
Evolutionary physiology
Natochin Y.
Involvement of Mechanosensory Complex Structures of the Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus Larvae (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) in Triggering of Motor Responses to Sound
Lunichkin A., Knyazev A.
Development of clinical somnology (Contibution of I.G. Karmanova)
Oganesyan G., Titkov E., Zhernovaya N.
Involvement of the mechanosensory complex structures of the cricket Phaeophilacris bredoides in triggering of motor responses to sound
Lunichkin A., Knyazev A.
Evolutionary aspects of sleep–wake cycle development in vertebrates (Modern state of the I.G. Karmanova’s sleep evolution theory)
Aristakesyan E.
Evolutionary radiation of cytotoxic effects in bivalve and gastropod haemolymph
Klimovich A., Gorbushin A.
Comparative study of inhibitory specificity of liver monoamine oxidase in frogs Rana ridibunda and Rana temporaria
Basova I., Basova N., Yagodina O.
Current Views on Schwann Cells: Development, Plasticity, Functions
Petrova E.
Evolution of the macroglobulin protein family: from bacteria to primates
Zorin N., Zorina V.
Molecular evolution of ion channels: Amino acid sequences and 3D structures
Korkosh V., Zhorov B., Tikhonov D.
Principles of Evolution of the Excretory Organs and the System of Homeostasis
Natochin Y.
Role of functional blocks in the evolution of exotrophy in vertebrates (as exemplified by fish and mammals)
Kuz’mina V.
Antibiotic Peptides
Kormilets D., Polyanovsky A., Dadali V., Maryanovich A.
Evolutionary Origins of Transventricular Transmission of Hypothalamic Hormones and Neuromodulatory Substances
Belekhova M., Kenigfest N., Chernigovskaya E., Chmykhova N.
Transcription factors of the NF1 family: Possible mechanisms of inducible gene expression in the evolutionary lineage of multicellular animals
Romanovskaya E., Vikhnina M., Grishina T., Ivanov M., Leonova L., Tsvetkova E.
The Relationship between Transposons and Transcription Factors in the Evolution of Eukaryotes
Mustafin R.
Blood–brain barrier and evolution of peptide regulation of physiological functions
Mar’yanovich A.
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