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编号 2 (2023)



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Kinematic Dynamo Modeling and Its Peculiarities in Polar Latitudes

Shatalov N., Chechetkin V., Shalimov S.


The results of calculations of the magnetic field structure in the kinematic approximation are presented, testifying to the consistency of the constructed numerical model with the structure of the flows of a conducting liquid: the instability of the convective process in a rotating spherical shell is reflected in the evolution of the magnetic field, manifesting itself in the pulsation regime of the field. It is shown that the features of the field evolution in the calculations are most clearly pronounced at high latitudes and have analogs in the behavior of the real geomagnetic field.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):3-14
pages 3-14 views

Latitudinal Variations of the Geomagnetic Field

Reshetnyak M.


The model of variations in the Earth’s magnetic field with random Gaussian coefficients is considered. It is shown that at small amplitudes of random nondipole field component σ, the scatter of the direction of the virtual geomagnetic pole grows with increasing latitude. At large σ, the scatter does not change much and its maximum is located at middle latitudes.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Analytical Models of Time-Dependent Physical Fields of the Earth: Local Version

Stepanova I., Shchepetilov A., Mikhailov P.


A new method for analytical description of time-dependent signals of different nature based on local and regional versions of the method of linear integral representations in spaces of different dimensions is proposed. The inverse problem of finding the field sources is reduced to solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations with an approximate right-hand side. The results of a mathematical experiment on finding elements of nonstationary gravity and magnetic fields of the Earth are presented.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):20-35
pages 20-35 views

Modeling the Composition of the Earth’s Liquid Outer Core

Anisichkin V.


The paper suggests expressions, coherent with experimental data, for the calculation of the sound velocity and the temperature of a condensed medium under pressures in the Earth’s liquid outer core through parameters of the shock Hugoniot of the medium. Additives to the Earth’s liquid outer iron-nickel core were fitted so that the calculated pressure, density and sound wave velocity corresponded to geophysical values and the temperature did not exceed the admissible limits. It was established that the iron carbide Fe3C containing (4.0 ± 0.5) wt.% carbon with additives of FeS2 and SiC with a total content of Si and S up to 1.5 wt.% meets the required criteria as the main light additive in the upper layers of the Earth’s core. Less probable is the additive of carbon in the diamond phase up to 0.5 wt.%. In the Earth’s outer core, at the boundary with the solid inner core, among the possible light additives are the iron carbide Fe3C with (3.5 ± 0.4) wt.% carbon or diamond phase carbon of (4.0 ± 0.5) wt.%. Additives at the bottom of the Earth’s liquid outer core, containing significant amounts of Si, S, are hardly probable. The content of H in the Earth’s liquid outer core can be significant at the minimum possible core temperatures. The content of O is insignificant.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):36-48
pages 36-48 views

Gravitational Instability in the Earth's Viscoelastic Crust

Birger B.


This paper studies instability of a heavy inclusion in the Earth's upper layers by the linear theory method for small perturbations. The existence of such inclusions with increased density is associated with chemical inhomogeneity or phase transitions. The viscoelasticity of the geomaterial is described by the Maxwell rheological model. Two layouts of the inclusion with increased density are considered. The heavy inclusion in the cold upper elastic layer of the crust does not change its location under small perturbations, i.e., it is stable according to the linear theory. The heavy inclusion which is located in the hot viscous crustal layer underlying the upper cold layer, is unstable (slowly sinking into the underlying viscous mantle layers).

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):49-61
pages 49-61 views

Lithosphere Density Model of the Middle Urals Segment

Ladovskii I., Martyshko P., Tsidaev A., Kolmogorova V., Byzov D.


For the Middle and North Urals segments and adjacent territories of the East European Platform and West Siberian Plate (within the graticular trapezoid with geographic coordinates 53–65° N, 48–72° E), ten deep seismic sounding (DSS) profiles were reprocessed using two-dimensional (2D) seismic tomography method, and gradient sections of crustal velocities were constructed in the form of grid functions. In the same format, density sections were constructed. The coefficients of density–velocity empirical correlation were calculated using the solution algorithm of 2D inverse problem of gravimetry. The method and calculation technology of a three-dimensional (3D) density distribution with tying to 2D data from reference seismic sections are embedded in the procedure of quantitative interpretation of potential fields with construction of 3D geophysical models. A stable solution of the 3D inverse problem of gravimetry is sought on the correctness set of the family of horizontal layers with 2D density distribution.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):62-77
pages 62-77 views

Geoelectric Model of the Northwestern Caucasus: Three-Dimensional Inversion

Belyavskii V.


Interpretation of magnetotelluric observations made within the Northwestern Caucasus, by means of one-dimensional, two-dimensional inversion and three-dimensional mathematical modeling programs, has helped build testing and starting geoelectric models that are necessary to test and adapt the program of three-dimensional inversion of the impedance tensor components. The performed three-dimensional inversion of the experimental magnetotelluric data has significantly changed the parameters of conducting blocks within the folded structures of the region, identified at the previous stages of MT data interpretation. In the resulting three-dimensional geoelectric model, the position of low-resistance blocks correlates with: suture zones, deep faults, mud volcanoes, and domains characterized by an increased absorption of transverse and longitudinal seismic waves. The electrical resistivity of the most low-resistance anomalies is explained by the degree of their saturation with the water fraction of the fluid.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):78-93
pages 78-93 views

Results of Seismological Monitoring in the Baltic Sea and Western Part of the Kaliningrad Oblast Using Bottom Seismographs

Kovachev S., Krylov A.


In 2007–2015, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS) carried out seismological observations in the water area and on the coast of the Baltic Sea using autonomous seismic stations. Here, in the area of the Sambia Peninsula, previously considered aseismic, a strong perceptible earthquake with a magnitude of about M = 4.6 occurred in 2004. The most interesting data were obtained by IO RAS in 2008–2009 from seismological monitoring using autonomous bottom and coastal seismic stations. The data obtained in 2010–2015 turned out to be unsuitable for full-scope processing due to several causes (losses of bottom seismographs, high noise level at coastal stations, etc.). Seismological monitoring in the west of the Kaliningrad region and in the adjoining area of the Baltic Sea detected weak earthquakes with magnitudes ML = 2.5-3 whose sources are confined to the development are of the Kravtsovskoe offshore oil field. Some of these earthquakes have been recorded by the stations of the Norwegian seismic array NORSAR and by the seismic stations of Sweden. The Kravtsovskoe oil field is located on the shelf northwest of the unique natural object, the Curonian Spit. The detected weak earthquakes are likely to be anthropogenic, induced by reservoir pressure disturbances as a result of intensive hydrocarbon production, and are probably precursors of a strong man-made earthquake.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):94-114
pages 94-114 views

Seismicity of the Western Sector of the Russian Arctic

Morozov .., Vaganova N., Asming V., Peretokin S., Aleshin I.


The paper presents the results of many years of research on the compilation of a consolidated, refined, unified earthquake catalog for the western sector of the Russian Arctic for the entire instrumental observation period, in particular for the period from 1908 to 2020. The catalog includes data on recent seismicity in areas previously unavailable for detailed seismic monitoring. Based on the results of the study, we were able to more accurately determine the spatial distribution of seismicity in the region and compare the instrumental data with parameters of lineament-domain-focal (LDF, or, alternatively, lineament-domain-source (LDS)) models of the General Seismic Zoning maps (GSZ, from Russian term abbreviated as OSR)—OSR-97 and OSR-2016. In the western sector of the Russian Arctic, the highest seismicity is observed in the continent-ocean transition zone, in the Belyi Island, Novaya Zemlya and Severnaya Zemlya archipelagos. The very shelf of the Barents and Kara Seas is characterized by rare and scattered seismicity. The configuration, the maximum possible magnitudes, and the depths of the seismogenic layers in the LDF models of OSR-97 and OSR-2016 maps are not always consistent with the instrumental data and need a correction. The consolidated refined earthquake catalog can be used as a basis for the further research aimed at seismic hazard assessment of the territory, construction of geodynamic models, and study of the stress-strain state of the Earth’s crust.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):115-148
pages 115-148 views

Modeling the Accumulation and Transition to the Relic State of Methane Hydrates in the Permafrost of Northwestern Siberia

Arzhanov M., Malakhova V.


This paper presents the results of numerical modeling of the permafrost thermal regime and thermobaric conditions of methane hydrates in the north of Western Siberia over the past 70 thousand years. The area of hydrate formation was determined and the rate of accumulation of hydrates was estimated in connection with the migration of fluid from the underlying gas-saturated layers under the conditions of cover glaciation. The estimates obtained for the change in hydrate saturation as a result of fluid migration during the 10 thousand-year glaciation period, depending on the permeability of the soil, are from 6 to 40% in the upper 350 m. Based on quantitative characteristics of the equilibrium and metastable states of methane hydrates, the conditions for the preservation of relict methane hydrates in permafrost under the paleoclimatic scenario were determined, taking into account periods of ice cover and transgression. It is shown that due to the effect of self-preservation at temperatures below –4°C, it is possible to preserve relict methane hydrates in the upper 200 m of soil under non-equilibrium conditions. The effect of lowering the temperature while the hydrates dissociate prevents the complete decomposition of the deposit and leads to an increase in the thickness of the frozen soil.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):149-161
pages 149-161 views

Paleomagnetism and Cyclostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic Boundary Interval of the Staroe Slukino Section, Vladimir Region

Fetisova A., Veselovskiy R., Sirotin K., Golubev V., Rud’ko D.


The paper presents the results of paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and cyclostratigraphic studies of continental red beds that compose the Permian-Triassic boundary interval of the Staroe Slukino section in the Vladimir Region, Russia. Based on the directions of the characteristic components of the natural remanent magnetization of the studied rocks in the sampled stratum, the intervals of normal and reverse polarity related to the regional magnetozones r2RnP, r3RnP, and N3P-T were identified. Within the r3RnP zone, there is an interval of anomalous paleomagnetic directions, which has similar characteristics to those identified earlier in the coeval intervals of the Nedubrovo, Zhukov Ravine, and Okskiy Siyezd sections. Revising the biostratigraphy allows us to assume that the two zones of anomalous paleomagnetic directions in the composite magnetic polarity scale of the upper Permian of the Russian Platform are a reflection of the same epoch of an anomalous geomagnetic field configuration. It is estimated by the cyclostratigraphic method that the studied 16 m interval of the Staroe Slukino section took 900±20 thousand years to accumulate, which limits the duration of the geomagnetic field anomalous state near the Permian-Triassic boundary to ~110 000 years. A new Permian-Triassic (~252 Ma) paleomagnetic pole of the East European Platform is calculated: plat = 36.3°; plong = = 155.0°; dp/dm = 2.8°/4.8°.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):162-175
pages 162-175 views

Conditions of the Formation and Evolution of the Tjörnes Transform Zone on the Basis of Physical Modelling

Grokholsky A., Bogoliubskii V., Dubinin E.


The Tjörnes Transform Zone (TZ) is on the northern margin of Iceland, mostly in the shelf zone. It connects the Kolbeinsey spreading ridge and the Northern Rift Zone (RZ) of Iceland. The zone is complexly structured and comprises several heterochronous sections that evolved in various geodynamic conditions. The geodynamic conditions of the formation and evolution of the Tjörnes TZ were reconstructed by means of physical modelling. The models measured the thickness of the model lithosphere, displacement, and the overlapping between the spreading segments. Results of the modelling show that the Tjörnes TZ formed successively, in two stages. The first stage was the formation of the general configuration of the area of interaction of the extension centres of the Kolbeinsey Ridge and the Northern RZ of Iceland in the form of a small overlap of the spreading centres with a rotating block between them. At the second stage, one of the formed transtensional fault zones between the spreading centres became the feeder channel for a magma pulse of the Iceland Plume, which led to the formation of the Grímsey Oblique Rift (OR). Standing alone is the Húsavík-Flatey fault zone that might have formed under the influence of two at a time spreading segments, with the domination of the more magmatically active Northern Rift Zone.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):176-192
pages 176-192 views

Micromagnetic Calculations of the Domain Structure of Submicron- and Micron-Sized Magnetite Grains

Shcherbakov V., Sycheva N.


The evolution of the domain structure (DS) of cubic submicron- and micron-sized magnetite particles has been studied in detail during “cooling” of specimens from the Curie temperature Тс to room temperature Тr followed by their “reheating” to Тс in order to determine the degree of irreversibility of DS changes during heat treatment and their possible effects on the thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) properties. It is shown that typical magnetic configurations in particles up to 2 μm in size have flower or vortex shapes with one or two vortices. A model of the formation of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) in submicron-sized pseudo-single-domain particles (PSD) is proposed based on an expansion of Neel’s single-domain thermofluctuation model of TRM acquisition. According to the model, the equality of blocking and deblocking temperatures is retained for submicron PSD grains. Consequently, for this magnetic fraction, the Thellier laws of pTRM additivity and independence must also be valid.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):193-211
pages 193-211 views

Wellbore Stability in the Bazhenov Formation Considering the Anisotropy of Elastic Properties of Composing Strata

Ardislamova D., Fedorov A.


This paper offers a general approach to the modelling of the wellbore stress state in the Bazhenov formation. In modelling, strata are presented as transversely isotropic objects with a set direction of the anisotropy axis that does not coincide with the vertical line. The paper also presents results of the laboratory Bazhenov formation core analysis. The analysis of core materials yielded correlation dependences for reconstructing stress-strain parameters of a transversely isotropic medium in selected wells. Parameters of the rock anisotropy were analyzed on the basis of standard and non-standard laboratory tests. The solution of the stress state problem in a deformation bounded medium was used to suggest an algorithm of calculating the components of the regional stress state along the well path. RN-SIGMA software tools were used to construct borehole stability models for wells penetrating anisotropic rocks. The effect of the anisotropy of elasticity on a safe drilling mud density window is demonstrated. The results of the calculations show that the anisotropy effects are crucial for calculating a safe drilling window. Examples are given to demonstrate potential effects of the anisotropy in image interpretation as well as in selecting horizontal wellbore drilling directions.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):212-223
pages 212-223 views


Transient Electromagnetic Process in the Waters of the Sea Shelf with Axial and Equatorial Electric Installations and a Field Experiment

Ageenkov E., Sitnikov A., Vladimirov V., Pesterev I.


A change in the non-stationary electromagnetic (EM) signal over the conducting polarizable Earth covered by sea water on measuring lines located in the axial and equatorial regions of the source – a pulsed horizontal electric line (HEL) – is considered. When the HEL operates under pulsed conditions, it creates a galvanic and eddy current in the medium. If the medium affected by the HEL is heterogeneous, both influences lead to the separation of bound charges. After attenuating the impact of an artificial source, relaxation (depolarizing) processes of various nature appear in such a medium, manifesting themselves, in particular, in the form of an EM signal. As a result, the transient process recorded by the grounded line after the pulsed effect of the HEL is at least a superposition of three components: the transient electromagnetic (TEM) signals, galvanically induced polarization (GIP) and inductively induced polarization (IIP). As the contribution of the TEM field component to the overall signal decreases, the IP signal is manifested in the transient process by a change in the time response of the decay, to the point where the signal reverses polarity. As shown earlier by numerical simulations for the axial region of the HEL, the manifestation of the IIP signal at late transient process times, for most of the geoelectric conditions on land, is invisible against the GIP manifestation (Ageenkov et al., 2020). These calculations also show that in the axial region, the GIP signal manifests itself in the form of a deceleration of the transient process rate, and the IDP signal – an acceleration of the decay rate, to the point where the signal changes its sign. Field measurements performed by the aquatic differential-normalized method of electrical prospecting (ADNME), which uses axial electrical installations, record transient processes with a change in the time response of the decay: it becomes more delayed or, vice versa, runs faster and may be accompanied by a change in the polarity of the signal. In other words, measured signals of different forms are observed, which are presumably associated with the manifestation of the GIP or IIP signals. The relevance of the publication lies in the need to explain the results of field measurements performed offshore, to understand the relationship between the course of the transient process and the geoelectric conditions existing in the water area. And in general, to describe the formation of the transient response of the medium in the axial and equatorial region of the HEL for the conditions of aquatic geoelectrics. The calculated signal for axial and equatorial electrical installations with several spacings under the conditions of the sea shelf water area is studied when the installation is located on the surface of and inside the water layer, and on the seabed of the water area – on geological formations. For axial installations, calculations are made of the quantities used in the ADNME: the transient process ΔU(t), the finite difference of the transient process Δ2U(t) and the transformant P1(t) – the ratio of Δ2U(t) to ΔU(t). For equatorial installations, the signal ΔU(t). is calculated. The signals of a two-layered model of the medium with polarizable and non-polarizable bases are compared.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):224-240
pages 224-240 views

On the Nature of Negative Values of Induced Polarization in the Transient Electromagnetic Process when Working with an Axial Electrical Installation on the Sea Shelf

Ageev V.


The paper describes the ideas about the sources of induced polarization fields generated by external forces of non-electrical origin. Layered polarizable media are considered, over which a change in the sign of induced polarization can be observed for an axial electrical installation. Numerical model experiments substantiate the conclusion that the induced polarization is caused by galvanic currents and is not related to the induction component in this case.

Fizika zemli. 2023;(2):241-250
pages 241-250 views