
Media registration certificate: № 0110242 от 10.06.1994

Russian Journal of Forest Science (Lesovedenie) started from 1967. The founder is the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Co-founders – Centre for Forest Ecology and Production, Russian Academy of Sciences (CFEP) and Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ILAN).

Comes out 6 times. Publisher: Russian Academy of Sciences.

Russian Journal of Forest Science is unique for Russia Journal, existing nearly half a century and covering a wide range of science about the forest. This spectrum covers typology, functioning, diversity and dynamics of forest ecosystems. The journal deals with the theoretical basis of the measures to increase productivity, optimization of the forest management, and the conservation of biodiversity in the forest ecosystems. The interest area involves the studies of the effect of human impact on the forest ecosystems as well as the forest resilience to such alterations. The journal considers the forests as the sophisticated natural complex of the utmost importance for the energy accumulation and the matter transformation in the biosphere. It provides reader with the information on the best advances of Russian and International science in this field as well as on the biospheric role of the forest. The journal covers new methods for the study of forest cover and its dynamics, including methods of mathematical modeling and using of satellite monitoring technologies. The journal publishes reviews of new monographs and textbooks on management and informational about congresses, conferences, meetings. On pages of the journal you can get acquainted with the history of forest science, read the commemorative articles on our colleagues-foresters and forest ecologists.

The journal enters the List of Russian Scientific Journals Peer-Reviewed by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, where major scientific results of theses for the degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences can be published. The journal is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing of the thesis outcomes. 

Current Issue

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No 2 (2024)

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Current Assessment of the Wetland Carbon Pool in Different Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation
Vompersky S.E., Sirin A.A., Glukhova T.V., Tsyganova O.P., Valyaeva N.A.

A current more detailed assessment of the bog and wetland areas in the Russian Federation (RF) and the carbon stock in their peat layers has been conducted. Compared to the previous assessment (Vompersky et al., 1994), the creation of the geoinformation system (GIS) “Bogs of Russia” at the Institute of Forestry Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vompersky et al. 2005), allowed to include, in addition to the cartographic basis, replenishable layers of thematic content and to determine the areas of peatlands and carbon stock in their peat layers not only for the whole country, but also for separate constituent entities of the Russian Federation country as a whole, but also for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is important for the administration of each constituent territory to be aware of the peat reserve volumes in order for sustainable nature management to be maintained. It is shown that the area of bogs and marshlands amounted to 328 million hectares, peat stock — to 216.3 billion tons (abs. dry mass). The stock of carbon associated with the peat was 108.7 billion tons. Compared to previous estimates, the area decreased by 11% and carbon stock by 4%. The Annex to the article contains the data on the bogs and wetlands areas, overall carbon stock in their peat layers and specific carbon stocks per unit area of bogs and wetlands for different constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The carbon stocks estimates were also obtained separately for the main groups of bog and wetland habitat types.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):115-125
pages 115-125 views
Predictions of Carbon Stock in the Southern Moscow Region Forests Under Different Forest Use Scenarios
Shanin V.N., Priputina I.V., Frolov P.V., Tebenkova D.N., Bykhovets S.S., Chumachenko S.I.

The results of forest simulation modelling of the dynamics of carbon pools and fluxes in forest ecosystems under different forest management scenarios were considered on the example of the Dankovsky forest enterprise (south of the Moscow region, subzone of coniferous-broadleaved mixed forests). The impact of such changes in forest management practices, as the reserve regime, the reduction in the proportion of forest lands as a result of residential development, and zoning of the territory with an emphasis on increasing the recreational use of forests on the carbon balance was analysed. In computational experiments, a set of Russian models was used: the dynamic model of a forest stand FORRUS-S, the model of soil organic matter dynamics Romul_Hum, the model of the hydrothermal regime of soils SCLISS. Calculations were performed for a time period of 100 years at the forestry unit level, and were also aggregated at the level of the entire forestry district. The diversity of types of forest growth conditions (FGC), together with the species diversity and the initial different ages of stands, determined significant variations of the calculated indicators of forest stands’ production, the quantity and quality of plant litter entering the soil. For all cases, model estimates of changes in carbon reserves occurred in the forest stands within the initial 40–60 years with a subsequent decrease in the calculated values. Under the conservation scenario, an increase in the organic substances reserves in forest litter and soil was observed: for FGCs C2 and C3, an increase over 100 years was approximately 5–10 kg m–2, for the remaining FGCs — at the level of 2–3 kg m–2 in terms of carbon. Under the economic use scenarios, a relative “levelling” of forest enterprise area towards the lower end of the spectrum was shown in terms of soil carbon reserves. The maximum ecosystem carbon stock was calculated for FGC C2 and C3, the minimum — for A5 and C4. Depending on the scenario, over 100 years, the total net sequestration of carbon by the forests of the Dankovsky forest enterprise (with a total area of forested land of 6836 ha) was estimated within the range of 0.15–0.57 Tg.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):126-140
pages 126-140 views
Bark Thickness of Forest-forming Species: Modeling and Comparative Analysis
Usoltsev V.A., Tsepordey I.S., Urazova A.F., Bornikov A.V., Plyukha N.I.

The need to assess the carbon-depositing capacity of a stand, an individual tree and its components is constantly emphasized in the world literature, since mitigation of the effects of climate change has become the highest priority. Since the carbon concentration differs in different tree species and in different components of the tree, including in the stem wood and bark, it is necessary to develop species-specific mathematical models for estimating the proportion of bark in trunks to improve the accuracy of knowledge about the carbon balance of forests. The relationship of bark thickness with both age and diameter of the tree trunk is known, but with respect to its regional variability, the data are contradictory. According to the actual data from 1100 model trees of five forest-forming species, allometric models of a mixed type have been developed. They include as independent variables the age and diameter of the trunk, as well as a binary variable characterising the influence of the growing area itself on the bark thickness of Scots pine, silver birch and Siberian larch, as well as the difference in the thickness of the bark between Siberian spruce and Siberian fir in case of joint growth in mature stands of the taiga zone. At a statistically significant level, it was found that the bark thickness of Scots pine and silver birch trees in the steppe zone is significantly greater compared to the taiga zone, and the bark thickness of Siberian larch trees in the forest-tundra is significantly greater compared to the steppe zone. The bark thickness of Siberian spruce trees is significantly less than that of Siberian fir trees. The ranking of species by bark thickness is included in the paper.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):141-153
pages 141-153 views
Ratio of Stem Wood Volumes in Forest Stands and Dead Wood of the Taiga Spruce Forests in European Russia
Storozhenko V.G., Gulbe Y.I.

The article discusses the formation of the stem wood volumes ratio between the forest stands and the deadwood in an indigenous forest community with a contribution from wood-decaying fungi, using the spruce formations of the European Russia’s taiga zone as an example. For the analysis, 30 spruce ecosystems were taken, 10 in each of the taiga subzones (northern, middle and southern) with different dynamic characteristics — climax, demutational and digressional ecosystems. Using the method of study plots (SP), the silvicultural characteristics of ecosystems and the morphometric indicators of trees were described, and the volumes of stem wood of the forest stands forming phytocenoses and the deadwood decomposed by wood-destroying fungi were calculated. Indicators of the stem wood volumes ratio between the forest stands and the dead wood in spruce plantations of various dynamic phases were calculated, for which phase position scores were calculated. Indicators of the relationship between the volumes of stem wood in forest stands and in dead wood (R2)and linear correlation coefficients (r) for forest stands of different successional positions were determined in Microsoft Excel. The calculations confirmed the presence of a relationship between the stem wood volumes of tree stands and deadwood for the studied spruce forests using a point estimate of the phase position of ecosystems: in both programs (R2 and r) the relationship indicators were characterized as strong to very strong (Chaddock, 1925).

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):154-162
pages 154-162 views
Water Affecting Photosynthesis of Seedlings Growing in the Oopen
Molchanov A.G., Belyaeva Y.A.

An assessment of the decrease in the photosynthesis intensity due to the lack of moisture were carried out on 6-year-old oak, pine and spruce seedlings grown in containers in the open air within the Serebryanoborsky forestry district by the Institute of Forest Science of the RAS (Moscow region). We determined at which values of pre-dawn water potential (PWP) seedlings growing in the open are resistant to the lack of moisture. Almost all seedlings of these species with insufficient water supply have a depression of photosynthesis, which occurs more rapidly as the moisture deficit increases and at lower solar radiation. In case of an oak, when the PWP reaches –1.1 MPa, the intensity of photosynthesis decreases by half, and in case of pine and spruce — at a PVP equal to –0.8 MPa. For the oak, the intensity of photosynthesis drops to zero at –3.0 MPa, in pine — at –1.6 ÷ –1.8 MPa, in spruce — at –1.5 MPa. Thus, the most resistant to the lack of moisture is oak, then pine, and the most demanding in terms of water supply is spruce.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):163-172
pages 163-172 views
Post-Pyrogenic Successions in Oak-Korean Pine Forests with Schisandra chinensis and Corylus mandshurica in Sikhote-Alin
Prokhorenko N.B., Komarova T.A., Glushkoc S.G.

This article discusses the results of long-term stationary studies of the formation and development of oak-cedar pine forests with magnolia berry and hazel growing in the Southern and Middle Sikhote-Alin. Considered here are the peculiarities of stands decline, seed-based reforestation, as well as the tree species growth and development courses during the process of reforestation successions in areas with different intensity of fire exposure. Following persistent ground fires, the stands decline is most intensive in the first 5 years, with decay rates and the number of surviving trees varying in different types of burnt areas. The most active seed-based reforestation occurs on post-fire sites mainly during the first 2 years, with birch, aspen and other early stage species predominating. The rate of annual growth of the young generation of trees is the most intensive on plots significantly damaged by fire, in serial species (birch, aspen, Maak’s bird cherry, etc.) they are an order of magnitude higher than in climax broadleaved and coniferous species. Determination of dominance indices, equally dependent on the numbers of undergrowth, thin and large trees, showed that during reforestation successions after both rapid and persistent lowland fires, the phytocenotic importance dynamics in Korean pine, Mongolian oak and other forest forming species has its own peculiarities.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):173-186
pages 173-186 views
Influence of the Periodicity of Ground Fires in Middle-Аged Pine Forests on the Combustible Materials Stocks
Sobachkin R.S., Kovaleva N.M.

Significant areas of forest are annually exposed to fires in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Fires transform forest areas and change the stocks and structure of combustible materials. Information on the dynamics of forest fuel accumulation can serve as a basis for managing the pyrogenic resistance of forest areas. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of early spring ground fires of different frequencies on the structure and stocks of combustible materials in forests. Experimental fires were carried out in middle-aged mixed-grass-green-moss pine forests in the forest-steppe zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Experimental fires were simulated with different periodicities (annual, with an interval of 2–3 years and a singular one). Regardless of periodicity, the experimental fires led to an increase of combustible materials stocks in 2–3 years after fires. Repeated burnings reduced the stocks of combustible materials close to pre-fire values. The structure of combustible materials has changed, which has led to a decrease in potential flammability of pine forests. The proportion of needles and bark in litter has decreased, and the proportion of cones has increased. Fires led to a redistribution of deadwood classes towards larger diameters. During the research period (2014–2018), the largest reserve of forest fuel loads was noted on the plot with triennial fires (68.2 t ha–1).

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):187-196
pages 187-196 views
Recreational Assessment of Green Belt Forests of the Ulaanbaatar City
Rupyshev Y.A., Bazha S.N., Andreev A.V., Bogdanov E.A., Danzhalova E.V., Drobyshev Y.I., Petukhov I.A., Khadbaatar S.

The classification of forest vegetation of the Tuul river basin within the green belt of the Ulaanbaatar city. Two associations (Linnaeo borealisPinetum sibiricae and Vaccinio vitis-idaeaeLaricetum sibiricae) were classified Vaccinio–Piceetea. Diagnostic signs and characteristics of the ecological and geographical peculiarities of the units were presented, anthropogenic transformation was assessed. To determine the models of succession processes, the series of permanent sample plots were established in the communities of the Linnaeo borealisPinetum sibiricae association, located at different distances from the city, in taxation units with unequal intensity of recreational load. Recreational forest assessment was calculated according to the approach by V.S. Romanov and L.N. Rozhkov (1974). In the Linnaeo borealisPinetum sibiricae association, large areas were occupied by moderately transformed communities. The Vaccinio vitis-idaeaeLaricetum sibiricae association is characterized by being weakly transformed forests. Different stages of anthropogenic pressure were formed serial communities, unequal in structure and species diversity. Serial plant communities of allogeneic succession were developed according to 2 models of geitogenesis — tolerance (Linnaeo borealisPinetum sibiricae Rhytidium rugosum; Linnaeo borealis-Pinetum sibiricae Chamaenerion angustifolium) and inhibition (Linnaeo borealisPinetum sibiricae Betula rotundifolia). A comprehensive assessment of the recreational potential was based on three indicators: natural conditions, air hygiene and landscaping. All activities aimed at increasing the recreational potential should contribute to the improvement of these indicators. A prerequisite for increasing the recreational forest assessment should be functional zoning of the territory with the allocation of infrastructure, walking and sanitary protective zones. Forest management is of great importance in increasing the recreational potential of forests. The forest management project for the organization of recreational forests should be aimed at the formation of sustainable and aesthetically attractive forest plantations.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):197-213
pages 197-213 views
Detection of Phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrXXI group in Scott pine and mountain pine
Girsova N.V., Bogoutdinov D.Z., Molchanov A.G., Kastalyeva T.B.

One of the reasons for the deterioration of coniferous stands condition in a number of European countries is associated with their infection with phytoplasmas (obligate intracellular pathogens) — bacteria lacking a cell wall. The aim of the work is to identify the presence of phytoplasma infection in samples of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and mountain pine (Pinus mugo Turra) collected in the Moscow and Samara regions, which had characteristic symptoms of the disease, and to determine the taxonomic affiliation of the phytoplasm. Phytoplasma was detected using direct and nested PCR with primer pairs P1/16S-Sr and R16F2n/R16R2 respectively. Phytoplasma DNA was found in six of the seven pine specimens, including an asymptomatic one. Analysis of restriction fragment length’s polymorphism after digestion of DNA amplicons with restriction endonucleases AluI, MseI, HhaI, HpaII, HaeIII, RsaI, and TaqI indicated the similarity of Russian strains of Scotch pine and mountain pine phytoplasmas to Lithuanian strains of PineLRN and PineBLD of mountain pine phytoplasma (GenBank Accession Number MK089821 and MK089819, respectively) identified as ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’ (subgroup 16SrXXI-A). A phytoplasma related to this species has been registered on the territory of the Russian Federation for the first time.

Lesovedenie. 2024;(2):214-220
pages 214-220 views

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