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Vol 60, No 1 (2024)

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Anti-Influenza activity of compounds derived from medicinal plants (Part I)

Fedorova V.A., Sivak K.V., Stosman K.I.


This review (I part) presents an analysis of publications devoted to the ant-viral antiinfluenza activity of medicinal plants. It has shown that 63 species are found to be promising sources for obtaining anti-influenza drugs. Their roots, stems, leaves and fruits contain different chemical compounds inhibiting reproduction of influenza virus, both in vitro and in vivo. These compounds have different mechanisms of action. Some of them act upon components of the viral particle, others upon signaling pathways in the host cells. The first part of our review focuses on 28 species.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):3-20
pages 3-20 views

Chemical composition and biological activity of wild Linum (Linaceae) Species

Naumenko-Svetlovа A.A.


The review presents data from literature sources on the component composition and biological activity of aboveground and underground parts of wild species of the genus Linum L. (Linaceae DC. ex Perleb). In recent decades, studies have been carried out on the component composition of not only flaxseed oil, but also cell cultures in vitro. This information is especially relevant for starting herbal materials derived from wild Linum species with small habitats or insignificant thicket density. Currently, information on the component composition and biological activity of oils or extracts has been obtained for 54 wild Linum species, belonging to 8 sections of 2 subgenera. In the aboveground and underground parts of the studied wild species of the genus Linum, the following sunstances were found: mucilage (in leaves and seeds), proteins (in seeds), vitamins (in leaves, seeds), alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, coumarins, tannins, pigments, cyanogenetic glucosides and lignans. Essential oil was isolated from the aboveground flowering parts of L. perenne L., L. ausrtiacum L., L. hirsutum L., L. pubescens Willd. ex Schult., L. tenuifolium L., and L. catharticum L. The chemosystematics does not contradict the system we previously compiled based on morphological, anatomical and molecular characteristics of Linum species. Asian and European herbal medicine traditionally uses aboveground parts of L. perenne, L. baicalense Juz., L. altaicum Ledeb. ex Juz., L. olgae Juz. and L. heterosepalum Regel. The seeds and fatty oil exhibit coating, wound-healing, mild laxative, and analgesic properties. Extracts of wild-growing Linum species, as well as their individual components, have varied bioactivity like antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, yeast-static, antiviral, cytotoxic, inhibitory, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and antioxidant. Species characterized by a high content of aryldihydronaphthalene-type lignans (a typical representative is justicidin B) have an antiviral effect and are effective against SARS-Cov-2. The yellow-flowered Linum species in the section Syllinum, with predominant aryltetralin lignans (e.g. 6-methoxypodophyllotoxin and its derivatives), exhibit anticancer activity. In the section Linopsis, L. corymbulosum Reichenb., which contains (–)-hinokinin, may prove to be an object of comprehensive research as a promising source of domestic herbal substances that can be used as adjunctive treatments in the anti-hepatitis B therapy.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):21-53
pages 21-53 views

Heracleum sosnowskyi (Apiaceae): eradication or wise utilization of plant raw Materials?

Luneva N.N.


The uncontrolled spreading of the monodominant colonies of Sosnowsky's hogweed Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. (Apiaceae) in Russia made the researchers look for methods of using its biomass in various sectors of the economy, which should prevent its further spread. The proposed methods of using plant biomass and technologies for obtaining useful substances from H. sosnowskyi have been developed regardless of inevitable changes in populations’ characteristics: in populations on abandoned lands that are currently unaffected by anthropogenic disturbance, under regular utilization the regeneration will decrease, resulting in reduced yields and profitability of production. It is possible to maintain a high yield of hogweed necessary for its utilization only under strictly controlled cultivation, which prevents its “escape”; however, it is not possible now, as this species has been removed from the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use. At the same time, there is a sufficient range of alternative sources of raw materials that contain useful substances, which are suggested to be obtained from H. sosnowskyi. Harvesting of H. sosnowskyi for raw materials from the roadside treelines and small rivers' riparian areas is so much a problem, that it is not considered in publications, although these particular ecotopes are the constant foci of ongoing invasion. Due to the uncontrolled spread of the H. sosnowskyi, the biodiversity of agricultural lands, including wild-growing food, technical and medicinal plants (including wild relatives of cultivated plants) are under threat.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):54-68
pages 54-68 views


Assessment of the prospects for using pharmacopoeial plants of the Trans-Baikal territory

Popova O.A., Tkachuk T.E., Chashchina N.A., Leskov A.P., Nikiforova Y.V., Laevskaya M.V.


The work represents a preliminary stage of resource studies of the Daurian part of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The XIVth edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation (2018) includes 102 species of medicinal plants, of which 30 species are found in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Using methods of approximate evaluation of the stocks of medicinal raw materials, we tentatively divided pharmacopeial species into three utilization groups: ten species can be harvested for the needs of the regional pharmacies, eight species can be collected for domestic use by local population, and only five widespread species (Pinus sylvestris L., Betula pendula Roth, Padus avium Mill., Vaccinium vitis-idaea L., Ledum palustre L.) can be used as a resource for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation. The remaining species Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel, Vaccinium myrtillus L., Carum carvi L., Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott are found in sporadic locations, and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., Rhodiola rosea L., Convallaria keiskei Miq. is included in the 2017 Red Data Book of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Harvesting of these species is prohibited. It has been established that for the resource studies the most promising are 15 medicinal plant species, and the most promising locations are Yablonovay Range and Argun Dauria floristic regions due to the greatest diversity of pharmacopoeial medicinal plants there.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):69-79
pages 69-79 views

Introduction of Resourse Species

Features of the introduced species composition and state in the arboreta of Dzhanybek research station in the Northern Pre-Caspian Semi-Desert

Sizemskaya M.L., Sapanov M.K.


The results of studying introduced species diversity and state under rainfed conditions at the Research station of the Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been presented. The station is located in the clay semi-desert of the Northern Pre-Caspian region between the Volga and Ural rivers. The collections of two arboreta were examined. The first arboretum was established in 1953 on hydromorphic meadow-chestnut soils of large mesodepressions, and the second – in 1974 on solonetzic automorphic soils. The arboreta were originally established with an idea of complete elimination of irrigation. In recent decades, tending and silvicultural treatments were discontinued for a number of reasons. An annotated list of tree and shrub species includes 77 species belonging to 25 families and 44 genus. In the arboretum on the large mesodepression, the number of species surviving for more than half a century is 35% in relation to the number of “core” introduced species. Mostly, the species are represented by the families Rosaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Fagaceae, Fabacea, Oleaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, Ulmaceae. Some specimens older than 70 years are in satisfactory condition and produce viable volunteer regrowth. The main stages of their acclimatization, in relation to age, and changes in growing conditions, as affected by plants themselves as well as climate, are distinguished. In arboretum on solonetzic soils, the survival of species is 50%. The composition of tree and shrub vegetation of an unused pond, where spontaneous vegetation formed an intrazonal willow-oleaster-poplar community of quasi-riparian type, and of the overgrowing fallow land, where a specific “savannah-like” landscape was formed, have been studied. This allowed to identify the species whose life strategy contributes to their successful colonization of human-disturbed habitats and, in some cases, manifestation of the features of naturalization and invasiveness. The most promising species for landscaping, parks and other plantings in such harsh natural and climatic conditions were also determined.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):80-93
pages 80-93 views


Bioactive compounds from the bark of Juniperus communis (Cupressaceae)

Selivanova N.V., Pustynnaya M.A., Gusakova M.A., Bogolitsyn K.G.


The paper presents the results of the study of Juniperus communis L. (Cupressaceae) bark composition. It is shown that the juniper’s bark contains 3.5 times more extractives than its wood. Individual component composition of ethanol and petroleum extracts of J. communis bark was confirmed using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. Difference in the component composition of ethanol and petroleum bark extracts was determined. The major constituents of J. communis ethanol extract are monosaccharides, disaccharides and resin acids; of petroleum extract – resin and fatty acids, and sterols. It has been established, that ethanol extract of J. communis bark exhibit high antioxidant activity. The ABTS radical inhibition activity of the bark alcoholic extract reached 86–87%. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that in the subarctic region the bark of J. communis is a source of valuable bioactive substances.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):94-103
pages 94-103 views

Component compoition of the aerial parts Centaurea (Asteraceae) species from Siberia and Central Asia

Kasterova E.A., Revushkin A.S., Ebel A.L.


The component composition of 6 species of the genus Centaurea L. s.l. (C. gontscharovii Iljin, C. modesti Fed., C. phyllopoda Iljin, C. ruthenica Lam., C. scabiosa L., C. sibirica L.) growing in Siberia and Central Asia was studied. For the species C. modesti, C. phyllopoda, C. gontscharovii, the component composition was determined for the first time. Using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 24 phenolic compounds were identified in the aerial parts of the studied species, of which 15 are flavonoids, and 9 are phenolic acids. Ethyl gallate was identified in all studied species. For Central Asian species, except for C. gontscharovii, the presence of avicularin, baicalin, and apigenin is characteristic. Gallic acid was identified in all species except C. sibirica. Chlorogenic acid was characteristic of all species except C. modesti. Syringin, salipurposide, avicularin, baicalin, and apigenin were found in C. ruthenica and C. phyllopoda. Dihydromyricitin was identified in C. ruthenica from Kazachstan only, eriodictyol and ellagic acid were identified in C. scabiosa, and fumaric and salicylic acids were identified in C. phyllopoda. In the studied species, the content of phenolic compounds in terms of dry raw materials was 0.6–6.7%.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):104-111
pages 104-111 views

Biological Activity of Resource Species

Calendula officinalis (Asteraceae) as a radiosensitizer in radiotherapy of tumors

Koldman S.D., Koldman V.A., Belousov A.V., Mazaletskaya L.I.


The effect of aqueous-alcoholic tincture of Сalendula officinalis L. (Asteraceae) on tumor cells of different species and tissue origin was studied. Its potential as a radiosensitizer in combination with γ-radiation was determined. It has been established that C. officinalis tincture causes the death of tumor cells regardless of their p53 and p21 status. C. officinalis tincture has antioxidant properties, but for cells with active p21 it exhibits radiosensitizing rather than radioprotective properties. For cells lacking p21, C. officinalis tincture is a radioprotector, so the cell death is p21 mediated. A study of the radiosensitizing properties of C. officinalis was carried out on a mouse melanoma model in vivo. In combination with γ-radiation, it led to a significant inhibition of tumor growth (by 47%), as compared to irradiation only. The significant radiosensitizing effect and capability of overcoming the tumor cells resistance induced by p53 inactivation make C. officinalis tincture promising as an add-on to radiotherapy, allowing to reduce the effective radiation dose 1.7 times.

Rastitelʹnye resursy. 2024;60(1):112-124
pages 112-124 views

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