-echo spectroscopy at 304.6 K and DMSO concentrations varying from 0 to 30 mol %. The drop in the self-diffusion coefficient of MEA observed at low DMSO concentrations is attributed to the solvophobic effect DMSO molecules exhibit in solutions in MEA. The results obtained for the considered system are compared to similar data for the DMSO–ethylene glycol system. The differences between the two systems are explained by the higher lability of spatial hydrogen bond networks in liquid MEA, compared to ethylene glycol.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1486-1488
pages 1486-1488 views

Efficiency and Kinetics of Extracting Phenol from Aqueous Solutions Using Nonionic Surfactants

Arkhipov V.P., Arkhipov R.V., Idiyatullin Z.S.


The efficiency and kinetics of extracting phenol from aqueous solutions using nonionic surfactants at the cloud point temperature are studied via NMR. The nonionic surfactants are neonoles AF9-8, AF9-9, AF9-10, and AF9-12; ethoxylated fatty alcohols C12E4 and C12E5; pluronics PE6200 and RE6400; and syntanol Brij 35. The efficiency of extraction using neonols and ethoxylated fatty alcohols lies in the range of 40–60%, and reaches 80% when using pluronics PL6200 and PE6400. The obtained data could be of interest to researchers in the field of phase equilibria.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1489-1493
pages 1489-1493 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Energy of Solvation and a Quantum-Chemical Model of the Structure of 18-Crown-6 Ether in Nonaqueous Solvents

Volkova M.A., Kuz’mina I.A., Pogonin A.E., Kuz’mina K.I., Belova N.V., Sharnin V.A.


A quantum chemical study of the structure of different molecular configurations of 18-crown-6 ether (18C6) in the free state, as well as in methanol, ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide, dimethylformamide, and acetonitrile media is performed using the GAUSSIAN 03 software package in the B3LYP version of the electron density functional theory using the cc-pVTZ basis set. The structure of molecules in the solvated state is studied by means of a self-consistent reaction field in the polarizable continuum model (PCM). Based on the calculation results, it is concluded that the configuration of the macrocycle of the Ci symmetry is in all cases the one most stable. The geometrical parameters and the charges on the atoms in the free and solvated states are calculated for this configuration of 18C6. To provide details of the intermolecular interactions between the solvent and solute molecules in the studied solvents, enthalpies of solvation ∆solvH0(18C6) are calculated via quantum-chemical simulations using the PCM model. It is established that the solvation energy of 18C6 in alcohols is mostly determined by the universal interactions between the crown-ether and solvent molecules, and the contributions from the universal and specific interactions to the solvation enthalpy of the macrocycle are virtually equal in aprotic solvents.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1494-1498
pages 1494-1498 views

Assignment of the π → π* and n → π* Transitions to the Spectral Bands of Azobenzene and Dimethylaminoazobenzene

Mikheev Y.A., Ershov Y.A.


A critical analysis of the UV–Vis absorption spectra of azobenzene (AB) and dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB) used as an optical probe was performed based on the key empirical regularities of the n → π* transitions of nitrogen- and carbonyl-containing compounds. The spectrum of DAB has an n → π* band located in the same range ν = 28 000–33 000 cm–1 (λ = 350–300 nm) as the n → π* band of protonated azobenzene AB+H, but differs in the presence of a vibronic structure. It was also shown that the low-frequency n → π* band belonging to AB lies in the range where the π → π* band of AB is located with a maximum at a wavelength λmax ≈ 320–340 nm (νmax = 30 300–29 400 cm–1), in contrast to the conventional assignment of this band to the Vis band at 440 nm. This n → π * band is not found in the spectra of AB solutions in polar media, but appears in the nonpolar medium due to the presence of a vibronic structure.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1499-1507
pages 1499-1507 views

Mechanism of the Three-Photon Population of Ion-Pair States of Iodine via Valence States Near the I2P1/2 + I2P1/2 Dissociation Limit

Alekseev V.A.


The mechanism proposed in the literature and explaining the population of ion-pair states I2 (D \(0_{{\text{u}}}^{ + }\)) and I2 (β 1g) when a mixture of I2 vapor and a rare gas is irradiated with the first harmonic of a YAG laser (λf = 1064 nm) and the emission of a dye laser tuned to the region of the I2 (B X) transition, is discussed. Alternative mechanisms involving nonlinear optical effects that can occur when iodine vapor is exposed to laser radiation are considered.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1508-1515
pages 1508-1515 views

Properties of Hydrogen Bonds in Water and Monohydric Alcohols

Gotsul’skii V.Y., Malomuzh N.P., Chechko V.E.


The average number of hydrogen bonds formed by water, methanol, and ethanol molecules is studied, depending on temperature. An analysis of the specific volume and heat of vaporization, depending on temperature in the range from the triple point to the critical point, is used. It is shown with good accuracy that the changes in these thermodynamic quantities are of an argon-like nature, while small deviations are associated with the formation of hydrogen bonds. The average number of hydrogen bonds formed by water, methanol, and ethanol molecules is thus determined along with the effective diameter of these molecules, and they are compared to the literature data.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1516-1522
pages 1516-1522 views

Modeling the Self-Assembly of 5-Hydroxy-6-methyluracil within Electrostatic Potential Approach

Shayakhmetova R.K., Khamitov E.M., Mustafin A.G.


The sites of reactions in 5-hydroxy-6-methyluracil (HMU) and its dimeric and tetrameric associates are studied theoretically in terms of the electrostatic potential (ESP). The ESP approach allows us to construct the most stable combinations of HMU associates and to study HMU self-assembly without simulating all possible associates. A self-assembly scheme is proposed for HMU. N1–H···O1 bonds initially form between the molecules. If the first recognition center (RC) is occupied, N3–H···O2 bonds form with the participation of the third RC. The resulting ribbons with alternating contacts 1–1 and 3–3 are cross-linked through the electrostatic attraction of hydroxyl groups and the forces of dispersion between methyl groups.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1523-1529
pages 1523-1529 views

Photonic Crystal Sensors for Detecting Vapors of Benzene, Toluene, and o-Xylene

Bol’shakov E.S., Ivanov A.V., Kozlov A.A., Abdullaev S.D.


The effect benzene, toluene, and o-xylene vapors have on the optical properties of a photonic crystal sensor matrix and its components is studied by UV–visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The effect the material of the photon assembly substrate has on the band gap parameters is considered. The possibility of visually detecting vapors of saturated nonpolar organic solvents using a photonic crystal–based sensor is demonstrated. A mechanism is proposed for the analytic response of the sensor.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1530-1534
pages 1530-1534 views

Role of Succinate Ions in the Polymorphism of Coordination Polymers of f-Metals

Serezhkin V.N., Rogaleva E.F., Shilova M.Y., Novikov S.A., Serezhkina L.B.


The role of succinate ions in the structure of crystals containing 262 crystallographically nonequivalent succinate ions and atoms of f-elements A (А = U(VI), La(III), or lanthanides) is analyzed using the TOPOS-InterMol program complex. It is estimated that С4Н4О\(_{4}^{{2 - }}\) anions can display 10 topologically different types of coordination to the atoms of metals A, acting as three- or four-dentate ligands and forming from three to eight О–А bonds. It is estimated that of the two theoretically possible types of metallacycles, succinate ions usually form tetratomic cycles. Alternative heptatomic cycles are formed by only 4 out of 262 succinate ions. It is shown the type of a di-anion’s coordination affects that of its preferable coordination (trans φ3 or gauche φ1) in a crystal’s structure. It is estimated that a change in the type of coordination or conformation of succinate ions can determine the polymorphism of succinate-containing polymers.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1535-1541
pages 1535-1541 views

DFT Calculations of Structure and Properties of Asymmetric Clusters (HClInN3)n (n = 1–6)

Zhidu Chen ., Ma D., Liu G., Xia Q.


In order to find single-source precursors of InN material, the structures and properties of small asymmetric clusters (HClInN3)n (n = 1–6) are studied by means of the density functional theory. The frameworks of clusters (HClInN3)n (n = 2–6) prefer to be 2n-membered ring with alternating indium and α-nitrogen atoms. The uncorrected binding energies (Eb), corrected binding energies (Eb-c) and average corrected binding energies (Eb-c-ave) all reveal that all of asymmetric clusters (HClInN3)n (n = 1–6) can continue to gain energy upon increasing the cluster size n. The relationship between HOMO–LUMO energy gap (Egap) and cluster size n is discussed. Thermodynamic properties are linearly correlated with the cluster size n as well as with the temperature. According to the calculated Gibbs free energies, the formation of the clusters (HClInN3)n (n = 2–6) from the monomer is thermodynamically favorable below 700 K.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1542-1549
pages 1542-1549 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Palladium Nanoparticles Loaded on TiO2–Graphene Hybrids (Pd/TiO2–Gr) with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity in Formic Acid Oxidation

Fuping Li ., Li W., Liu H., Liu C., Dong G., Liu J., Peng K.


We first report the hybrids of TiO2 and graphene (Gr) used as the support of Pd nanoparticles, showing high performance electrocatalysts for formic acid oxidation. The hybrids are prepared with the solvothermal method, and tetrabutyl titanate and graphene-oxide (GO) are used as the precursors. The initial mass ratios of Ti:GO in the precursors are 0.07, 0.15, 0.26, 0.60, respectively. Compared to Pd/graphene, the as-obtained Pd/TiO2–Gr electrocatalysts exhibit higher catalytic activity and stability. Among them, the Pd/TiO2–Gr (Ti : GO = 0.26, initial mass ratio) exhibit the highest activity. Its current density is about 3.1 times of Pd/graphene, and the agglomeration of Pd metal that can be seen in Pd/graphene has been inhibited in the as prepared Pd/TiO2–Gr. Thus the electrocatalytic performance of Pd for formic acid oxidation is greatly improved by the binary TiO2–graphene support.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1550-1557
pages 1550-1557 views

Dispersion of Graphene in Aqueous Solution

BaoMin Wang ., Ruying Zhao .


Graphene showing excellent physical and chemical properties, has led researchers to explore it. It is an allotrope of carbon nanomaterials, and could be used in many fields. Studies have shown that graphene could be used to replace carbon nanotubes in composites. It can enhance the physical properties of the composites such as compression strength, flexural strength etc. However, the hydrophobicity and strong van der Waals forces between graphene layers keep it often in agglomerated state. In order to make graphene widely used in composites, the preparation methods of homogeneous graphene suspensions are important. This paper reviews the methods been used in graphene dispersion, including mechanical methods, chemical modification, and the combination of them. We hope this paper will point a reasonable direction for graphene suspension.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1558-1562
pages 1558-1562 views

Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Nanoscaled LiFePO4 with Reduced Thickness along [010] Direction

Zhanjun Guo ., Zhiliang Chen .


LiFePO4 nanoparticles have been synthesized by a rapid microwave-solvothermal process at 200°C within 10 min. In spite of the low synthesis temperature, the as-synthesized powders with thinner thickness along [010] direction are highly crystalline. Sample exhibited excellent rate capability and showed good cyclic performance. The short reaction times of just 10 min show the basis for an efficient and time-saving synthesis of nanosized LiFePO4.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1563-1566
pages 1563-1566 views

Dislocation Evolution and Microstructural Properties on GaN Grown on Cone Patterned Sapphire Substrate

Huanyou Wang ., Jin G., Tan Q.


GaN epifilms are grown on the cone patterned sapphire substrates (CPSS) and the conventional sapphire substrates (CSS) by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using a two-step growth. We investigated dislocation structures and density in the GaN epifilms grown on CPSS and CSS using high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). HRXRD measurement shows that GaN epifilms grown on CPSS have lower dislocation density than the CSS, especially the edge dislocation density. This consequence is confirmed by metallographs of etched GaN. From the TEM results, we found that most of the threading dislocations (TDs) in the trench region of the CPSS were bent by lateral growth mode. The bending of dislocations and presence of voids dramatically prevent the generation of threading dislocations on the surface due to the induced lateral overgrowth mode. The high Raman peak intensity of the GaN epifilms grown on CPSS with a low full width at half maximum (FWHM) indicates that there is an improvement in the quality of the GaN compared to GaN epifilms grown on CSS.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1567-1571
pages 1567-1571 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Studying the Sorption of Certain Benzimidazoles on Octadecyl Silica Gel from Water–Acetonitrile Solutions via Liquid Chromatography

Yadrova A.A., Shafigulin R.V., Bulanova A.V., Golov A.A., Belousova Z.P.


The effect the composition of a water–acetonitrile eluent has on the sorption of benzimidazoles by octadecyl silica gel is studied using the Snyder–Soczewinski model. Three-parameter equations associating retention factors and certain physicochemical characteristic of the molecules of benzimidazoles are obtained via linear regression analysis. Standard changes in the enthalpy of the transfer of benzimidazoles from the water–acetonitrile phase to the layer of octadecyl silica gel and entropic components of the process are calculated from the temperature dependences of the retention factors. The enthalpy–entropy dependences of sorption are discussed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1572-1582
pages 1572-1582 views

Effect of the State of Carboxyl Groups of Pectin on the Sorption Binding of Copper Ions

Aleeva S.V., Chistyakova G.V., Lepilova O.V., Koksharov S.A.


The relationship between the molecular structure characteristics of pectin and the sorption equilibrium with a copper solution was evaluated. The chemisorption processes were described using the model of the theory of micropore volume filling. For pectin samples subjected to a cycle of transformations for changing the chemical state of carboxyl groups in the polymer, the decrease in their activity in passing from the unsubstituted state to the calcium-pectate and methoxylated forms was studied. The contribution of the parameters of the chemical structure of pectins to their total copper adsorption capacity was differentiated. The composition–property models were obtained, which allow one to predict and selectively change the level of the metal-binding capacity of pectin-containing sorbents.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1583-1589
pages 1583-1589 views

Gas Chromatography and Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Sorption of Model Sorbates on New Stationary Phases Based on Poly[oligo(ethylene glycol)diacrylates]

Shiryaeva V.E., Popova T.P., Korolev A.A., Kanat’eva A.Y., Kurganov A.A.


The thermodynamic parameters of sorption of a test mixture of hydrocarbons on a new type of PEG-like stationary phases are determined from the temperature dependence of sorbate retention in the temperature range of 35–110°C. The determined entropy and enthalpy of sorption are close for all the studied stationary phases, despite the different ratios of ethylene glycol and acrylate moieties in the polymer’s phase structure. At the same time, the studied phases exhibit greatly different separation abilities, due apparently to the kinetic properties of the phases, as is indicated by differences in the efficiency of the columns with these phases and in the diffusion coefficients of sorbates on these phases.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1590-1596
pages 1590-1596 views

Selectivity of Ion Exchange on Iminocarboxyl Resin and the Hydration Energy of Its Ionic Forms

Bondareva L.P., Astapov A.V., Selemenev V.F., Il’ina A.Y.


Characteristics of the hydration of macroporous iminodicarboxyl ion-exchange resin in the protonated, sodium, copper, and nickel forms are determined, and the Gibbs energy of hydration and its change upon transitioning from the initial ionic form to the ion-sorbed form are calculated. The way of calculating the Gibbs energy of the interfacial transfer of a solvent during the ion-exchange process is substantiated. It is established that the selectivity of an ion-exchange resin in the functional form toward the extracted transition-metal cations depends not only on the mean amount of solvent per functional group of the polyampholite, but also on the change in sorbent hydration during the ion exchange. The contribution determining the selectivity of copper(II) and nickel(II) cations toward iminodicarboxyl ion-exchange resin is an ion-exchange component with the formation of ionite complexes. In addition, the change in hydration (being an energetically advantageous process) facilitates sorption as a whole.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1597-1601
pages 1597-1601 views

Studying the Collapse of Bentonite-Containing Composites Based on Acrylic Copolymers

Samuilova E.O., Sitnikova V.E., Olekhnovich R.O., Uspenskaya M.V.


Polymeric polyelectrolyte hydrogel composites based on a copolymer of acrylic acid and acrylamide are synthesized. The composites are filled with bentonite (1 to 5 wt %). The kinetics of the collapse of hydrogel composites in aqueous solutions of salts of alkali and alkaline-earth metals at a constant temperature of 25°C are studied. Gravimetry is used to study the kinetics of the swelling and collapse of a gel of the cross-linked copolymer of acrylic acid and acrylamide, and its composites with bentonite in aqueous solutions of salts of mono- and divalent metals. It is found that the presence of bentonite prevents the collapse of composites based on acrylic hydrogels in aqueous solutions of electrolytes, due to the steric and electrostatic interactions between filler particles. By comparing these two kinetic models, it is shown that Peleg’s kinetic model best describes the experimental data on the collapse of the polymer hydrogel composite in aqueous solutions of metal salts. It is established that the kinetic constant of hydrogel collapse does not depend on the radius of metal ions at equal concentrations of the studied salts in a solution.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1602-1608
pages 1602-1608 views

Analysis of the Adsorption Activity of the UVIS-AK Carbon Fiber towards Phenols Dissolved in Water

Valinurova E.R., Shaimukhametova G.F., Khamitov E.M., Shayakhmetova R.K.


The adsorption properties of UVIS-AK carbon fibers and BAU-A and SPDK-27MD carbons used for extracting phenols from water under static conditions were investigated. The adsorption equilibrium constants, monolayer capacity, characteristic adsorption energy, and change in the Gibbs energy were calculated from the adsorption isotherms.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1609-1614
pages 1609-1614 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes. Chromatography

Comparative Estimation of the Selectivity Parameters for Monolith HPLC Columns with Organic Sorbents

Yudina Y.S., Patrushev Y.V., Sidel’nikov V.N.


Monolith chromatographic columns are prepared for HPLC with sorbents based on 1-vinylimidazole and 4-vinylpyridine. A comparative estimation of column selectivity is performed using a model of the linear solvation energy relationship (LSER). Column polarity is shown to vary over a wide range by changing the content of 1-vinylimidazole and 4-vinylpyridine in the initial polymerization mixture. Examples are given of separation on the prepared columns.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1615-1620
pages 1615-1620 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Photogeneration of Singlet Oxygen by Tetra(p-Hydroxyphenyl)porphyrins Modified with Oligo- and Polyalkylene Oxides

Solov’eva A.B., Savko M.A., Glagolev N.N., Aksenova N.A., Timashev P.S., Bragina N.A., Zhdanova K.A., Mironov A.F.


Mono- and diethylene oxide derivatives of tetra(p-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin (THPP) with different conformation states are synthesized. These compounds exhibit high photosensitization activity in the generation of singlet oxygen in organic and aqueous (in the solubilized state) phases. It is shown that introducing ethylene oxide moieties into the hydroxyphenyl substituents of THPP increases its solubility in chloroform. In addition, the activity of singlet oxygen 1Δg generation in the reaction of anthracene photooxidation by THPP tetra derivatives in chloroform, where the ethylene oxide fragments are introduced into two phenyl rings and hexadecyl fragments are introduced into another two, is higher than the activity of mono- and di-modified THPP molecules with enthylene oxide molecules at one hydroxyphenyl cycle. The activity of tetra-substituted porphyrin in chloroform, however, is comparable to that of nonsubstituted tetraphenylporphyrin, considered to be one of the most active photosensitizers. The produced ethylene oxide derivatives of THPP are solubilized with pluronic F-127 (triblock copolymer of ethylene- and propylene-oxides)—one of the least toxic and effective polymeric detergents—forming water-soluble forms of the respective porphyrins. It is established that the pluronic solubilization capability (the lowest molar concentration of pluronic required for the complete transfer of porphyrin of a particular molar concentration dissolved in organic phase to the water-soluble form) is higher for asymmetrical mono- and di-derivatives of the THPP than for symmetric tetra-substituted THPP. It is shown that the activity of the solubilized water-soluble form of mono- and tetra-derivatives in tryptophan photoxidation is higher than that of unsubstituted THPP and is comparable to the activity of tetraphenylporphyrin.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1621-1626
pages 1621-1626 views

Probing the Formation of the NHC-Palladium Species in Ionic Liquids by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Shuang Men ., Jing Jiang .


We investigate the formation of the N-heterocyclic carbene palladium species in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The formation of the carbene species leads to a more negatively charged palladium atom, which shows lower binding energy. Meanwhile, a second electronic environment is observed for the N 1s spectrum showing lower binding energy. It suggests that the bonding of the imidazolium cation and the palladium atom causes the change of the distribution of the positive charge on the nitrogen atom, which is reflected on the N 1s binding energy.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1627-1630
pages 1627-1630 views

First Principles Study on the Interfacial Structure and Electronic Properties of a Metal-Free Organic Dye/TiO2 Photoanode for Water Oxidation

Lei Zhang ., Qiaoyi Wang .


Recently, metal-free organic dyes have been successfully incorporated in dye-sensitized water oxidation photoanode utilizing red light. In order to understand the interfacial structures and the related electronic/optical properties of the dye-sensitized water oxidation photoanode at nanoscale level, a metal free porphyrin dye/TiO2 interface that has been applied in a water splitting system experimentally is modelled via first principles. The DFT calculations predict vertical adsorption of the organic dye onto the TiO2 substrate via its carboxylic acid anchor. The calculated UV–Vis absorption spectra of the porphyrin organic dye/TiO2 system demonstrate peak absorption wavelengths at ca. 500, 580, and 620 nm, consistent with the experiments. Detailed electronic structure analysis including band structure, density of states and orbital distributions suggests effective dye sensitization and interfacial electron transfer in the organic dye/TiO2 system in the water oxidation photoanode, which is essential for water splitting efficiency.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1631-1635
pages 1631-1635 views

Short Communications

Luminescent Technique for Determining Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrations

Fedyaeva O.A., Poshelyuzhnaya E.G.


A luminescent technique is proposed for determining concentrations of hydrogen peroxide without the use of chemical reagents. It is shown that intense luminescence of solutions is observed in the range of 320‒460 nm. A smooth change in the luminescent properties of solutions at hydrogen peroxide concentrations of (0.0017‒133) × 10−3 mol/L is found.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1636-1637
pages 1636-1637 views

Dependence of Interfacial Tension on the Temperature and Concentration of Stearic Acid in a Water–n-Heptane System

Ataev G.M.


The dependence of interfacial tension on the temperature and concentration of surfactant (stearic acid) in a water–n-heptane system is investigated. Studies are performed in the temperature range from room temperature to 100°C without the surfactant and at four different concentrations of it. The dependence of the excess surface chemical potential of stearic acid molecules on temperature and concentration is determined, based on the experimental results.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1638-1640
pages 1638-1640 views

Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacities and Volumes of Barium and Cadmium Ions in Dimethylformamide at 298.15 K

Doronin Y.I., Vasilev V.A., Rakhmanova P.A., Novikov A.N.


The heat capacity and bulk properties of barium and cadmium iodide solutions in dimethylformamide (DMF) at 298.15 K are measured via calorimetry and densimetry. Standard partial molar heat capacities \(\bar {C}_{{p,2}}^{^\circ }\) and volumes \(\bar {V}_{2}^{^\circ }\) ВаI2 and CdI2 in DMF are calculated. The standard values of heat capacity \(\bar {C}_{{p,i}}^{^\circ }\) and volume \(\bar {V}_{i}^{^\circ }\) of barium and cadmium in DMF at 298.15 K were determined.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2018;92(8):1641-1643
pages 1641-1643 views

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