
Effect of metal-free porphyrins on the thermal–oxidative breakdown of biocompatible polymers
Zarkhina T., Aksenova N., Solov’eva A.
Study of methyl- and phenyl-substituted thermostable polysiloxane–silarylene motionless phases for capillary gas chromatography
Shashkov M., Sidel’nikov V., Komarova A.
Photogalvanic and photovoltaic effects in systems based on metal complexes of Schiff bases
Smirnova E., Besedina M., Karushev M., Vasil’ev V., Timonov A.
Polar stationary phases based on poly(oligo ethylene glycol)diacrylates for capillary gas chromatography
Shiryaeva V., Popova T., Korolev A., Kanat’eva A., Kurganov A.
Viscosity and Electrophysical Characteristics of Solutions Containing Nanocluster Polyoxometalates and Polyvinylpyrrolidone
Tonkushina M., Alekseeva O., Agafonov A., Ostroushko A.
Hydrodynamic Chromatography of Polystyrenes on Hollow Capillary Columns
Korolev A., Viktorova E., Kurganov A.
Enthalpy of mixing of porous nanocluster polyoxometalates of keplerate-type Mo72Fe30 with polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene glycol
Tonkushina M., Ostroushko A.
The Crystal-Chemical Role of Alkylmalonate Ions in the Structure of Coordination Polymers
Medvedkov Y., Serezhkina L., Serezhkin V.
Synthesis and Stabilization of Bismuth Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solutions
Borovikova L., Polyakova I., Korotkikh E., Lavrent’ev V., Kipper A., Pisarev O.
Fluorescent film sensor for nitroaromatics prepared via grafting a conjugated polymer on a glass slide surface
Wang A., Cui Y., Tao F., Gu C., Wang S., Li T.
Sorption and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Compositions of Water-Soluble Nonionic Polymers and Nanocluster Polyoxomolybdates
Ostroushko A., Adamova L., Koveza E.
Monolithic columns with organic sorbent based on poly-1-vinylimidazole for high performance liquid chromatography
Patrushev Y., Sidelnikov V., Yudina Y.
Comparative Estimation of the Selectivity Parameters for Monolith HPLC Columns with Organic Sorbents
Yudina Y., Patrushev Y., Sidel’nikov V.
Chromatographic determination of the diffusion coefficients of light hydrocarbons in polymers
Yakubenko E., Korolev A., Chapala P., Bermeshev M., Kanat’eva A., Kurganov A.
Gas Chromatography and Thermodynamic Characteristics of the Sorption of Model Sorbates on New Stationary Phases Based on Poly[oligo(ethylene glycol)diacrylates]
Shiryaeva V., Popova T., Korolev A., Kanat’eva A., Kurganov A.
Effect of the preparation method of silver and gold nanoparticles on the photosensitizing properties of tetraphenylporphyrin–amphiphilic polymer—nanoparticle systems
Aksenova N., Savko M., Uryupina O., Roldugin V., Timashev P., Kuz’min P., Shafeev G., Solov’eva A.
Oxidation of phosphine with quinone and quinoid redox polymers in alcohol solutions of copper
Polimbetova G., Mukhitdinova B., Ergozhin E., Borangazieva A., Khakimbolatova K., Tasmagambet A., Dauletkulova N., Ibraimova Z.
Structure of a composite material based on oxyfluoride glass and low-melting fluoroplast
Ignat’eva L., Savchenko N., Lalayan V., Zverev G., Usol’tseva T., Ustinov A., Shaulov A., Berlin A., Buznik V.
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