Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 59, № 8 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Methods for ChIP-seq Normalization and Their Application for Analysis of Regulatory Elements in Brain Cells

Gusev F., Andreeva T., Rogaev E.


Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) has become one of the major tools to elucidate gene expression programs. Similar to other molecular profiling methods, ChIP-seq is sensetive to several technical biases which affect downstream results, especially in cases when material quality is difficult to control, for example, frozen post-mortem human tissue. However methods for bioinformatics analysis improve every year and allow to mitigate these effects after sequencing by adjusting for both technical ChIP-seq biases and more general biological biases like post-mortem interval or cell heterogenity of the sample. Here we review a wide selection of ChIP-seq normalization methods with a focus on application in specific experimental settings, in particular when brain tissue is investigated.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):859-869
pages 859-869 views

Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with the Efficiency of Weight Loss: A Systematic Review

Egorova E., Ahmetov I.


Interindividual differences are associated not only with body weight but also determine the body’s response to diet and physical activity. This systematic review aimed to identify the genetic markers associated with diet-induced and exercise-induced weight loss. The eligible intervention studies for this systematic review contained all the necessary parameters for genetic polymorphism, diet, exercise, and changes in anthropometric or body composition parameters. In total, 91 articles met the criteria and were included in this systematic review. The vast majority of studies (n = 88) are used of candidate gene approach, and only three studies were performed using hypothesis-free approach (GWAS). A total of 98 genetic variants were found, of which 72 markers are associated with the efficiency of diet therapy, and 26 – with individual response to physical activity. It should be noted that the significance of markers was replicated for only 10 of 98 genetic variants. In the near future, we should expect progress in this area, which will result in the development of a method for individual selection for each patient of the type of diet and exercise for the prevention and treatment of obesity.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):870-887
pages 870-887 views


Transcriptomic Analysis of the Levilactobacillus brevis 47f Strain under Oxidative Stress

Pouektova E., Averina O., Kovtun A., Danilenko V.


Levilactobacillus brevis 47f is a heterofermentative aerotolerant lactic acid bacterium isolated from the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract of a healthy person. Previously, the strain showed anti-inflammatory properties and protects the murine intestine from enteropathy induced by 5-fluorouracil as part of preclinical studies. At the same time, the molecular mechanisms that account for the properties of the strain and its response to the action of reactive oxygen species, remain unexplored. The aim of this work was to study the response of the strain to the action of oxidizing agents – hydrogen peroxide and oxygen – using the method of transcriptional RNAseq analysis. Both oxidants exhibited a strong effect on the strain, increasing or decreasing the expression of several hundred genes – both general and specific for each oxidant. The characteristics of proteins whose expression was increased the most (DE ≥ 5) are provided. The genes activated under the action of both oxidants encode proteins related to stress, antioxidant activity, protein and nucleotide repair, cell wall, carbohydrate transport and metabolism, and catabolic energy storage pathways. Peroxide mainly activated the transcription of defense proteins, namely, stress response and molecular chaperones, antioxidant activity, DNA repair, and proteins involved in the formation of the cell wall. Under aerobic conditions, the genes that encode proteins involved in energy conversion (the use of fatty acids, nucleosides, fructose in addition to glucose as an energy source; proteins of the phosphoketolase pathway) and the import of peptides, amino acids, and sugars, were activated to a large extent. The data obtained in this work will be used by us to conduct an integrated analysis of transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data derived from this strain. This will make a significant contribution to the creation of a pharmacobiotic based on L. brevis 47f for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):888-897
pages 888-897 views

Reaction of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Strain ATCC 15697 to Oxidative Stress

Averina O., Kovtun A., Mavletova D., Ziganshin R., Danilenko V.


The genus Bifidobacterium is one of the predominant bacterial populations in human gut microbiota. Despite the increasing number of studies on the beneficial functionality of bifidobacteria for human health, knowledge about their antioxidant potential is still insufficient. The role of the antioxidant potential of bifidobacteria in maintaining the homeostasis of the intestinal microbiota of the host organism as a whole is an important task that requires solutions. For the first time, this paper presents the data of genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of probiotic strains Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis ATCC 15697 after the action of oxidative stress. The growing culture of strain was exposed to hydrogen peroxide for 2 hours and oxygen for 2 and 4 hours. Preliminary genome analysis of the strain showed the presence of 18 genes encoding a known protein with antioxidant function, as in other complied genomes of B. longum subsp. infantis strains available in the international database. The complete transcriptome analysis revealed an increase in transcript levels by more than two times for 6 genes with a known antioxidant function. The data of quantitative proteomic analysis showed an increase in protein levels by more than two times for five enzymes with a known antioxidant function. 28 other proteins with increased levels more than twice were identified in the cells of the growing culture in response to the long action of oxygen. These proteins can be involved in the processes of the cell’s response to stress, the amino acids, nucleotides metabolism and transport processes. Six proteins with unknown functions, which may play a significant role in the antioxidant response of anaerobic bifidobacteria, were found to have high levels in the cells after the action of stress. The obtained data are supposed to be used in the selection of B. longum subsp. infantis strains and the creation of pharmacobiotics able to correct the composition of the microbiota.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):898-913
pages 898-913 views


The Content of Carotoids and the Expression Profile of Carotenoid Biogenesis Genes during Long-Term Cold Storage of Potato Tubers

Kulakova A., Shchennikova A., Kochieva E.


Carotenoids are secondary metabolites that are synthesized and stored in all types of plant plastids. These pigments play a significant role in protection against oxidative stress, as well as in the color of flowers and sink organs. Tubers of potato Solanum tuberosum L. synthesize carotenoids, including during post-harvest storage. The state of physiological dormancy and cold stress response are controlled, among other things, by abscisic acid (ABA), which is an apocarotenoid. In this study, we analyzed the expression of carotenoid biogenesis pathway genes (PSY1, PSY2, PSY3, PDS, ZDS, Z-ISO, CRTISO, LCYB1, LCYB2, LCYE, VDE, ZEP, NSY, NCED1, NCED2, and NCED6), as well as genes putatively involved in initiation of chromoplast differentiation (OR1 and OR2), in the dynamics of long-term cold storage (September, February, April) of tubers of potato cultivars Barin, Utro, Krasavchik, Sevemoe siyanie and Nadezhda. It was shown that OR1, and OR2 mRNAs are present in tubers of all cultivars at all stages of storage. The expression profile of all analyzed carotenoid biosynthesis genes during tuber storage was characterized by a significant decrease in transcript levels in February compared to September, with some exceptions. In the period from February to April, the level of gene transcripts changed insignificantly. The biochemical analysis of the carotenoid content in the dynamics of cold storage showed that at the time of harvesting, the highest carotenoid content was in tubers of the cv. Utro; tubers of other cultivars were characterized by a similar amount of carotenoids. During storage from September to April, the total carotenoids changed in a genotype-dependent manner without any trend common to all cultivars.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):914-928
pages 914-928 views

Chromosomal Location of the b-Amy-A1 Gene and Distribution of Its Alleles in Winter Common Wheat Culture

Netsvetaev V., Kozelets Y., Ascheulova A., Petrenko A., Akinshina O.


The analysis of the chromosomal location of the b-Amy-A1 gene, which controls the synthesis of wheat beta-amylase isoenzymes, was carried out by assessing the linkage with the B1 (Awnless) marker gene located in the long arm of chromosome 5A. Results based on F2 and F→∞ Delta × Selection 2092 study. The b-Amy-A1 locus showed 6.55 ± 2.10% linkage to the B1 gene. In parallel, alleles of the Rht8 locus, which causes dwarfing of plants, were identified and its linkage to the C gene (Compact spike) was established in 22.59 ± 6.28% (F2) and 24.22 ± 1.18% (F→∞) of recombination in chromosome 2D. The Delta variety carries the Rht8a allele, and the Selection 2092 accession carries the Rht8c allele. A collection of winter common wheat varieties created and released in the Russia was studied. The selected cultivars carried identical b-Amy-B1a and b-Amy-D1a alleles of the 4B and 4D chromosome loci. At the same time, the most common b-Amy-A1a and b-Amy-A1b alleles of chromosome 5A differed. It was found that in the direction from south to north of European part, the frequency of the b-Amy-A1a allele increases from 24.2% (Northern Caucasus) to 72.50% (Moscow–Ulyanovsk regions). Accordingly, the frequency of the alternative allele b-Amy-A1b decreased from 75.8% (Northern Caucasus) to 25.0% (Moscow–Ulyanovsk regions). In the Rostov region, the ratio of the occurrence of alleles b-Amy-A1a to b-Amy-A1b was 42.5 to 57.5%. At the same time, already in the Central Chernozem region+, a significant dominance of the b-Amy-A1a allele over b-Amy-A1b was manifested. Using the collection of varieties as a population of F→∞ demonstrated the linkage of b-Amy-A1 with B1 value in 5.56 ± 1.90% recombination.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):929-937
pages 929-937 views

Peculiarities of Transcriptional Activity of Long Non-Coding RNAs (COOLAIR, COLDAIR, and COLDWRAP) during the Vernalization of the Plant Arabidopsis thaliana of Northern Natural Populations

Zaretskaya M., Lebedeva O., Fedorenko O.


Peculiarities of the lncRNA expression – COOLAIR, COLDAIR, and COLDWRAP, which perform an important function in the vernalization-mediated epigenetic mechanism of the transition to flowering in A. thaliana plants of northern natural populations (Karelia), were revealed. The results obtained are partly differ from the data of other authors performing studies on pure lines and other ecotypes of this species. It is suggested that the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in the process of vernalization and control of flowering times may differ in plant populations from different geographic regions.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):938-945
pages 938-945 views


The Colonization History of Iturup Island by the Red-Backed Vole Craseomys rufocanus according to the Analysis of the Cytochrome b (cytb) Fragment

Abramson N., Tursunova L., Petrova T., Popov I., Platonov V., Abramov A.


The hypotheses on colonization history of red-backed vole of Iturup Island comparative analysis of distribution and number of haplotypes of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (662 bp) in vole sampled at various sites along the Iturup Island perimeter and Hokkaido, Kunashir and Sakhalin Islands and adjacent regions of the mainlandhas been carried out. All studied samples from the Iturup Island (68) belonged to the only one haplotype most close to the haplotypes of voles from the Sakhalin Island. The only sample from the Kunashir Island, nearest to the Iturup Island possessed the same haplotype, three additional samples from this island have haplotypes related to haplotypes of voles from the Sakhalin Island and fall within the so called “Sakhalin” clade, while the majority of haplotypes of voles from the Kunashir Island appeared to be close to haplotypes of voles from the Hokkaido Island and make up with them one independent clade, genetically very different from clade of Sakhalin and Iturup samples. The obtained data on the genetic variability of voles from the Iturup Island provides convincing evidence in favour of the recent introduction of the red-backed vole C. rufocanus to the Iturup Island, most likely with sea transport from Sakhalin.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):946-953
pages 946-953 views


Population-Genetic Characteristics Ingush in the North Ossetia-Alania

Elchinova G., Balinova N., Kadyshev V., Tebieva I., Revazov Y., Zinchenko R.


In accordance with the Protocol of the genetic and epidemiological survey of the population, the study of the population-genetic characteristics of the Ingush of North Ossetia-Alania was carried out. The extended nature of reproduction was found (3.62). The Crow index is calculated in two ways – the classical one and according to the method proposed by N.H. Spitsina, which takes into account not only pre-productive, but also prenatal losses. The age parameters of reproduction are within the limits of those for other surveyed populations. A graphical comparative analysis of the components of the Crow’s index obtained by different methods is carried out. Low endogamy was revealed (0.13), positive but low ethnic marital assortativness (1.96). The scheme of the surname landscape shows two clusters corresponding to the Ingush and Ossetian populations.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):964-970
pages 964-970 views

The Use of the Genetic Resources of Tetraploid Wheat Triticum aethiopicum on the Developing of Purple-Grain Common Wheat with a High Content of Anthocyanins

Fisenko А., Dragovich А.


The article considers the results on the developing of purple-grain common wheat and the study of its genetic diversity. Triticum aethiopicum Jakubz. 2n = 28 is the only source of genes for the purple grains color among the wheat species. The trait of purple grain is accompanied by an increase in the content of anthocyanins and micronutrients in the grain. To develop common wheat lines with purple grain, T. aethiopicum k-19068 was first hybridized with the Iranian landrace T. aestivum k-14333. The resulting hybrids were then crossed with the highly productive common wheat cultivar Liza. The developing lines F6 (2n = 42) characterize low diversity on multiple alleles of gliading-coding loci (H = 0.410). They were dominated by alleles inherited from the parent variety Liza. No gliadin alleles that could belong to T. aethiopicum have been identified. Comparison of groups of lines with purple and white grains made it possible to show that they do not significantly differ from each other in terms of yield and elements of its structure. As a result, we have not found a negative correlation between the high content of anthocyanins in grain and grain productivity. This allows us to hope for the possibility of developing high-yielding lines of common wheat with purple grain enriched with anthocyanins.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):971-976
pages 971-976 views


Genome-Wide Association Study of the Risk of Schizophrenia in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Gareeva A.


Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have proven to be a powerful approach to discovering genes for susceptibility to schizophrenia; their findings are important not only for our understanding of the genetic architecture of a given disease, but also for potential applications in the field of personalized medicine. The aim of this study was to study the genetic risk factors for the development of schizophrenia during a genome-wide association analysis in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Genetika. 2023;59(8):954-963
pages 954-963 views

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