Chromosomal Location of the b-Amy-A1 Gene and Distribution of Its Alleles in Winter Common Wheat Culture

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The analysis of the chromosomal location of the b-Amy-A1 gene, which controls the synthesis of wheat beta-amylase isoenzymes, was carried out by assessing the linkage with the B1 (Awnless) marker gene located in the long arm of chromosome 5A. Results based on F2 and F→∞ Delta × Selection 2092 study. The b-Amy-A1 locus showed 6.55 ± 2.10% linkage to the B1 gene. In parallel, alleles of the Rht8 locus, which causes dwarfing of plants, were identified and its linkage to the C gene (Compact spike) was established in 22.59 ± 6.28% (F2) and 24.22 ± 1.18% (F→∞) of recombination in chromosome 2D. The Delta variety carries the Rht8a allele, and the Selection 2092 accession carries the Rht8c allele. A collection of winter common wheat varieties created and released in the Russia was studied. The selected cultivars carried identical b-Amy-B1a and b-Amy-D1a alleles of the 4B and 4D chromosome loci. At the same time, the most common b-Amy-A1a and b-Amy-A1b alleles of chromosome 5A differed. It was found that in the direction from south to north of European part, the frequency of the b-Amy-A1a allele increases from 24.2% (Northern Caucasus) to 72.50% (Moscow–Ulyanovsk regions). Accordingly, the frequency of the alternative allele b-Amy-A1b decreased from 75.8% (Northern Caucasus) to 25.0% (Moscow–Ulyanovsk regions). In the Rostov region, the ratio of the occurrence of alleles b-Amy-A1a to b-Amy-A1b was 42.5 to 57.5%. At the same time, already in the Central Chernozem region+, a significant dominance of the b-Amy-A1a allele over b-Amy-A1b was manifested. Using the collection of varieties as a population of F→∞ demonstrated the linkage of b-Amy-A1 with B1 value in 5.56 ± 1.90% recombination.

About the authors

V. P. Netsvetaev

Belgorod Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences; Belgorod State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 308001, Belgorod; Russia, 308015, Belgorod

Ya. O. Kozelets

Belgorod Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 308001, Belgorod

A. P. Ascheulova

Belgorod Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences; Belgorod State University

Russia, 308001, Belgorod; Russia, 308015, Belgorod

A. V. Petrenko

Belgorod Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 308001, Belgorod

O. V. Akinshina

Belgorod Federal Agrarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 308001, Belgorod


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Copyright (c) 2023 В.П. Нецветаев, Я.О. Козелец, А.П. Ащеулова, А.В. Петренко, О.В. Акиншина

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