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A Survey of the Latest Advances in Oligopoly Games

Geras'kin M.


One of the most important problems of game theory—the game of firms in an oligopoly market—is considered. The survey covers classical and modern formulations for the game-theoretic problem of choosing optimal player’s strategies and the recent methodological achievements in oligopoly games with applications, including publications over the past five years.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):3-25
pages 3-25 views

Suboptimal Robust Stabilization of an Unknown Autoregressive Object with Uncertainty and Offset External Perturbation

Sokolov V.


In this paper, the problem of suboptimal stabilization of an object with discrete time, output and control uncertainties, and bounded external perturbation is considered. The autoregressive nominal model coefficients, uncertainty amplification coefficients, norm and external disturbance offset are assumed to be unknown. The quality indicator is the worst-case asymptotic upper bound of the output modulus of the object. The solution of the problem in conditions of non-identifiability of all unknown parameters is based on the method of recurrent target inequalities and optimal online estimation, in which the quality index of the control problem serves as an identification criterion. A non-linear replacement of the unknown parameter perturbations that reduces the optimal online estimation problem to a fractional linear programming problem is proposed. The performance of adaptive suboptimal control is illustrated by numerical simulation results.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):26-48
pages 26-48 views

Observation-Based Filtering of State of a Nonlinear Dynamical System with Random Delays

Bosov A.


We present a model of a stochastic observation system that allows for time delays between the received observation and the actual state of the observed object that formed these observations. Such delays can occur when observing the movement of an object in a water medium using acoustic sonars and have a significant impact on the accuracy of position tracking. We present equations to solve the optimal mean square filtering problem. Since the practical use of the optimal solution is barely feasible due to its computational complexity, we pay the main attention to an alternative, suboptimal but computationally efficient approach. Specifically, we adapted a conditional minimax nonlinear filter (CMNF) to the proposed model and formulated sufficient existence conditions for its estimate. We conducted a computational experiment on a model that is close to practical needs. The results of the experiment show the effectiveness of CMNF in the model considered. However, they also show a significant decrease in the quality of estimation compared to the model without random observation delays, which can be considered as a motivation for further research into the model and related problems.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):49-66
pages 49-66 views

On Preset Homing and Synchronizing Sequences for Observable Input/Output Automata

Burdonov I., Evtushenko N., Kosachev A., Kushik N.


The paper is devoted to the problem of deriving synchronizing and homing experiments for nondeterministic Input/Output automata; corresponding input sequences are widely used in testing (non-initialized) discrete event systems. In active testing, there is an opportunity to set a system under test into a known initial state; in passive testing, a known current state allows to reduce the number of properties to be checked. In the paper, we note that such experiments for Input/Output automata are different from so-called “gedanken” experiments with classical Finite State Machines; the existence check conditions of such experiments are established for a predefined discipline of applying inputs and a method for its derivation is proposed when such an experiment exists. The obtained results allow to reduce the problem of deriving synchronizing and homing experiments for Input/Output automata to the well developed problem of deriving such experiments for appropriate classes of Finite State Machines.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):67-78
pages 67-78 views

Iterative Learning Control of Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems with Variable Reference Trajectory and Topology

Koposov A., Pakshin P.


In modern smart manufacturing, robots are often connected via a network, and their task can change according to a predetermined program. Iterative learning control (ILC) is widely used for robots executing high-precision operations. Under network conditions, the efficiency of ILC algorithms may decrease if the program is restructured. In particular, the learning error may temporarily increase to an unacceptable value when changing the reference trajectory. This paper considers a networked system with the following features: the reference trajectory and parameters change between passes according to a known program, agents are subjected to random disturbances, and measurements are carried out with noise. In addition, the network topology changes due to the disconnection of some agents from the network and the connection of new agents to the network according to a given program. A distributed ILC design method is proposed based on vector Lyapunov functions for repetitive processes in combination with Kalman filtering. This method ensures the convergence of the learning error and reduces its increase caused by changes in the reference trajectory and network topology. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by an example.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):79-99
pages 79-99 views

Sequential Improvement Method in Probabilistic Criteria Optimization Problems for Linear-in-State Jump Diffusion Systems

Khrustalev M., Tsar'kov K.


Here we study the problems of probabilistic and quantile optimization of multidimensional controllable jump diffusion. As the main tool we use Chebyshev-type probability estimates. With them the problems under consideration are reduced to one auxiliary deterministic optimal control problem in terms of the moment characteristics of the process. To find its solution, we use Krotov’s global improvement method.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):100-121
pages 100-121 views

Optimizing the Placement and Number of Measurement Points in Heating Process Control

Abdullaev V.


In this paper, a heating process control law with steam supply is designed for a fluid in a heat exchanger. The process is described by a linear hyperbolic equation of the first order with a nonlocal boundary condition with a time-delayed argument. The temperature of the supplied steam is found as a linear dependence on fluid temperature values at measurement points in the heat exchanger. Explicit formulas are obtained for the gradient of the objective functional of the control problem in the space of the feedback coefficients (parameters) of this dependence. A numerical scheme is developed for determining the feedback parameters based on these formulas. Finally, an algorithm is proposed for determining the rational (optimal) number of measurement points.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):122-143
pages 122-143 views

Calibration of a 3D Sensor under Its Orientation Constraint

Matasov A., In' K.


Three-dimensional (3D) sensors usually require a calibration procedure. In some cases, scale factor errors depend on the signs of the projections of the vector input signal onto the sensitivity axes of the sensor. To eliminate the ambiguity of scale factor errors, the angular positions of the sensor can be restricted so that the corresponding projections have a definite sign. This paper presents an analytical solution of the optimal calibration problem for a 3D sensor under a constraint on its angular positions.

Avtomatika i telemehanika. 2023;(6):144-168
pages 144-168 views