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卷 54, 编号 1 (2018)


Distribution Pattern of Serotoninergic Neurons in Trematode Cercariae

Terenina N., Movsesyan S.


The review summarizes data on the number, size and localization of serotoninergic neurons in cercariae of 16 trematode species, referring to 11 families. Presented diagrams show distribution patterns of serotoninergic neurons in cercariae of trematodes from different taxonomic, biological and morphological groups. Data analysis indicates that the number, disposition and size of these neurons vary in cercariae of different species. The data are discussed in relation with a functional significance of serotonin as a neurotransmitter in free-living larvae—trematode cercariae.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

Evolutionary Aspects of Cardioprotection

Sylkin Y., Shemarova I., Nesterov V., Korotkov S.


The review addresses the mechanisms of adaptation of the myocardium and cells of the cardiovascular system to hypoxia and ischemia as well as biochemical mechanisms of cardioprotection in animals of different phylogenetic levels. A special focus is placed on general adaptive strategies developed by evolutionarily distant animals in response to hypoxia and ischemia and on preconditioning and myocardial hibernation phenomena.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):8-21
pages 8-21 views

Comparative and Ontogenic Biochemistry

New Acylate and Thioacylate Effectors of Mammalian Cholinesterases Based on Cyclic Ammonium Alcohols Containing Elements of the Anabasine Structure

Basova N., Kormilitsyn B., Perchenok A., Rozengart E., Saakov V., Suvorov A.


We report a pioneering analysis of the interaction between mammalian cholinesterases and 36 acylates and thioacylates of ammonium alcohols with different structure of an alkyl chain between ammonium and etheric atoms and with different structure of a cyclic ammonium group. Among these ethers, which were both substrates and reversible inhibitors of erythrocyte cholinesterase and serum butyrylcholinesterase, specific effectors of both enzymes were identified.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Changes in Gene Expression and DNA Methylation of Evolutionarily Young AluY Repeats during Apoptosis of Human K562 Erythro-Myeloblastic Leukemia Cells

Kabanov I., Mavropulo-Stolyarenko G., Tishchenko L.


Using a human K562 erythromyeloblastoid cell culture, we demonstrated changes in gene expression of Alu repeats, members of evolutionarily young AluY subfamilies (human mobile SINE elements), and in the DNA methylation level of AluYb8 during camptothecin (CAM)-induced apoptosis. The AluY-RNA level increased about 10 times 24 h and 20 times 48 h after exposure to CAM vs. proliferating cells. Using methylation-specific (MSP) PCR and high-resolution melting (HRM), we showed that the overall AluYb8-DNA methylation level remained intact throughout the apoptotic stages. Using DNA sequencing after bisulfite conversion, we established that at the CpG site, located in the A'-box of the AluYb8 gene promoter, the methylation level decreased significantly during different apoptotic stages. Apparently, it is reduced CpG methylation at the A'-box of the AluYb8 gene promoter, discovered in this work, that is one of the possible factors which account for increased expression of AluY repeats during K562 cell apoptosis. We assume that increased gene expression of evolutionarily young AluY repeats plays an important role in the implementation of the cellular apoptotic pathway.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):30-42
pages 30-42 views

The Diffusion Capacity of the Hematoparenchymal Barrier in Mammalian and Marine Fish Skeletal Muscles

Soldatov A.


Analysis of own and literature data shows that oxygen tension and mass transfer in skeletal muscles of higher and lower vertebrates (mammals, teleosts) are quite comparable. Oxygen consumption in fish muscles is 2–6 times lower and occurs at higher diffusion gradients of PO2 (blood ↔ muscles: 45–57 hPa). Wei ghted mean values of PO2 in fish muscles (with allowance for muscle composition) are minimum (5–12 hPa). As compared to mammals, they exhibit an extremely low diffusion capacity of the hematoparenchymal barrier (0.0014–0.0055 mLO2 min–1 100 g–1 hPa–1) which appears to rely on diffusion characteristics of cell membranes. Apparently, this is the main reason that accounts for low values of tissue PO2 as well as low efficacy and oxygen utilization degree in muscles of this taxonomic group of animals.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Comparative and Ontogenic Physiology

Histamine-Mediated Regulation of Electrical Activity during the Bladder–Urethra Interaction in Rats

Kazaryan K., Danielyan M., Chibukhchyan R., Margaryan S.


The effect of histamine on background spontaneous electrical activity of the interrelated bladder and urethra was studied in rats. The basic characteristics of pacemaker activity (action potential amplitude, average peak rise rate, peak rise time, peak half-width, rhythmogenicity frequency) were analyzed both in normal conditions and upon exposure to histamine (10–4 mol/L). A comparison of the action potential parameters in the above organs demonstrated far lower values of the amplitude (by 34.19%; p ≤ 0.001), peak rise rate (by 30.39%; p ≤ 0.01) and peak rise time (by 18%; p ≤ 0.01) at a reduced rhythmogenicity frequency. Histamine evoked a considerable increase in the amplitude and its rise rate in the bladder (by 50.59 and 56.36%, respectively; p ≤ 0.001) and rhythmogenicity frequency (by 18%; p ≤ 0.01) at a constancy of the remaining two parameters. In the urethra, no obvious changes were detected in the action potential parameters. Morphohistochemical analysis also supported the involvement of histamine in the activation of rhythmogenicity only in the bladder. Thus, histamine is not implicated in the genesis of tonic contractions in the urethra, in contrast to its activating effect on the bladder.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):50-58
pages 50-58 views

Developmental Profiles of Hormonal and Metabolic Parameters in Male Rats Selected for Catatonic Type of Response

Osadchuk L., Alekhina T.


Catatonia is a psychopathological syndrome which manifests itself clinically mainly as motor disorders (dyskinesia). Currently, catatonia is believed to be associated with such human psychic conditions as schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depression. Despite high incidence, catatonia remains poorly studied, especially with respect to hormonal and metabolic consequences. Modeling catatonic responses on laboratory animals and subsequent analysis of their relationship with expression of important physiological characters (including hormonal and metabolic ones) allow better insight into associative links between psychic and physiological functions of an organism. This work aimed to analyze the parameters of lipid metabolism and testicular steroidogenesis during the neonatal (days 1, 7, 10 and 14), pubertal (7 weeks) and definitive (12 weeks) periods of ontogeny in male rats selected for the catatonic type of response—GC strain recognized as a model of human schizophrenia and depression. During the perinatal developmental period, which is critical for the formation of neuroendocrine regulation, male rats exhibited an increased secretion of androgens (mainly testosterone) required for masculinization of brain structures and some peripheral organs including the reproductive and musculoskeletal systems. In GC male rats, the perinatal testosterone peak was found to shift towards later periods (compared to Wistar male rats) being paralleled by increased serum levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol. During the period of sexual maturation, adult male rats also exhibited differences in the testicular production of testosterone and in lipid levels between the GC and Wistar strains. Throughout the ontogenetic periods studied, GC male rats had a lower body and testicular weight than Wistar rats. The data obtained indicate that genetically determined neuropathological responses of an organism are coupled to the destabilization of the hormonal and metabolic systems.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Morphological Basics for Evolution of Functions

Calcium-Binding Proteins and Cytochrome Oxidase Activity in the Pigeon Entopallium: A Comparative Analysis of Interspecies Variability as Related to the Discussion on Avian Entopallium Homology

Belekhova M., Vasilyev D., Kenigfest N., Chudinova T.


We report the results of our studies of the distribution patterns of calcium-binding proteins (parvalbumin, PV, and calbindin, CB) and metabolic activity (cytochrome oxidase, CO) in the pigeon entopallium—the telencephalic projection field of the tectofugal visual system. These characteristics were comparatively analyzed in different avian species in the light of the recent revision of entopallial projections’ nomenclature (Krützfeldt and Wild, 2005). We demonstrate that in the pigeon neuropil both high PV immunoreactivity and CO activity as well as lower CB immunoreactivity are confined to the core region of the entopallium (E). The latter contains cells immunoreactive (ir) to PV and CB and having a heterogenous repertoire: small/medium-sized granular and large multipolar cells. They overlap in E and partly colocalize within the same cell, but differ in the internal (Ei) and external (Ex) portions by distribution density and labeling intensity. CO activity was identified in both cellular morphotypes. Sparse PV- and CB-ir cells were found in the perientopallium (Ep). The interspecies variability of PV and CB immunoreactivity, described in the avian entopallium by other authors, indicates its dependence on the adaptive functional specialization which underlies selective expression of these calcium-binding proteins. The above as well as the pertinent literature data are discussed in the wake of the current discussion on homology of the avian entopallium, supporting the idea of the existence in sauropsid amniotes of the ancestral precursor of the mammalian extrastriate visual cortex.

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):68-82
pages 68-82 views

Short Communications

The Influence of NASPM on Short-Term Memory in the Honeybee Apis mellifera L.

Lopatina N., Vaido A., Zachepilo T.
Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):83-85
pages 83-85 views

Immunohistochemical Analysis of Renal Endocytic Receptors in the Frog Rana temporaria during the Spring–Summer Period

Prutskova N., Seliverstova E.
Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018;54(1):86-89
pages 86-89 views