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Vol 59, No 4 (2023)

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Rossby Waves and Zonal Flux Anomalies in Hadley and Ferrell Cell Analogs of the General Atmospheric Circulation: Model and Experiments

Gledzer A.E., Gledzer E.B., Khapaev A.A., Chkhetiani O.G.


The circulation of the form of axysimmetrically flow with induced anomalies (disturbances) in closed rotating annular channel with conical bottom is generated by sources-sinks and MHD-method. The reducing of external forcing affects the changes of the anticyclones translation speed, but not the cyclones. The great part of moving anticyclones can disappear or stoped or new quasistationary cyclones may realized, whereas there are no change in the flow pattern in the sector where external anomalies take a place. But the variations in averaged parameters of the flow vortex are distinguished for the entire channel area and for their part. These anomalies physically are the weakness of subtropical Hadley cell with diminishing of passats in some sector of subequatorial atmospheric circulation and also the weakness the westerlies in the middle latitudes. The superposition of blocked and transported vortices are investigated with the help of simple analytical resonance interaction model for transient (with the maximum of velocity) modes in the shear flow. The amplitude of stationary background and the famous Sverdrup relation of the free surface streamfunction in the west oceanic shore intensification are affected in the same way from the beta-effect.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):375-390
pages 375-390 views

Analytical Models of the Interaction of Convection with Intercepting Layers in the Atmosphere

Ingel L.K.


The interaction of various forms of convection with stably stratified barrier layers in the atmosphere is theoretically investigated. Three different formulations of the problem are considered. 1) A linear problem with given perturbations of temperature and vertical velocity at the lower boundary of a stably stratified medium. 2) Penetration of an isolated turbulent thermal into such a medium. 3) Impact on the intercepting layer of an intense convective turbulent jet. Analytical solutions of the corresponding model problems are found. The possibility of connecting the considered models with signatures of intense convection, in particular, with dome-shaped protrusions above the anvil of a cumulonimbus cloud (or a cluster of a convective system), which represent the intrusion of a powerful updraft into a stably stratified medium, is discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):391-397
pages 391-397 views

Changes in the Surface Wind Associated with Atmospheric Cyclones at Extra-Tropical Latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in Recent Decades

Akperov M.G., Mokhov I.I.


We obtained quantitative estimates of seasonal and regional features and changes in cyclone activity in the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere and determined the contribution of extratropical cyclones to the formation of corresponding features and changes in the surface wind, using ERA5 reanalysis data for recent decades (1979–2021). According to these estimates, the contribution of extratropical cyclones to surface wind speeds in the regions of their high occurrence reaches 60% in winter and 50% in summer. The strongest contribution is related to intense cyclones: about 60% in winter and about 25% in summer.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):398-406
pages 398-406 views

Seasonal Hydrodynamic Forecasts of INM-CM5 Model for Estimation of the Start of the Birch Pollen Season

Emelina S.V., Khan V.M., Semenov V.A., Vorobyeva V.V., Tarasevich M.A., Volodin E.M.


The experimental seasonal forecasts of the INM-CM5 climate model were used as input data for the temperature-time phenological model of birch dusting. Within the framework of the joint model, a test technology was developed for seasonal forecasting of the timing of the beginning of birch dusting in the European territory of Russia. Verification of this technology on seasonal retrospective forecasts of the INM-CM5 model (1991–2019) showed an adequate reproduction of the birch dusting start dates calculated for the same period according to the ERA5 reanalysis. The mean systematic errors are ±2 days, and the spatial correlation coefficients are above +0.84. The forecasts of the date of dusting start in 2022, calculated from the experimental operational seasonal forecasts of the INM-CM5 model with a monthly lead-time and with a zero lead-time, are also evaluated. It is shown that the errors in forecasting the beginning of dusting are ±5–10 days, and the forecasts with a one-month lead-time have fewer errors. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the seasonal forecast of the surface temperature of the INM-CM5 model can be used as input information for the temperature-time phenological model for the operational forecast of the timing of the start of birch dusting in the European territory of Russia.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):407-416
pages 407-416 views

Analytical Model for the Generation of Vorticity Due to Inhomogeneous Friction on the Underlying Surface

Ingel L.K., Makosko A.A.


In a number of recent publications, attention is drawn to the heterogeneity of the underlying surface as a factor that can contribute to the initiation and intensification of tornadoes. The paper proposes an analytical model for the generation of vorticity under the influence of horizontally inhomogeneous friction. The resulting vorticity is proportional to the background flow velocity and to the horizontal gradient of the drag coefficient transverse to this flow; dependence on other factors is relatively weak. Numerical estimates show the possibility of efficient vorticity generation.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):417-420
pages 417-420 views

Waterspouts in Russia and Over the World: Climatology and Conditions of Formation

Kalmykova O.V.


The overview of studies of waterspouts over the world is presented. The most well-known schematic models of the waterspouts formation are given. The main factors of waterspouts genesis above the water surface are identified. Open access data about waterspouts formed on the Earth from 2000 to 2022 are collected and analyzed. Three main areas of waterspouts formation are highlighted as the following: Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and adjacent Atlantic, Great Lakes. The frequency of occurrence of waterspouts in countries with the largest number of cases of their annual registration (USA, Italy, Greece, Russia, Turkey) has been estimated. Well known data about waterspouts characteristics derived from direct and remote measurements are summarized. A conceptual scheme of their structure is described. Waterspouts in Russia are analyzed. Statistics about cases of their registration off the Russian Black Sea coast are given. Map with places of Black Sea waterspouts landfalls is created.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):421-436
pages 421-436 views

Changes in the Oxygen Content in Urban Air under the Influence of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors

Ginzburg A.S., Vinogradova A.A., Lezina E.A., Pomelova M.A.


The article analyzes the results of measuring the oxygen content in Moscow in 2017–2021 at three automatic stations for monitoring atmospheric pollution of the “Mosecomonitoring”. Seasonal variations of oxygen content in the city are considered, the issues of compliance of the obtained values with the scale of comfort level for human breathing developed by medical specialists are discussed, measurement data are compared with the results of calculating the oxygen concentration in the air by the magnitude of meteorological parameters. According to the measurements, diurnal variations of the O2 content in the surface urban air, more pronounced in the warm season, were revealed. The minimum O2 content is observed in summer in the early morning hours. The main natural and anthropogenic processes that determine the variability of oxygen content in the surface air of a megalopolis at different time scales are discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):437-449
pages 437-449 views

Integration of Satellite Monitoring and Mathematical Modeling in the Analysis of the Nature of Elevated Sulfur Dioxide Concentrations in the Surface Air of the Northern Part of Finland

Dryukova E.D., Nerobelov G.M., Sedeeva M.S., Kiselev A.V., Mahura A.G., Gorny V.I.


The article is devoted to the investigation of the nature of the increment in surface concentration of toxic gas sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Northern Finland. The study is carried out for June 2011 when the increased near-surface SO2 concentration was registered at Finnish observation station Inari Raja-Jooseppi together with the surface wind blowing from the territory of the Kola Peninsula. The hypothesis of natural increment of near-surface SO2 concentration as a result of Grímsvötn volcano eruption (Iceland) is verified using satellite SO2 observations by OMI, numerical weather prediction and atmospheric chemistry model Enviro-HIRLAM and particle dispersion model HYSPLIT. The results show that not only local man-made sources, but also the remote transfer of pollutants from volcanic eruptions can cause an increased near-surface SO2 concentration. To verify this hypothesis, a large set of statistics is required in Northern Finland during periods of volcanic activity in Iceland.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):450-460
pages 450-460 views

The Effect of Global Warming on the Atmospheric Lifetime of Odd Oxygen

Larin I.K.


Data on the effect of global warming on the atmospheric lifetime of odd oxygen, Ox. The results obtained characterize the effect at latitude 50°C. in the altitude range of 15–55 km in January–June 2000–2100s, the data for calculations were obtained using the interactive radiation-chemical two-dimensional SOCRATES model, with which the total rate of Ox death in the Ox, HOx, NOx, ClOx and BrOx catalytic cycles, as well as the concentration of Ox equal to the sum of the concentrations of O3, O(3P) and O(1D) for the above conditions, which are necessary for calculating the lifetime of Ox, were preliminarily calculated. Scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were used as initial conditions for calculations using the SOCRATES model RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0 for the above conditions.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):461-466
pages 461-466 views

On the Influence of Atmospheric Ions on Aerosol Formation: Numerical Modeling

Aloyan A.E., Yermakov A.N., Arutyunyan V.O.


A new mathematical model of the global transport of multicomponent gas impurities and aerosols has been constructed, including the formation of sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere in both hemispheres. Calculations of the nucleation rates and particle number concentrations were performed for the winter period in the troposphere using a unified model that takes into account chemical and kinetic transformation processes (photochemistry, nucleation, condensation/evaporation, and coagulation). Binary nucleation of sulfuric acid and water vapor was coupled with new-particle formation due to atmospheric ions. The numerical results indicate a significant role of ion nucleation in aerosol formation in the Northern and Southern hemispheres in winter. The factors controlling the dynamics of ionic processes in the atmosphere and their influence on the spatiotemporal distribution of aerosol particles involve not only the level of air ionization but also temperature, relative humidity, and the content of sulfur and water vapor in the air. At a height of 4.2 km, the formation of particle nuclei with the participation of ions occurs only over the Lake Baikal and Kamchatka regions as well as the regions of the northeast and northwest of the American continent. Within the regions of localization of this process in the atmosphere, the rate of new particle generation varies by more than an order of magnitude.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):467-473
pages 467-473 views

Comparison of Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements of Tropospheric Ozone Columns in the Vicinity of St. Petersburg

Virolainen Y.A., Nerobelov G.M., Polyakov A.V.


The monitoring of tropospheric ozone in world science has recently received considerable attention since ozone in the troposphere is both a greenhouse and a pollutant gas. It also plays an important role in various chemical and photochemical processes. Ground-based measurements can be used to assess the quality and to validate satellite measurements of the global ozone distribution. The time series of ozone tropospheric columns in the 0-8 km layer derived from spectral measurements of the IASI satellite instrument using two different algorithms (IASI_LATMOS and IASI_LISA), as well as from joint measurements by the IASI and GOME-2 instruments (IASI-GOME2) were compared to ground-based measurements using the Bruker IFS 125HR Fourier spectrometer at the NDACC St. Petersburg site for 2009–2021. IASI_LISA and IASI-GOME2 on average overestimate ground-based ozone measurements by 9.8 and 5.1%, respectively, while there is no bias between the IASI_LATMOS and FTIR data. The standard deviations of the differences between ground measurements and the IASI_LISA and IASI_LATMOS data do not exceed 12–13%; for the IASI-GOME2 data they are 24.5%. Ground-based and satellite measurements agree better in spring and summer. Ground-based and IASI_LATMOS demonstrate a statistically significant negative trend in the ozone columns in the 0–8 km layer in the vicinity of St. Petersburg for the period 2012–2021, amounting to –0.71 ± 0.35% per year and –0.60 ± 0.21% per year, respectively.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):474-484
pages 474-484 views

Criterion of Applicability of the Theory of Long Waves for Description of Dispersive Tsunami Waves

Nosov M.A., Zarubina A.I.


Conditions for the applicability of the dispersionless theory of long waves for reproducing dispersive tsunami waves are analyzed. As a quantitative criterion, the dispersive destruction distance is proposed for use, which is a value that is uniquely determined by the wavelength that dominates in the spectrum of the initial elevation of the water surface in the tsunami source, and the correction factor \(\alpha .\) The physical meaning of the \(\alpha \) value is the fraction of the wavelength by which the dispersive wave packet lags behind the long wave front when propagating over a distance equal to the dispersive destruction distance. Using the model residual displacement of the bottom surface, the geometrical parameters of which vary randomly, under the assumption of instantaneous generation of waves and taking into account the smoothing effect of the water layer, the Monte Carlo method establishes a relationship between the accuracy of wave reproduction by the dispersionless model and the quantity \(\alpha .\) Using the “\(\alpha \) coefficient scale”, the ranking of the criteria that were previously proposed by other authors was performed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):485-496
pages 485-496 views

Internal Waves in the Region of the Akselsundet Strait of Western Spitsbergen Island

Morozov E.G., Pisarev S.V.


Moored measurements of temperature, salinity, and currents at three moorings that operated for a year in the area of strong tidal currents in the area of the Akselsundet Strait at the mouth of the Van Mayen fiord on Western Svalbard Island are analyzed. Tidal currents flowing around an underwater sill in the strait generate intense tidal internal waves. Forced internal waves exist above the underwater slope. Vertical displacements of water particles reach 20 m. Waves rapidly decay as they propagate away from the strait and slope. They are no longer recorded as far as 12 km from the strait. Tidal currents in the strait reach a speed of 3 m/s and form an intense jet when flowing out of the strait. A strong jet of currents during spring tides presses the instruments on moorings to the bottom.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):497-508
pages 497-508 views

The Ratio of the Second and Third Turbulent Moments in the Urban Boundary Layer of the Atmosphere on the Example of Data from the Moscow State University Eddy Covariance Tower

Drozd I.D., Artamonov A.Y., Barskov K.V., Gavrikov A.V., Pashkin A.D., Repina I.A., Stepanenko V.M.


This work is devoted to testing the hypothesis about the presence of a diagnostic connection between the second and third moments of the hydrodynamic quantities \({{c}_{1}}\) and \({{c}_{2}}\) in the atmospheric boundary layer above a geometrically complex surface: \(\overline {w{\kern 1pt} 'c_{1}^{'}c_{2}^{'}} = C{{S}_{{{{c}_{1}}}}}{{\sigma }_{{{{c}_{1}}}}}\overline {w{\kern 1pt} 'c_{2}^{'}} .\) To test this ratio, a seven-month series of high-frequency measurements on an eddy covariance tower installed at the Meteorological Observatory of Lomonosov Moscow State University was used. Based on the statistical distribution of the third moments, the optimal methods for analyzing the reliability of the dependence under study were determined. For the first time on a large series of data, a statistically valid assessment of the validity of the tested hypothesis was obtained in the conditions of the urban underlying surface. The influence of stratification conditions and the nature of the underlying surface in the area of flux formation on the fulfillment of ratio second and third moments is studied. It is established that for the third moments \(\overline {w{\kern 1pt} 'w{\kern 1pt} 'T{\kern 1pt} '} ,\) \(\overline {w{\kern 1pt} 'T{\kern 1pt} 'T{\kern 1pt} '} ,\) \(\overline {w{\kern 1pt} 'u{\kern 1pt} 'u{\kern 1pt} '} ,\) and \(\overline {w{\kern 1pt} 'v{\kern 1pt} 'v{\kern 1pt} '} \) relation second and third moments is valid in 80% of cases.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(4):509-522
pages 509-522 views

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