
A New Platynotan Lizard (Parasaniwidae, Anguimorpha) from the Late Paleocene of Southern Mongolia
Alifanov V.
Dzeren from the cavicorn fauna of the Nalaikha locality
Dmitrieva E., Serdyuk N.
On Polymorphism of Protoceratops andrewsi Granger et Gregory, 1923 (Protoceratopidae, Neoceratopsia)
Tereschenko V.
Evolution of bird communities in the Neogene of Central Asia, with a review of the Neogene fossil record of Asian birds
Zelenkov N.
New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Middle–Late Permian of Northeastern Mongolian Boreal Basin
Manankov I.
A New Record of Mongoloscapter (Talpidae, Lipotyphla, Mammalia) from the Oligocene of Mongolia
Lopatin A.
On the stratigraphy of the reference section of the Upper Mesozoic deposits of Undur-Bogd in southern Mongolia
Khand E., Munkhtsetseg J., Badamgarav D.
New Material on Small Hyenodons (Hyaenodontinae, Creodonta) from the Paleogene of Mongolia
Lavrov A.
Lizards of the Family Temujiniidae (Iguanomorpha): Finds from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia, Classification and Geographical Origin
Alifanov V.
Paleoentomology of Mongolia
Ponomarenko A., Popov Y.
To the 50th Anniversary of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition
Lopatin A.
The stem placental mammal Prokennalestes from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia
Lopatin A., Averianov A.
Studies of fossil brachiopods of Mongolia: Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian
Afanasjeva G.
Lizards of the Families Dorsetisauridae and Xenosauridae (Anguimorpha) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Alifanov V.
A new charophyte species from the Upper Oligocene of western Mongolia (Shine Us locality)
Gereltsetseg L.
Bacteria, cyanobacteria, and calcareous algae in Cambrian biotic associations of the Khubsugul phosphate deposit in western Mongolia
Luchinina V., Zhegallo E.
Lizards of the Families Eoxantidae, Ardeosauridae, Globauridae, and Paramacellodidae (Scincomorpha) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Alifanov V.
Upper Cretaceous paleosols of the Bain-Dzak section, southern Mongolia
Naugolnykh S.
Prasinophyte green algae Tasmanites and problematic fossils in the Upper Vendian Biota of the Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia
Ragozina A., Dorjnamjaa D., Serezhnikova E., Zaitseva L., Enkhbaatar B.
First Record of Stegosaur (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) from the Aptian–Albian of Mongolia
Tumanova T., Alifanov V.
Middle Jurassic floras of Mongolia: Composition, age, and phytogeographic position
Kostina E., Herman A.
Lizards of the family Hodzhakuliidae (Scincomorpha) from the lower Cretaceous of Mongolia
Alifanov V.
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