
Thirty Years of Studies of Qβ Replicase: What Have We Learned and What Is Yet to Be Learned?
Chetverin A.
Structural Aspects of Ribosomal RNA Recognition by Ribosomal Proteins
Nikulin A.
Factors beyond enolase 2 and mitochondrial lysyl-tRNA synthetase precursor are required for tRNA import into yeast mitochondria
Baleva M., Meyer M., Entelis N., Tarassov I., Kamenski P., Masquida B.
Modern approaches for identification of modified nucleotides in RNA
Filippova J., Semenov D., Juravlev E., Komissarov A., Richter V., Stepanov G.
HuR stabilizes lnc-Sox5 mRNA to promote tongue carcinogenesis
Wang L., Ye S., Wang J., Gu Z., Zhang Y., Zhang C., Ma X.
Interaction of telomeric retroelement HeT-A transcripts and their protein product gag in early embryogenesis of Drosophila
Olovnikov I., Morgunova V., Mironova A., Kordyukova M., Radion E., Olenkina O., Akulenko N., Kalmykova A.
35S promoter methylation in kanamycin-resistant kalanchoe (Kalanchoe pinnata L.) plants expressing the antimicrobial peptide cecropin P1 transgene
Shevchuk T., Zakharchenko N., Tarlachkov S., Furs O., Dyachenko O., Buryanov Y.
Viral vectors for gene therapy: Current state and clinical perspectives
Lukashev A., Zamyatnin A.
Argonaute Proteins and Mechanisms of RNA Interference in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
Olina A., Kulbachinskiy A., Aravin A., Esyunina D.
Who Needs This Junk, or Genomic Dark Matter
Podgornaya O., Ostromyshenskii D., Enukashvily N.
Structure and Functions of the Mediator Complex
Putlyaev E., Ibragimov A., Lebedeva L., Georgiev P., Shidlovskii Y.
Structure, properties, and biological relevance of the DNA and RNA G-quadruplexes: Overview 50 years after their discovery
Dolinnaya N., Ogloblina A., Yakubovskaya M.
Structural–Functional Domains of the Eukaryotic Genome
Razin S., Gavrilov A.
Pentatricopeptide motifs in the N-terminal extension domain of yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase Rpo41p are not essential for its function
Kruszewski J., Golik P.
The Role of Transposable Elements in Emergence of Metazoa
Mustafin R., Khusnutdinova E.
Localization of nuclear-encoded mRNAs to mitochondria outer surface
Golani-Armon A., Arava Y.
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