Oxidative homeostasis in germinating pea seeds (isum sativum) depending on ultrasonic exposure duration




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The effects of ultrasonic exposure durations (5, 10 and 20 min) with intensity of 25 kW/m2 and the frequency of 26.1 kHz on the extent of lipid peroxidation, oxidative modification of proteins, the activity of cysteine proteinases, and gene expression in germinating pea seeds were studied. It has been shown that the intensity in the area that had seeds planted (just over the central ultrasound generator) was rather uniformly distributed, but at the same time gave rise to diffuse reflection. A range of tendencies in changes of the indicators under study were seen after ultrasound exposure. The level of malonic dialdehyde increased with increasing duration of ultrasound exposure. This study revealed the increased amount of oxidized proteins in germinating pea seeds after a 10 min-exposure to ultrasound, and a decrease in the level of oxidative modification of proteins present in seeds subjected to ultrasound for a period of 20 min. The activity of cysteine proteinases was higher in pea seeds after a 5-min exposure to ultrasound, but the amount of mRNA transcripts increased in all experimental samples.


S. Tarasov

Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy

Email: tarasov_ss@mail.ru
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

E. Krutova

Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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