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Vol 69, No 3 (2024)

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Trace element partitioning between minerals and melt: parameterization of experimental data for olivine, pyroxenes, and feldspars

Girnis A.V.


Experimental data were analyzed on the partitioning of trace elements between minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and feldspars) and silicate melts. The data span over a wide range of conditions (from 1 atm to 10 GPa and ~1000–2000 °C) and compositions of melt (from ultrabasic to ultrasilicic) and minerals. The dependence of logarithms of partition coefficients (lnDi ) on conditions and compositions was approximated by linear functions of 1/T, P/T (P is pressure, and T is absolute temperature) and compositional parameters of mineral and melt. It was found that Di /Dj values for a number of element pairs are independent of experimental parameters and vary within narrow ranges. The coefficients of Di dependencies on conditions and compositions were estimated by minimization of quadratic deviations of model Di and Di /Dj values from experimental values. The obtained equations can be used to calculate Di values for a number of elements with an accuracy of approximately a factor of 1.2–2.0. The obtained values were applied as an example for a model of formation of mafic melts of mid-ocean ridges through melting of a peridotite source and crystallization of primary magmas under crustal conditions.

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):227–240
pages 227–240 views

Assessment of the age and conditions of metamorphism of high-pressure blastolites of the Gonzhinsky block of the Argun superterrane of the eastern part of the Central Asian folded belt

Fugzan M.M., Kirnozova T.I., Kozlovskiy V.M., Ovchinnikov R.O., Kozakov I.K.


As a result of petrographic and thermobaric studies, 4 mineral associations were identified in the blastolite: relict, main, association corresponding to biotitisation and association of retrograde changes. The relict association probably represented eclogites The main mineral association corresponds to apoeclogite zoisite amphibolites. Determination of the P-T parameters of the formation of this association showed an interval of P = 13.0–15.0 kbar and T = 580-670 °C. At the same time, if we take the most ferruginous outer rim of amphibole-1 for calculations, then the P-T parameters shift to a higher temperature region of P = 13.0–17.0 kbar and T = 660-780 °C. The association corresponding to the imposed biotitisation is well structurally expressed. The lines of monomineral equilibria of the biotite association constructed from various combinations of garnet, biotite and plagioclase compositions showed good convergence in the local region corresponding to the interval P = 12.5-13.2 kbar and T = 810-830 °C. The last association of retrograde changes includes low-alumina amphibole-2.The association corresponding to the imposed biotitisation.ше is well structurally expressed. The last association of retrograde changes includes low-alumina amphibole-2. Based on the obtained isotopic data, a mineral Sm-Nd isochron was constructed for the rock, garnet and two amphiboles. The age of the isochron is 171 ± 3 million years, the latter is interpreted as the time of formation of the main mineral association and corresponds to its crystallization at the peak of metamorphism.

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):241–251
pages 241–251 views

Geochemistry and conditions of formation of Mesoarchean banded iron formations (BIF-1) from the Kostomuksha Greenstone belt, Karelian Craton

Slabunov A.I., Nesterova N.S., Maksimov O.A.


Three variably old groups of banded iron formation (BIF) are known in the Kostomuksha Greenstone belt (KGB) of the Karelian Craton. This paper deals with the earliest of them, Mesoarchean (2.87–2.81 Ga) – BIF-1. BIF-1 occurs among the komatiite-basalt unit of the KGB. BIF-1 consists mainly of quartz and magnetite, with varying amounts of amphibole, biotite, and garnet; they contain 48.3-58.6 SiO2 and 21.34–33.82 wt. %, Fe2O3T, suggesting that the rocks are BIF. BIF-1 of the KGB, as well as most Archean BIFs, contain high Fe2O3T, concentration, display a contrasting positive Eu anomaly, lost of Ce anomaly, the depletion of LREE relative to HREE. However, they stand out among other BIFs with high Al2O3, TiO2, MgO, K2O, Cr, Ni, Zr, Ba, Cu and Zn concentrations. BIF-1 was formed in a marine basin in an anoxic atmosphere due to hydrothermal fluids, the proportion of which varies from 20 to 80 %, and a terrigenous component derived mainly from basalts, komatiites, and dacites in host rocks. Mesoarchean BIF-1 of the KGB s was formed in a small rift within an oceanic volcanic plateau, the formation of which is associated with the influence of a mantle plume on the oceanic lithosphere.

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):252–274
pages 252–274 views

Experimental study of the stability of MoO2CL2° (aq) in hydrothermal solutions at 100-350 °C and saturated vapor pressure

Yakimenko A.A., Bychkov A.Y.


The solubility of crystalline MoO3 in HCl solutions with variable concentration was investigated at 100, 155, 200, 250, 300, 350 °C and saturated vapour pressure. The results showed that MoO3 solubility increases with HCl concentration. Using the OptimA program, Gibbs energies of MoO2Cl2 complex have been determined. The stability constants of MoO2Cl2 are calculated according to the reaction: MoO3(c) + 2HCl(aq) → MoO2Cl2o(aq) + + H2O (l). The pK values are 1.07 0.29; 1.06 0.49; 1.74 0.71; 1.83 0.47; 1.50 0.28; 0.95 0.57 at 100, 155, 200, 250, 300, 350 °C (saturated vapour pressure).

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):275–282
pages 275–282 views

Destinezite: physicochemical and calorimetric study

Gritsenko Y.D., Ogorodova L.P., Vigasina M.F., Melchakova L.V., Ksenofontov D.A., Dedushenko S.K.


Destinezite (Fe3+ Al0.02)(PO4)0.99(SO4)0.90(OH)1.20 5.97H2O (Czech Republic) has been studied by thermal and electron-microprobe analyses, X-ray powder diffraction, IR, Raman, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The enthalpy of formation of destinezite Fe3 +(PO4)(SO4)(OH)⋅6H2O from the elements ∆fH0(298.15 K) = −4258 ± 12 kJ/mol was determined by the method of solution calorimetry in melt lead borate 2PbO B2O3 on a Calvet microcalorimeter Setaram (France). The value of its absolute entropy S0(298.15 K) = 462.0 J/(mol⋅K) was estimated, the entropy of formation ∆fS0(298.15 K) = −2054 J/(mol⋅K) and the Gibbs energy of formation from the elements ∆fG0(298.15 K) = −3646 kJ/mol.

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):283–292
pages 283–292 views

Litogeochemical specificity of the Lower Maeotian deposits of the natural Reserve “Kazantip”, Crimea

Antoshkina A.I., Leonova L.V., Valyaeva O.V., Simakova Y.S.


It has been established that the basement rocks of the Lower Maeotian section are characterized by the greatest variation in the chemical and isotopic composition of OM, while the carbonate rocks are more similar. It was revealed that the initial OM accumulated mainly under reducing conditions, but has some differences in its composition: for example, in the rocks of the Senkina and Sharabay bays it is an algal-cyanobacterial substance, and in the rocks of the Shirokaya bay it has a large contribution of the microbial component and the introduction of humus material. It was found that the isotopic composition of Corg has a strong variability (–19.27…–33.72 ‰), but most of the samples are in the range of –22.1…–24.93 ‰. It has been established that the 13Сcarb and 13Сorg isotopic curves in the studied rocks reflect their deviations both towards lighter and towards heavier values. The general direction of the isotopic composition, with some variations, nevertheless tends to be isotopically heavier towards the upper part of the sections. It was revealed that the litho-mineral-geochemical specificity of the sections reflects significant changes in sedimentation conditions, generally associated with fluctuations in the temperature and salt composition of waters, and bioproductivity. It is proposed to use such accessory minerals as zircon, monazite, ilmenite as an indicator of mud paleovolcanism.

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):293–309
pages 293–309 views

The proceedings of the All-Russian annual seminar on experimental mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry 2023

Zharkova E.V.


On April 11-12, 2023, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry and the Korzhinsky Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences held the commemorative All-Russian annual seminar on experimental mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry in Moscow (RASEMPG-2023). The seminar discussed the latest results of experimental research in the following key areas: phase equilibria under high P-T conditions; formation and differentiation of magmas; interactions in fluid-melt-crystal systems; hydrothermal equilibria and ore formation; mineral synthesis; thermodynamic properties of minerals, melts, and fluids; planetology, meteoritics, and cosmochemistry; physicochemical properties of geomaterials; experimental geoecology; methods and techniques of experiment. Around 250 scientists from 37 Russian research institutes and seven foreign organizations participated in the seminar, delivering over 160 reports.

Geohimiâ. 2024;69(3):310–320
pages 310–320 views

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