Waterspouts in Russia and Over the World: Climatology and Conditions of Formation

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The overview of studies of waterspouts over the world is presented. The most well-known schematic models of the waterspouts formation are given. The main factors of waterspouts genesis above the water surface are identified. Open access data about waterspouts formed on the Earth from 2000 to 2022 are collected and analyzed. Three main areas of waterspouts formation are highlighted as the following: Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and adjacent Atlantic, Great Lakes. The frequency of occurrence of waterspouts in countries with the largest number of cases of their annual registration (USA, Italy, Greece, Russia, Turkey) has been estimated. Well known data about waterspouts characteristics derived from direct and remote measurements are summarized. A conceptual scheme of their structure is described. Waterspouts in Russia are analyzed. Statistics about cases of their registration off the Russian Black Sea coast are given. Map with places of Black Sea waterspouts landfalls is created.

About the authors

O. V. Kalmykova

FSBI “Research and Production Association “Typhoon”

Author for correspondence.
Email: kov@feerc.ru
Russia, 249038, Obninsk, 4 Pobedy st


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