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卷 91, 编号 4 (2017)

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Morphology and thermodynamics of selenium-containing nanosystems: The effect of polymer stabilizers

Valueva S., Kipper A.


Nanosystems based on zero-valent selenium and biocompatible polymer stabilizers (polyvinylpyrrolidone with molecular weight (MW) Мw = (10–55) × 103, poly-N,N,N,N-trimethylacryloyloxyethylammonium methylsulfate with Мw = (30–250) × 103 and polyethylene glycol with Мw = (1–40) × 103) are studied by means of static and dynamic light scattering, and the resulting data are compared. Dense spherical multimolecular nanosystems are found to be formed. Morphological and thermodynamic characteristics of selenium-containing nanosystems, depending on the nature and MW of the polymer stabilizer, are determined. It is shown that the properties of nanosystems can be adjusted by varying the molecular weight of the polymer stabilizer.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):609-612
pages 609-612 views

Surface tension of liquid high-entropy equiatomic alloys of a Cu–Sn–Bi–In–Pb system

V’yukhin V., Chikova O., Tsepelev V.


An experimental study of the temperature dependences of the surface tension of liquid high-entropy equiatomic alloys of a Cu–Sn–Bi–In–Pb system is conducted. Measurements are made within the temperature range of tL to 1300°C in the mode of heating and subsequent cooling of a sample. Overcooling of a melt prior to crystallization is detected. The depth of overcooling grows along with the number of components in the melt, while the temperature coefficient of surface tension falls. The experimental results qualitatively interpreted within the concepts of the specific surface entropy of a liquid.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):613-616
pages 613-616 views

Phase diagrams of metal systems with highly volatile components: Simulation and experiments

Khaldoyanidi K.


A critical analysis is performed of existing literature data on the melting diagrams of systems whose components are a low-volatile metal and a high-volatile component. Models for the р–Т phase diagrams of binary systems are developed, and characteristic isobaric sections (partial state diagrams) are presented that correspond to the experimental data for real systems.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):617-621
pages 617-621 views

X-ray diffraction and thermodynamic characteristics for tellurite of the composition Li2CeTeO5

Rustembekov K., Bekturganova A.


Tellurite of the composition Li2CeTeO5 is synthesized by solid-phase method from cerium(IV) and tellurium(IV) oxides and lithium carbonate. The type of syngony, the unit cell parameters, and the compound’s X-ray and pycnometry densities are determined via X-ray diffraction analysis. The isobaric heat capacity of lithium–cerium tellurite is studied by means of dynamic calorimetry in the temperature range of 298.15–673 K; the results serve as the basis for deriving Cp° ~ f(T) dependency equations and determining the compound’s thermodynamic functions. λ-shaped anomalous effects, due probably to Type II phase transitions, are found on the Cp° ~ f(T) dependence.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):622-626
pages 622-626 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Thermodynamics of the formation of cerium(IV) malonate complex and the kinetics of its redox decomposition

Voskresenskaya O., Skorik N., Yuzhakova Y.


Thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of cerium(IV) malonate complex formed in the first stage of cerium(IV) oxidation by malonic acid H2Mal are studied using a spectrophotometer, a photometer, and a pH-meter at a ionic strength of I = 2 in the pH region of 0.3–1.6 in a sulfuric acid medium at a temperature of 296.8 K. Its composition is found to be CeOHMal+. The form of organic ligand is Mal2−; the thermodynamic parameters of its formation and kinetic parameters of its intramolecular redox decomposition are determined. The most likely scheme of the initial stages of redox proceeding in the Ce4+–SO42-–H2Mal system is discussed, and a quantitative model of it is proposed.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):627-633
pages 627-633 views

Quasi-chemical model of self-assembly and the formation of kinetically controlled structures

Erlikh G.


A quasi-chemical model of self-assembly among identical objects is proposed. The model rests on two main premises: (a) larger ensembles are more stable and (b) have slower rates of transformation, growth, and decomposition. These statements result from all paired interactions in the considered ensemble. This formulation of self-assembly is shown to be conducive to the formation of large ensembles with sizes distributed normally in a fairly narrow range, and with the concentrations of smaller ensembles being negligible. The existence of two critical points follows from the model. One is a critical concentration that initiates self-assembly in the system when exceeded. The other is a critical ensemble size that sets a threshold for the self-driven growth of ensembles in the system. The growth of ensembles nearly ceases at a point far from equilibrium, and the mean ensemble size and the ensemble’s size distribution are under kinetic control. Stable structures of this kind (with kinetic control of their organization) can serve as models for many natural self-organized systems.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):634-639
pages 634-639 views

Kinetics of nitrobenzene hydrogenation on spongy nickel and catalyst with supported palladium in 2-propanol aqueous solutions with acid or base additives

Thu Ha N., Latypova A., Efremov E., Lefedova O., Filippov D.


The effect acetic acid and sodium hydroxide additives in a 2-propanol aqueous solution of azeotrope composition have on the rate of nitrobenzene (NB) hydrogenation over spongy nickel and supported palladium catalysts is studied. Analysis of the experimental data indicates that adding acid slows the rate more than adding a base during NB hydrogenation on spongy nickel. The observed rate for spongy nickel falls in a series of solvents: 2-propanol–water (0.68 mole fraction) > 2-propanol–water (0.68 mole fraction) + NaOH (0.01M) > 2-propanol–water (0.68 mole fraction) + CH3COOH (0.01 M). When a palladium catalyst is used, the addition of acid has less of an effect on slowing the rate of the reaction than that of the base: 2-propanol–water (0.68 mole fraction) > 2-propanol–water (0.68 mole fraction) + CH3COOH (0.01 M) > 2-propanol–water (0.68 mole fraction) + NaOH (0.01 M).

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):640-644
pages 640-644 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Dependence of the electronic absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of iodine monochloride on the conditions of dilution and storage time

Klyubin V., Klyubina K., Makovetskaya K.


The electronic absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of iodine monochloride ICl are studied. The spectra of as-prepared solutions display the absorption band associated with hydrated ICl molecules. An additional band indicating that molecular iodine was formed in the solution emerges in the spectrum as dissolution takes place. Only the band belonging to iodine monochloride remains in the absorption spectra, and no additional bands appear after chloride anions Cl are added to the solution. The absorption spectrum becomes more complex when ICl is dissolved in an alkaline medium. The band belonging to molecular iodine emerges in the spectra at low alkali concentrations, while being transformed to other shorter-wavelength bands at high alkali concentrations (рН ≥ 12).

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):645-649
pages 645-649 views

Standard thermodynamic functions and constants of the formation of Nd3+ and Lа3+ complexes with glycine in aqueous solutions at 298 K

Chernyavskaya N., Lytkin A., Chernov A., Litvinenko V.


The enthalpies of complexation of glycine (HGly±) with Nd3+ and La3+ ions at 298.15 K and at an ionic strength of 0.5 (KNO3) are determined by means of calorimetry. The thermodynamic characteristics of the reactions of formation are calculated for NdGly2+, NdGly2+, LaGly2+, and LaGly2+ complexes.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):650-653
pages 650-653 views

Structural parameters of the immediate environment of ions in saturated aqueous solutions of lanthanide chlorides, according to X-ray diffraction data

Smirnov P., Grechin O.


Saturated aqueous solutions of lanthanide chlorides are studied by means of X-ray diffraction. Models of the investigated solutions are used to calculate quantitative characteristics of the immediate environment of ions in solutions using the obtained experimental data. It is established that all of the investigated systems are characterized by similar structures. Cations coordinate six solvent molecules in the first coordination sphere as the Ln3+–OH2 distances become shorter upon transitioning from light to heavy ions. Non-contact ion associates form in all the systems.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):654-657
pages 654-657 views

Kinetics of reactions of aquacobalamin with aspartic and glutamic acids and their amides in water solutions

Bui T., Sal’nikov D., Dereven’kov I., Makarov S.


The kinetics of aquacobalamin reaction with aspartic and glutamic acids, and with their amides in water solutions, is studied via spectrophotometry. The kinetic and activation parameters of the process are determined. It is shown that the reaction product is cobalamin–amino acid complex. The data are compared to results on the reaction between aquacobalamin and primary amines.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):658-661
pages 658-661 views

Stability of coordination compounds of Ni2+ and Co2+ ions with succinic acid anion in water–ethanol solvents

Tukumova N., Dieu Thuan T., Usacheva T., Koryshev N., Sharnin V.


Stability constants of the coordination compounds of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) ions with succinic acid anion in water–ethanol solvents are determined via potentiometric titration at ionic strength of 0.1 and at T = 298.15 K. It is found that logβ values of monoligand complexes of these ions and succinic acid anions rise along with the content of ethanol in solution (XEtOH = 0–0.7 mole fractions). Based on an analysis of the thermodynamic characteristics of the solvation of the reagents involved in complex formation, it is found that the increased stability of succinate complexes of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) ions in water–ethanol solvents is mainly determined by the weakening of the solvation of succinic acid anion (Y2−).

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):662-666
pages 662-666 views

Structure of aqueous solutions of sucrose, derived from viscosimetry data and IR spectroscopy

Masimov E., Pashaev B., Hasanov G.


The structural features of aqueous sucrose solutions are investigated via viscosimetry and IR spectroscopy in the 293.15–323.5 K range of temperatures at concentrations of 0–60%. Concentration dependences of the activation parameters of viscous flow, structural temperature, and energy and length of intermolecular hydrogen bonds are calculated based on the experimental data. It is shown that the solution became more structured with an increase in the sucrose concentration.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):667-671
pages 667-671 views

Determination of the NaFaq association constant for the NaF–NaCl–H2O System at 25–75°C by means of potentiometry

Lukyanova E., Zotov A.


Potentiometric measurements are made for the NaF–NaCl–H2O system at 25, 50, and 75°C using Na+- and F-sensitive electrodes and a Ag/AgCl reference electrode in both liquid junction and liquid junction free cells. A correction for the liquid junction potential is introduced to the liquid junction cells. The activity coefficients are calculated using the Debya–Hückel equation in the third approximation. The NaF thermodynamic association constants are determined (logK° =–0.375,–0.29, and–0.25) with an error of ±0.1 log units at 25, 50, and 75°C, respectively.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):672-677
pages 672-677 views

Solvent influence on complex formation between Cd2+ and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone in binary mixed nonaqueous solvents at 15–45°C

Farazandeh R., Rounaghi G., Ebrahimi M., Basafa S.


The complexation reaction of Cd2+ cation with 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (HNQ) was studied in acetonitrile (AN), 2-PrOH, ethyl acetate (EtOAc), EtOH, dimethylformamide (DMF) and in binary solutions AN–2-PrOH, AN–DMF, AN–EtOH, and AN–EtOAc using conductometric method at 15–45°C. The conductance data show that the stoichiometry of the Cd2+ complex with HNQ in all solvent systems is 1 : 1. In the pure solvents the stability of the complex changes in the order AN > 2-PrOH > EtOH > DMF. The stability of the complex at 25°C in the studied mixtures changes in the following order : AN−EtOAc > AN−2-PrOH > AN−EtOH > AN−DMF. These orders are affected by the nature and composition of the solvent systems and by the temperature. From the temperature dependence data, the thermodynamic functions values (ΔH° and ΔS°) for the complex formation were calculated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):678-684
pages 678-684 views

Thermodynamic properties of ibuprofen sodium salt in aqueous/urea micellar solutions at 298.15 K

Azum N., Asiri A., Rub M., Al-Youbi A.


Thermodynamic, surface and micellar properties of anti-inflammatory drug sodium 2-(4-isobutylphenyl) propionate (sodium salt of ibuprofen (NaIBF)) in aqueous/urea solution were studied by surface tension measurements at 298.15 K in the presence of anionic surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS). Critical micelle concentration (cmc), surface tension at cmccmc), maximum Gibbs surface excess (Γmax), minimum surface area per surfactant molecule at the air/water interface (Amin) etc. were determined in pure water as well as in aqueous urea solution. The theories of Clint, Rosen and Rubingh have been applied to describe the interactions between these amphiphiles at the interface and in the micellar solution. Various thermodynamic parameters have been calculated and discussed in detail.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):685-691
pages 685-691 views

Tri-n-butyl phosphate–ionic liquid mixtures for Li+ extraction from Mg2+-containing brines at 303–343 K

Shi C., Jing Y., Jia Y.


Extraction of Li+ ions from salt lake brine into an ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C2mim][NTf2]) mixed with tri-n-butyl was investigated. The extraction mechanism was been studied using UV–Vis spectroscopy From the temperature dependence data, the thermodynamic functions values (ΔG°, ΔH°, and ΔS°) were calculated. Furthermore, stripping of metals from ionic liquid phase to an aqueous phase by hydrochloric acid was accomplished.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):692-696
pages 692-696 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Complexation equilibria in tetrahydrofuran solutions of palladium(II) and lithium bromides

Putin A., Katsman E., Temkin O., Bruk L.


The solutions of palladium PdBr2 and lithium LiBr bromides in tetrahydrofuran (THF) at different concentrations were studied by UV–Vis spectroscopy. The data obtained were mathematically processed using various models. The best description was obtained with the model that includes the formation of four monomeric (PdBr+, PdBr2, PdBr3-, PdBr42-) and three dimeric (Pd2Br22+, Pd2Br4, Pd2Br62-) palladium complexes. The equilibrium constants of the monomer and dimer complexation stages and the extinction coefficients of the palladium complexes were calculated. The spectra of the individual monomer and dimer palladium complexes were calculated using this model.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):697-707
pages 697-707 views

Formation of solvate structures by the ortho-, meta-, and para-isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid in supercritical fluid

Antipova M., Gurina D., Odintsova E., Petrenko V.


The solvate structures formed by the ortho-, meta-, and para-isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid (o-HBA, m-HBA, and p-HBA) with a polar co-solvent (methanol at a concentration of 0.030 and 0.035 mole fractions) in supercritical carbon dioxide at a constant density of 0.7 g/cm3 and temperatures of 318 and 328 K have been studied by the classic molecular dynamics. It has been determined that a stable hydrogen-bonded complex with the co-solvent forms via the hydrogen of the carboxyl group for all isomers. The probability of this complex existence is high at all temperatures and concentrations. In the o-HBA molecule, the other functional groups are engaged in the intramolecular hydrogen bond, but not involved in interactions with methanol. It has been found that m-HBA and p-HBA can be involved in hydrogen bonds with methanol via hydroxyl hydrogen and oxygen atoms; they are characterized by the presence of one more co-solvent molecule (rarely, two molecules) in their solvation shell and intermittent formations/breakages of hydrogen bonds via other functional groups. These bonds are far less stable, and their formation is sensitive to change of temperature and co-solvent concentration. It has been concluded that the degree of selective solvation of m-HBA and p-HBA by co-solvent molecules is approximately the same, but the rate of structural rearrangements in the nearest environment of m-HBA is higher than that of p-HBA.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):708-714
pages 708-714 views

UV–Vis spectra and structure of acid-base forms of dimethylamino- and aminoazobenzene

Mikheev Y., Guseva L., Ershov Y.


The changes in the UV–Vis absorption spectra of dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB) in the cellulose triacetate (CTA) matrix during the absorption of gaseous hydrogen chloride and protonation of DAB in weakly and strongly acid solutions of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids were studied. The yellow-orange color of DAB and its analog aminoazobenzene (AAB) was shown to be due to the dimers, whose structure involves phenylaminyl type cations formed due to the promotion of the sp2 electrons of the azo groups to the Rydberg R3s orbitals of the azo groups and possessing Vis bands at 400–417 nm. The cations exist immanently as the dimers due to the Rydberg intermonomer bonds; the Vis bands of the dimers shifted toward 500–520 nm under the action of HCl (in CTA) and weakly acid media as a result of the formation of phenyl aminyl type pair cations, whose π* levels are split by Simpson’s mechanism, during the protonation of interrelated monomers. In the concentrated sulfuric acid, the Vis bands at 500–520 nm vanished because of the decomposition of the dimers into diprotonated monomers possessing Vis bands at 400–417 nm. The mechanism of transformations of chromogens responsible for the spectral transformation was given.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):715-726
pages 715-726 views

Low-temperature heat capacity and Schottky anomaly of ErVO4

Gavrichev K., Ryumin M., Tyurin A., Nikiforova G., Gus’kov V., Kritskaya A., Bryukhanova K., Gagarin P.


The heat capacity of erbium orthovanadate was studied by adiabatic calorimetry in the temperature range 5–340 K. The smoothed temperature dependences of the thermodynamic functions in the given temperature range and the Gibbs energy of formation of ErVO4 under the standard conditions were calculated from the experimental and literature data. The anomalous heat capacity related to the separation of the Stark electronic levels under the action of the crystal field was evaluated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):727-732
pages 727-732 views

Nuclear magnetic and nuclear quadrupole resonance parameters of β-carboline derivatives calculated using density functional theory

Ahmadinejad N., Tari M.


A density functional theory (DFT) calculations using B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) method were carried out to investigate the relative stability of the molecules of β-carboline derivatives such as harmaline, harmine, harmalol, harmane and norharmane. Calculated nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) parameters were used to determine the 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constant χ, asymmetry parameter η and EFG tensor (qzz). For better understanding of the electronic structure of β-carboline derivatives, natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis, isotropic and anisotropic NMR chemical shieldings were calculated for 14N nuclei using GIAO method for the optimized structures. The NBO analysis shows that pyrrole ring nitrogen (N9) atom has greater tendency than pyridine ring nitrogen (N2) atom to participate in resonance interactions and aromaticity development in the all of these structures. The NMR and NQR parameters were studied in order to find the correlations between electronic structure and the structural stability of the studied molecules.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):733-738
pages 733-738 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Molecular layering of silicon and aluminum oxides on binary semiconductors

Ezhovskii Y.


The formation of nanolayers of silicon and aluminum oxides, obtained by means of molecular layering (or atomic layer deposition (ALD technology)) on surfaces of GaAs, InAs, and InSb, is investigated. Conditions for the layer-wise growth of surface nanostructures are established, and some of their dielectric characteristics are estimated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):739-743
pages 739-743 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Formation of titanosilicate precursors of an active adsorption phase

Kuznetsova T., Ivanets A., Katsoshvili L.


Micro-mesoporous titanosilicate precursors of the active absorption phase of a composite ceramic membrane are synthesized, and their textural and adsorption properties are investigated by means of low-temperature nitrogen adsorption/desorption. Low-temperature isotherms of nitrogen adsorption/desorption are analyzed using the BET, Langmuir, comparative t-plot, Barrett–Joyner–Halenda, and density functional theory methods. It is found that at high contents of silicon(IV) oxide, the resulting xerogels have surface areas of 656 and 890 m2/g according to the BET and Langmuir approaches, respectively, while the micropores’ inner and outer surfaces are 453 and 466 m2/g, respectively, according to the t-plot. According to the DFT distributions, the mesopore diameters of a sample can be adjusted in the range of 3–9 nm. By analyzing the type of capillary condensation hysteresis in the adsorption/desorption isotherms, it is shown that the pores in the samples are very bottle-like, even though their shape may be different in reality. It is found that in samples with high contents of titanium(IV) oxide, the pore throats are blocked during adsorbate desorption, due to the percolation effect. It is assumed that the stabilization of particles of titanium(IV) oxide by amorphous layers of silica protects the texture of titanosilicate xerogels from full contraction and the coalescence of particles during heat treatment ranging from 393 to 923 K.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):744-748
pages 744-748 views

Effect of oxygen adsorption on the electrical conductivity of semiconducting nickel–iron oxide catalyst with spinel structure

Eyubova S.


Nickel–iron oxide catalyst semiconductor with spinel structure is synthesized from oxalates. Oxygen adsorption and its effect on the catalyst’s electrical conductivity in the temperature range of 353–693 K and the ferromagnetic state are studied. The presence of durable and reversible form of adsorbed oxygen is detected. It is established that the resistivity of samples and their activation energy depend on the type of adsorption and the temperature. Strongly adsorbed atomic oxygen is charged negatively and can participate in the reaction of oxidative dehydrogenation of butene-1.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):749-753
pages 749-753 views

Interfacial tension in cooled heterogeneous liquid acetonitrile–ethyl acetate–isopropanol–water–phenol systems

Rudakov O., Khorokhordina E., Preobrazhenskii M.


It is found that the tension at the interfacial boundary of liquid phases formed by mixtures of acetonitrile–ethyl acetate–isopropanol (85 : 15 : 0 and 80 : 15 : 5 vol/vol/vol %) and water at 263 K falls exponentially as the concentration of phenols grows within 0–1 mg/mL. It is shown that the relatively low values of interfacial tension (11–32 mN/m) observed in cooled heterogeneous systems promote the redistribution of phenols between two liquid phases.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):754-757
pages 754-757 views

Thermodynamics of adsorption on deformable adsorbents

Shkilev V., Lobanov V.


A new approach to constructing adsorption thermodynamics that provides the derivation of rigorous thermodynamic relationships for any adsorption system, particularly for a system with a deformable adsorbent, is proposed. Expressions for the thermodynamic functions of an adsorption system in the form of an arbitrary control volume containing the adsorbent and the adsorbed gas are derived. In the derived expressions, the role of adsorption is played by the total adsorbate content in the system. If the control volume boundaries are set appropriately, this quantity is identical to absolute adsorption.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):758-765
pages 758-765 views

Dynamics of the sorption of copper(II) and silver(I) by materials based on sulfoethylchitosan with various degrees of crosslinking

Petrova Y., Pestov A., Alifkhanova L., Neudachina L.


Optimum conditions of the dynamic concentration of copper(II) and silver(I) ions simultaneously present in a solution with N-(2-sulfoethyl)chitosan with a degree of modification equal to 0.5 and different degrees of crosslinking by glutaraldehyde are determined. The values of coefficients of selectivity KAg/Cu are determined under dynamic conditions. It is shown that the selectivity of the sorption of silver(I) increases (compared to copper(II)) as the degree of crosslinking of sorbents based on N-(2-sulfoethyl)chitosan is raised. Mathematical treatment of the obtained dynamic curves is performed according to the Thomas, Adams–Bohart, and Yoon and Nelson models. As a result, the values of dynamic capacity of sorbents, the rate constant of the reaction, and the release time of 50% of the sorbate are determined. The quantitative desorption of copper and silver from the surface of sorbents is achieved by using 1 mol/dm3 solution of nitric acid.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):766-770
pages 766-770 views

Thermodynamics of overequivalent sorption in multicomponent ion-exchange systems with amino acids

Khokhlova O., Khokhlov V., Bashlykova O., Trunaeva E.


Ion exchange and overoverequivalent sorption in the AV-17-2P-OH-Cl–tryptophan anion-exchange system are studied. It is established that the ion exchange of tryptophan against the background of the exchange of mineral ions (ОН–Сl) is better accomplished from alkaline solutions on the Cl form of the adsorbent and the overequivalent adsorption of an amino acid from a salt-containing solution on the OH form of the anion exchange resin. The results from calculating and analyzing the thermodynamic constants of ion exchange and non-exchange absorption are given.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):771-775
pages 771-775 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes. Chromatography

Loading properties of porous layered capillary columns with sorbents of different natures

Patrushev Y., Nikolaeva O., Sidelnikov V.


Loading properties are studied for the commercial porous layered capillary columns GASPRO, Rt-Q-BOND, and for columns with porous layers based on the divinylbenzene-vinylimidazole copolymer (DVB-VIm), poly(trimethylsilyl)propyn (PTMSP) and ordered silica of the MCM-41 type. It is shown that the loading capacity of a column based on MCM-41 is 5–10 times higher than in the other considered columns. The loading properties of porous layered columns and columns for gas–liquid chromatography are compared.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):776-779
pages 776-779 views

Colloid Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Dielectric response of epoxy–amine compositions during isothermal curing

Rodin D., Stefanovich S., Yablokova M.


The change in electric conductivity and dielectric permittivity during the curing of epoxy–amine compositions in a mixture with the thermoplastic Ultem 1000 polyetherimide at 180°C is studied by means of dielectric spectroscopy. TGDDM epoxy resin and DADPS, MDEA, and MIPA amine curing agents are used as the epoxy–amine composition. The times of the gel and glass transition are determined from the time and frequency dependences of the dielectric response of the investigated mixtures. At a certain step of curing of epoxy–amine compositions, the separation of a new phase enriched with the thermoplastic is detected. This separation is accompanied by charge accumulation along the phase boundary and its interaction with the external electric field. In the dielectric spectrum, this effect of phase separation appears as an individual relaxation process with characteristic parameters of dielectric relaxation. It is found that at the final step of isothermal curing, there is a glass transition of the polymer, leading to a sharp drop in the reaction rate and stabilization of the dielectric response with respect to time. The detected steps of the reaction and the corresponding changes in the structure and rheology of the investigated polymer systems are characterized and confirmed by methods of viscometry and optical microscopy.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):780-784
pages 780-784 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Photoluminescence of a novel red emitting phosphor LiLaMgWO6 : Eu3+

Zhang Z., Qi H., Zhu X., Lv R., Hou J., Li J., Wang D.


A novel red-emitting phosphor LiLaMgWO6 : Eu3+ has been synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state reaction. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and FT-IR spectra confirmed the formation of LiLaMgWO6 : Eu3+ phase. The photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra, the concentration dependence of the emission intensity, decay curves, and UV–Vis absorption spectra of the phosphor were obtained. The phosphor could be efficiently excited by the near ultraviolet (NUV) and blue light, exhibiting red light emission. The decay time was also determined for various Eu3+ concentrations in LiLaMgWO6. The calculated color coordinates of the emitted light lie in the red region. Therefore, the obtained results suggest that the prepared phosphors exhibit great potential for use as red emitting phosphor for white light emitting diodes.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):785-790
pages 785-790 views

Luminescence of antimony(III) halogenides complexes with 2- and 4-benzylpyridine

Sedakova T., Mirochnik A.


Antimony(III) halogenides complexes with 2- and 4-benzylpyridines of compositions (2-С12Н11NН)2SbBr5, (2-С12Н11NН)2SbBr5, (2-С12Н11NН)3SbI6, and (4-С12Н11NН)3SbI6 are synthesized. Differences between the nature of luminescence of the complexes under study are revealed. The luminescence of antimony(III) chloride complexes agrees with the luminescence spectrum of the benzylpyridinium cation. The reduction of the energy of the luminescence 3Р1-level of antimony(III) in bromide and iodide complexes ensures efficient transfer of the electron excitation energy from the resonance levels of an organic cation to antimony(III) levels and results in the emergence of characteristic luminescence of antimony(III).

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(4):791-795
pages 791-795 views