
Archean Fossil Microorganisms
Astafieva M.
Initial growth deceleration as an immanent property of plants
Galitskii V.
Laboratory Simulation of “Proteolytic Bacterium–Cyanobacterium” Interaction in Alkaliphilic Microbial Community
Boltyanskaya Y., Kevbrin V.
Bacteria, cyanobacteria, and calcareous algae in Cambrian biotic associations of the Khubsugul phosphate deposit in western Mongolia
Luchinina V., Zhegallo E.
Traits of Biomorphic Structure Formation in Kamchatka Geyserites
Zhegallo E., Zaytseva L., Orleansky V., Samylina O., Karpov G.
Participation of algal–bacterial community in the formation of modern stromatolites in Cock Soda Lake, Altai Region
Samylina O., Zaytseva L., Sinetova M.
Use of Morphology of Halophilic and Alkaliphilic Cyanobacteria as a Criterion for Detection of Soda Conditions in the Past
Samylina O.
The Biostratigraphic Paradox of Precambrian Cyanobacteria: Distinguishing the Succession of Microfossil Assemblages and Evolutionary Changes Observed among Proterozoic Prokaryotic Microorganisms
Sergeev V.
Cambrian Photosynthetic and Chemosynthetic Ecosystems in the Siberian Craton
Luchinina V.
Bacterial paleontology of the Neoarchean banded iron formations of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
Astafieva M., Felitsyn S., Alfimova N.
Facies-Stratigraphic Distribution of Organic-Walled and Silicified Microfossils in the Early Billiyakh Basin (Lower Riphean, Anabar Uplift, Siberia)
Petrov P., Sharma M., Vorob’eva N., Sergeev V.
Volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Sortavala Group: A habitat of ancient microorganisms
Astafieva M.
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