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Volume 63, Nº 3 (2023)


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Production of Marine Fuel Components by Extraction Treatment of Vacuum Gasoils and Gasoils from Secondary Oil Refining Processes (A Review)

Gayle A., Kameshkov A., Klement'ev V., Vereshchagin A.


Data on the extraction of aromatic hydrocarbons and of sulfur- and nitrogen-containing compounds from model systems with selective solvents, ionic liquids, and deeply eutectic solvents are discussed. The results of the extraction treatment of light and heavy vacuum gasoils and of visbreaker and delayed coker gasoils are presented. The extraction treatment of vacuum gasoils and gasoils from secondary oil refining processes allows the sulfur content of the raffinate to be reduced to less than 0.5 wt %, which meets the requirements to marine fuels used in open sea. The treatment of visbreaker and especially delayed coker gasoils is considerably more efficient than that of vacuum gasoils. The degree of removal of nitrogen-containing components and polyaromatic compounds with dimethylformamide or N-methylpyrrolidone as an extractant is higher than that of sulfur-containing compounds.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):279-304
pages 279-304 views

Comparative Catalytic Study for Upgrading Mexican Heavy Crude Oil

Schacht-Hernandez P., Perez Romo P., C. Laredo G.


In this work, the study of three transition metal mixtures: cobalt-molybdenum (CoMo), nickel-molybdenum (NiMo), and nickel-cobalt-molybdenum (NiCoMo) with phosphorus supported on a γ-Al2O3 were studied for the hydroprocessing of heavy crude oil. The different metallic compositions were incorporated on gamma-alumina support by incipient wetness impregnation. The materials obtained were dried at 110°C and calcined to 450°C (4 h). The catalysts were evaluated using a Parr stainless steel batch reactor at 10.6 MPa and 380°C, for one hour. Mexican heavy crude oil named Ku-Ma-Loob Zaap was used and characterized according to its chemical composition: saturates, asphaltenes, resins, and aromatics (SARA). Sulfur and nitrogen were also determined by chemiluminescence techniques. The physical measurements for qualifying the transport properties were API gravity and kinematic viscosity. Among the tested catalysts, NiCoMoP/γ-Al2O3 presented the highest activity, increasing the API gravity from 12.6 to 24.5°API and decreasing the kinematic viscosity from 9.896 to 45 cSt at 25°C. The increasing activity was strongly related to the reducibility of the metals and weakly to the metals content. The surface area and pore volume did not change with the amount of metal, so no effect related to these properties was observed. Phosphorus presence was not discussed, since approximately the same amount was used in the three samples. However, it is known that phosphorus increased the hydrotreating activity due to the increased acidity of the catalyst, making trimetallic catalysts more active than bimetallic ones. In terms of the chemical composition of the upgraded crude oil, it was evident that the asphaltenes, sulfur, and nitrogen contents decreased sharply.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):305-313
pages 305-313 views

Bitumen Resistance to Plastic Deformation at High Temperatures

Gordeeva I., Dudareva T., Krasotkina I., Gorbatova V., Nikol'skiy V., Zvereva U., Obukhov A.


A number of Russian bitumen samples with the penetration range of 60 to 120×0.1 mm were rheologically investigated in the temperature range of 46–70°C to evaluate their resistance to plastic rutting using relevant oscillatory and rotational rutting parameters. Based on an assessment of correlations between structural and rheological parameters, the best correlations were observed between the Gaestel Colloidal Index (CI) and the rheological parameters R3.2 and tgδ. The study demonstrated that modified bitumen must be used for pavements with extreme (“E”) traffic loading in Russian regions where PG 52 or higher grade binders are required.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):314-328
pages 314-328 views

Desulfurization of Crude Oils, Diesels, and Oil Fractions by Treatment with Ozone and Metal Chlorides

Nigmatullin I., Zuber V., Nigmatullin R.


West Siberian crude oils from the Samotlorskoye oil field, diesel fractions, and I-20A industrial oil were desulfurized with metal chlorides (ZnCl2, FeCl3, and AlCl3) and with a reagent complex (formulation) consisting of 70 wt % AlCl3, 25 wt % oxygenated diesel fuel, and 5 wt % NaOH. Purification of a mixed diesel fraction with an AlCl3 + NaOH (at a weight ratio of 10 : 1) formulation reduced the sulfur content in the diesel mixture from 0.82 to 0.146%. When purifying I-20A with a formulation at a weight ratio of 1 : 1, the sulfur content in the oil decreased from 0.2 to 0.03%. When the West Siberian crude oil (in which organosulfur compounds had been pre-oxygenated by an ozone–oxygen mixture into sulfoxides and sulfones) was purified with a formulation at a weight ratio of 20 : 1, the sulfur content was reduced from 1.8 to 0.5 wt %. The spent formulation was disposed of by introduction into bitumen.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):329-337
pages 329-337 views

Increasing the Efficiency of Demulsification Treatment in Petroleum Industry Using a Multicomponent Demulsifier Package

Azizollah K.


In this work, a multicomponent demulsifier package (named BDTXI) was developed for increasing the demulsification performance of the water-in-oil emulsions. Optimized demulsifier formulation consists of three active components (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, dodecyltriemthylammonium chloride, trioctylmethylammonium chloride), xylene, and isopropanol. A positive synergistic effect was observed among the active components of BDTXI. The concentrations of the components of the developed demulsifier package are determined based on obtaining the best synergistic effect. The demulsification efficiency of BDTXI was higher than commercial reagents at any concentration, water content, and temperature. The optimal concentration of BDTXI was 50 ppm, at which its demulsification effectiveness was more than 97%. The developed demulsifier package could adsorb at the oil-water interface, promote the colloidal dissolution of the emulsion layers, and form a hydrophilic surface characterized by a weak structural strength. The demulsification mechanism of BDTXI was based on minimizing the interfacial tension in order to be able to break the film and increase the frequency of droplet collisions. The change in the temperature and water content of the emulsions did not affect the demulsification performance of BDTXI. Moreover, the average reduction in the asphaltene flocculation parameter with the use of BDTXI and commercial reagents was about 19 and 11%. The results of the analysis of the backscattering light intensity, turbiscan stability index, zeta potential, and shear rate of the emulsions in the presence of various demulsifiers showed that BDTXI could separate the water in the emulsions more efficiently and faster than the commercial reagents.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):338-353
pages 338-353 views

Synthesis of New Hydrazone Compounds from Natural Grease and Investigation as Flow Improver for Crude Oil

Shu Z., Longyu W., Pengzhang C., Xuefan G., Huani Z., Gang C.


n this work, salicylaldehyde hydrazone (SAH), different from the traditional polymers, was synthesized from natural oils (castor, SAСH, rapeseed, SARH and soybean, SASH), hydrazine hydrate and salicylaldehyde. Firstly, natural grease reacts with hydrazine hydrate to produce hydrazide, and then salicylaldehyde reacts with hydrazide to synthesis salicylaldehyde hydrazone. In this work, SAH were evaluated as viscosity-reducers and pour point depressors for crude oil. The results show that the SAH can significantly reduce the pour point and viscosity of crude oil, with the increase of crude oil fluidity, the viscosity reduction rate of сrude oil from Jinghe Oilfield (QHO) reaches to 80.1% (40°С), the pour point decreases by 12.1°С, the viscosity reduction rate of сrude oil from Xinjiang Oilfield (STO) reaches to 87.5% (15°С), and the pour point decreases by 6.2°С. Based on the efficiency of different SAH, structure-function relationship was discussed. The mechanism of SAH effecting on crude oil is that the long alkyl chain is conducive to inhibiting the growth of crystals when eutectic with wax nuclei in heavy oil, and plays the role of pour point and viscosity reduction.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):354-362
pages 354-362 views

Hydrogenation of Light Cycle Oil to Produce Components of Winter and Arctic Diesel Fuels

Sultanova M., Samoylov V., Ziniatullina A., Utepbergenova A., Ramazanov D., Knyazeva M.


This study proposed and experimentally investigated a novel approach to hydrogenation of light cycle oil (LCO) into components of winter and arctic diesel fuels (DF) environmentally classified as K5 as per the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union (TR CU) 013/2011 “On the requirements for automotive and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuels, jet fuels, and heating oils”. The process design involves atmospheric distillation of LCO with EBP 300˚C followed by hydrotreating. Hydrogenates with low concentrations of total sulfur (<10 mg/kg) and arenes (28.6–38.0 wt %) and adequate low-temperature properties (CFPP≤–43˚C) were produced. An assessment of the physicochemical properties of the hydrogenates against applicable regulations for DF properties suggested that these hydrogenates can be effectively used as components of winter and arctic fuels by blending them into hydroisomerization diesel fractions (HIDF) and winter diesel fuels (WDF). An analysis of the main quality characteristics confirmed the feasibility of blending the LCO-derived hydrogenates into winter and arctic diesel fuels. Using GC×GC/MS examination, correlations were found between the hydrogenation process conditions, the physicochemical properties of the hydrogenates, and their detailed hydrocarbon compositions.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):363-379
pages 363-379 views

Combined Adsorptive and Ultrasonic Treatment to Remove Metals from Fuel Oil

Kobotaeva N., Skorokhodova T.


The study investigated removal of metals (Ni, V, Cr, Fe, Ti, and Mo) from fuel oil using ultrasonic treatment (UST) and adsorbents such as carbon black, carbon nanotubes, aluminum oxyhydroxide (AlO(OH)), iron oxyhydroxide (FeO(OH)), and titanium dioxide (TiO2). Combined adsorption/UST provided a somewhat higher demetallization degree than the use of adsorbents alone. Compounds of iron, chromium, and molybdenum, which presumably complex with petroleum feedstock components due to intermolecular bonding, were removed almost completely (>95%). The removal of titanium compounds reached 60%. For these metals, no correlation between the removal degree and the physicochemical properties of the adsorbents was found. For vanadium and nickel, the highest removal degrees (37 and 23%, respectively) were achieved when an iron oxyhydroxide adsorbent was used in combination with UST. This can likely be associated with the superiority of the FeO(OH) adsorbent in negative surface charge and specific surface area compared to the other samples.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):380-390
pages 380-390 views

Cracking of Heavy Oil in Supercritical Water in the Presence of Iron Oxide Nanopowder: Asphaltene Transformations and Process Kinetics

Sviridenko N.


The products of catalytic cracking of heavy crude oil from the Ashalchinskoye oil field (the Almetyevsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) were characterized. The effects of a Fe2O3 nanopowder catalyst and the presence of supercritical water (SCW) on the composition and structure of these cracking products were investigated. Cracking over 0.01 wt % Fe2O3 nanopowder in a SCW environment was found to enhance the yield of distillates by more than 34 wt % and to reduce the content of resinous asphaltene materials by a factor of 2.1 compared to the initial crude oil. It was further shown that Fe2O3-nanopowder-catalyzed cracking produces coke-like asphaltenes with a low H/C atomic ratio (no higher than 0.75). Reaction rate constants were evaluated for the thermal and catalytic cracking of the heavy oil from the Ashalchinskoye field.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):391-400
pages 391-400 views

Promising Applications of Polyethyleneimine as a Ligand in Rhodium-Catalyzed Tandem Hydroformylation/Hydrogenation of Olefins

Gorbunov D., Nenasheva M., Kuvandykova E., Kardashev S., Karakhanov E.


Three rhodium-containing catalytic systems active in tandem hydroformylation/hydrogenation of unsaturated substrates were developed based on polyethyleneimine (PEI): a homogeneous system with distillation of the product; a biphasic system with segregation of the product and catalyst into a non-polar phase and a polar phase, respectively; and a solid catalyst prepared from PEI and (3-chloropropyl)triethoxysilane with its centrifugation from the product mixture. All the systems were shown to be reusable over multiple cycles in hydroformylation/hydrogenation, with the catalytic activity being partially sustained in both steps of the tandem process. Methylation of PEI (or its NH and NH2 moieties in the case of solid material) was found to be critical for the catalytic activity in hydroformylation.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):401-415
pages 401-415 views

Novel Samarium Cobaltate/Silicon Carbide Composite Catalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane into Synthesis Gas

Loktev A., Arkhipova V., Bykov M., Sadovnikov A., Dedov A.


The paper describes a specifically developed novel samarium cobaltate/silicon carbide composite that transforms into a high-performance carbon-resistant catalyst for dry reforming of methane into syngas (DRM). This 30%SmCoO3/70%SiC composite without hydrogen prereduction was tested in DRM at atmospheric pressure and GHSV 15 L g–1 h–1 (of an equimolar CH4–CO2 mixture). During the test, the yields of hydrogen and carbon monoxide reached 92 and 91 mol %, respectively, at 900°C, and 20 and 28 mol % at 700°C. Using XRD, TGA, and SEM examination, zero carbonization of the catalyst surface was demonstrated. It was found that, in the course of DRM, the initial composite transformed into a material that contained silicon carbide, samarium silicate, and samarium oxide, as well as metallic cobalt nanoparticles (<20 nm).

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):416-428
pages 416-428 views

Synthesis and Properties of Polyurea Greases Based on Silicone Fluids and Poly-α-olefin Oils

Lyadov A., Kochubeev A., Parenago O.


The paper describes an investigation of lubricants synthesized by thickening a dispersion medium consisting of silicone oil (PES-5) and poly-α-olefin oil (PAOM-12) with diureas of different compositions. The study revealed the effects of the compositions both of the dispersion medium and urea thickener, as well as their ratio in the lubricating formulation, on the major physicochemical properties of resultant greases. Increasing the content of the hydrocarbon component of the grease was shown to improve the physicochemical properties. Finally, the optimum grease composition was identified: introducing a polyurea thickener that contained diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate resulted in the synthesis of greases that had adequate operating characteristics and an improved wear performance.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):429-436
pages 429-436 views

Performance of Polyalkyl Acrylate Additives of Various Compositions in Low-Temperature Dewaxing of Oil Raffinates

Arifullin I., Kazantsev O., Kamorin D., Moykin A., Medzhibovskiy A., Simagin A., Sivokhin A., Ozhogin S.


The performance of polyalkyl acrylate additives of various compositions in low-temperature dewaxing of 11 oil fractions differing in the viscosity and content of waxes, aromatic hydrocarbons, and resins was studied. The dewaxing was performed in a methyl ethyl ketone–toluene mixed solvent. For polyalkyl acrylate with pendant C16–10 alkyl chains, the raffinates can be subdivided into three groups with respect to an increase in the yield of dewaxed oils (relative to the process without additives): increase by 12–13, 5–8, and 3–4%. In most cases, introduction into such polymer of 5–30% polar groups (amino ester, amino amide, amide, oligoethylene glycol) allowed the oil yield to be additionally increased.

Neftehimiâ. 2023;63(3):437-446
pages 437-446 views

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