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No 12 (2023)

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Experimental Articles

Effect of Active Si on Phosphate State in Sod-Podzolic Soils

Bocharnikova Е.А., Matichenkov V.V., Pirogovskaya G.V.


Samples of the upper horizon of sod-podzolic virgin and arable soil were incubated with lime or superphosphate, then amorphous silicon dioxide was introduced in doses from 50 to 5000 kg/ha and incubated again for 2 weeks. The content of water-soluble and acid-soluble forms of silicon in soils was determined and the fractional composition of phosphorus compounds was analyzed. It is shown that an increase in the concentration of monosilicon acid in the soil solution of sod-podzolic soil initiated the processes of transformation of phosphorus compounds, leading to a decrease in the proportion of insoluble forms of phosphorus and an increase in the phosphorus content available to plants. The introduction of lime or phosphorus fertilizer contributed to the strengthening of these transformational processes, which is important for the development of recommendations for the practical application of silicon fertilizers and the reduction of doses of phosphorus fertilizers.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):3-10
pages 3-10 views

Плодородие почв

Siliceous Rocks in the Fertilizer System of Agricultural Crops

Kulikova A.K.


Over the past 25 years, the influence of siliceous rocks (diatomite, zeolite, flask) on soil properties (typical chernozem, leached chernozem), yield and quality of agricultural crops (cereals, potatoes and vegetables, technical) when used both in pure form and together with mineral fertilizers and bird droppings has been studied. The possibility of creating new types of more effective fertilizers based on siliceous rocks by enriching them with elements or compounds (in particular amino acids) that most fully meet the requirements of crops has been studied. Studies have shown that the yield of grain crops when using diatomite as a fertilizer is little inferior to mineral fertilizers. Thus, the increase in grain yield of winter wheat on average over all the years of research reached 0.60–1.30, spring wheat – 0.15–0.67, barley – 0.50–0.93 t/ha. The increase in corn grain yield, depending on the dose of zeolite application, ranged from 0.93 (dose of 500 kg/ha) to 1.36 (dose of 2000 kg/ha) t/ha. Potatoes and vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, table beets), as well as industrial crops (sugar beet, sunflower) are highly responsive to the use of siliceous products as fertilizers. In particular, the yield of sugar beet root crops increased by 6.5 t/ha on average when diatomite was applied at a dose of 3 t/ha, and in some years – up to 8.6 t/ha. The increase in crop yield increased very significantly when combined with nitrogen fertilizers from N30 to N60 – by 11.3 and 12.5 t/ha. The high efficiency of silicon-containing rocks as fertilizers of agricultural crops is due to their complex influence on the fundamental properties of the soil: physical (structural condition, soil density, structure of the arable layer), biological (activity of soil microorganisms), chemical (nutritional regime, environmental safety), as well as on the protective properties of plants.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):11-21
pages 11-21 views

Influence of Diatomite, Zeolite and Bentonite Clay on Agrochemical Indicators Sod-Podzolic Soil and Yield Agricultural Crops

Kozlov A.V., Kulikova A.H., Uromova I.P.


In three-year microfield experiments on sod-podzolic light loam soil, the effect of reclamation doses (3, 6 and 12 t/ha) of siliceous rocks (diatomite, zeolite and bentonite clay) on the main agrochemical properties of the soil and crop productivity in the grain link of the crop rotation of winter wheat-spring barley-seed peas was studied. Among other positive effects, a significant effect of diatomite was found in reducing the concentration of exchangeable forms of aluminum in the soil (by 0.11 mg-eq/100 g), increasing the content of exchangeable forms of magnesium (by 0.33 mg-eq/100 g) and phosphates of soil solution (by 225%). Against the background of the influence of diatoms, barley gave the greatest increase in grain yield (by 38%) and straw (by 29%). The most significant effect of zeolite was revealed in a decrease in the actual, metabolic and hydrolytic acidity of the soil (a decrease of 1.11, 0.48 pH units and 0.33 mg-eq/100 g), as well as the concentration of exchange compounds of calcium (an increase of 17.7 mg-eq/100 g), magnesium (by 12.0 mg-eq/100 g) and potassium (by 46%). The introduction of zeolite rock contributed to the greatest increase in the yield of grain (by 32%) and straw (by 23%) of barley. The most significant influence of bentonite clay was established on the indicators of actual soil acidity (their decrease by 0.65 pH units), the content of exchangeable aluminum (decrease by 0.19 mg-eq /100 g) and phosphates of soil solution (increase by 175%). The introduction of clay contributed to the formation of the greatest increase in grain yield (by 33%) and straw (by 19%) of seed peas.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):22-30
pages 22-30 views

Acid-Base Buffering Assessment and Directions of Silicon Compound Transformation in Sod-Podzolic Soil when Used Various Siliceous Rocks

Kozlov A.V., Kulikova A.H.


The variability of the main indicators of acid-base buffering of sod-podzolic light-loamy soil was investigated, and the dynamics of the content of monomers and polymers of silicic acid and acid-soluble silica compounds in the soil under conditions of reclamation doses of various siliceous rocks (diatomite, zeolite and bentonite clay 3, 6, 12 t/ha) was described. Zeolite rock and bentonite had a positive effect on the anti-acid buffering ability of the soil, shifting the H+/OHequilibrium of the system by more than 160 and 20, respectively, depending on the applied dose of the material. The effect of diatomite was manifested in the anti-alkaline region of soil buffering, due to which the H+/OH-equilibrium index decreased by almost 40%. Against the background of the use of diatom rock and bentonite clay, the content of silicic acid monomers in the soil increased by more than 5 and 4 times, respectively, against the background of the use of zeolite – by more than 2 times. The content of silicic acid polymers in the soil increased up to 3 and 4 times with the use of zeolite and bentonite rocks, respectively. At the same time, the introduction of diatomite into the soil contributed to an increase in the content of H4SiO4 polymers by 5–10 times, depending on the dose of the material. The content of the acid-soluble fraction of silicon compounds in the soil increased by 1.4–2.8 times against the background of different doses of the studied rocks and, in general, had a different dependence depending on the composition of each of them. Based on the revealed irregularities in the content and dynamics of mobile silicon compounds in the soil (monomers and polymers of silicic acids, acid-soluble silica fractions), the characteristic is given and the value of the first proposed indicators describing their dynamic state and directions of transformation – the potential for the formation of monomers (M-ASi) and polymers (PASi) is disclosed. H4SiO4, the degree of polymerization (Pm-VSi) and depolymerization (Dm-VSi) of silicic acid, the total content of the loose-amorphous silica fraction (Si-AMF) and the degree of amorphousness of the Si-containing mineral phase of the soil (AMF-VSi). The study of the influence of silicon materials in conditions of sod-podzolic soil revealed that, depending on the qualitative composition and dose of silicon rock, the M-ASi index can increase by 30–80%, and the P-ASi index can be in the range of increase from 0.3 to 3.0 or more times. The processes of polymerization of silicic acid and the decomposition of its polymers into monomers, expressed respectively by Pm-VSi and Dm-VSi, can also actively increase against the background of the interaction of soil with rocks, the measure of change of which is expressed in the order of 10–40% deviation relative to the control. The total content of loose-amorphous silica fraction in the soil, expressed by the SiAMF index, can be determined by the composition of each siliceous rock used as a meliorant. If, when using diatomite, the indicator can decrease by almost 30%, then when using zeolite and bentonite clay, it can increase by 30–100%, depending on the dose. Similarly, the indicator of the degree of amorphousness of the silicon-containing part of the soil substance (AMF-VSi) can also change.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):31-46
pages 31-46 views

Soil Organic Carbon Stocks under No-Tillage in the Middle Volga Region

Ivashchenko K.V., Sushko S.V., Dvornikov Y.A., Mirny L.A., Orlova L.V., Ananyeva N.D., Neprimerova S.V., Yudina A.V., Trots N.M.


The introduction of resource-saving technologies into the practice of agriculture is one of the approaches to preserving soil fertility and increasing the reserves of organic carbon (Сorg). One of such technologies is zero tillage, which has been actively used all over the world since the middle of the twentieth century. However, there is still insufficient information about the effectiveness of this technology for the accumulation and preservation of Сorg in the agro-soils of our country. The paper estimates the rate of accumulation of Сorg by agrochernozems with zero tillage in the conditions of the Middle Volga region. On the territory of agricultural farms (Pokhvistnevsky district of the Samara region), 2 agricultural fields with 5- and 8-year zero tillage (88 and 161 hа, respectively) and a field with non-fallow plowing (42 hа) were selected. 30 study points were selected in each field, from which soil samples of the upper (0–10 cm) and lower (10–30 cm) layers of humus-accumulative and partially illuvial horizons were selected. The paper presents the main physic-chemical parameters of the soil and calculated the reserves of Сorg. A significant increase in sorghum reserves in the upper soil layer was shown at 5- and 8-year zero tillage (on average by 0.57 and 0.45 kg/m2) compared with those during plowing, but no significant differences were found for the lower layer. The total sorghum reserves for the 0–30 cm soil layer at zero tillage increased by 0.61 and 0.34 kg/m2 relative to those during plowing. Consequently, as a result of the application of zero processing, the rate of accumulation of Сorg reserves in the agrochernozems of the Middle Volga region can reach 1.22 and 0.43 t/ha per year, which is 1.3–41 times more than the recommended program “4 ppm” for agricultural lands of our country (from 0.03 to 0.33 t/ha per year).

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):47-56
pages 47-56 views


Influence of Silicon-Containing Agro-Ore (Diatomite) on the Yield of Agricultural Crops and the Quality of Crop Production

Kuzin E.N., Arefyev A.N., Kuzina E.E.


In the soil and climatic conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region, the effect and aftereffect of various doses of silicon-containing agro-ore (diatomite) and its combinations with bird droppings on the productivity of agricultural crops has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally proven. The highest effect on the productivity of corn, spring wheat, annual grasses was provided by the complex action and aftereffect of silicon-containing agricultural ore together with bird droppings. The yield of corn grain in these variants varied from 5.48 to 5.92, spring wheat – from 3.12 to 3.33, hay of annual grasses – from 9.15 to 10.2 t/ha. The total productivity of crops of the grain-to-crop rotation link when using silicon-containing agricultural ore (diatomite) mixed with bird droppings varied in the range from 13.0 to 14.1 tons of grain/ha, exceeding the control by 3.36–4.44 tons of grain/ha, or by 34.8–45.9%.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):57-66
pages 57-66 views

Influence of Long-Term Use of Mineral Fertilizers on Weed Infestation of Grain-Grass-Rowed Crop Rotation

Shpanev A.M., Smuk V.V., Fesenko M.A.


In a long-term study in a long-term stationary experiment, it was revealed that the effect of mineral fertilizers extended to the quantitative composition and structure of the contamination of fields of grain-grass crop rotation, but not to the species composition of weed vegetation. Under the influence of mineral fertilizers, the height and weight of weeds increased, but their number decreased during the period of co-growth with cultivated plants during the growing season (by 12.0–22.6%). In the absence of a pronounced competitiveness of cultivated plants in the non-maneuverable version of the experiment, the weeds from the spring period to the harvest increased by 47%. The contamination of fields with perennial dicotyledonous weed species and their relative abundance in fertilized variants decreased by 2.4–3.6 times, and with small-year dicotyledonous species increased by 1.3–1.4 times. White marjoram and pickles turned out to be responsive to the application of mineral fertilizers, while field thorice and wild radish mainly grew in an untreated version, where the acidity of the soil had higher indicators.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):67-74
pages 67-74 views


Effectiveness of Foliar Top Dressing of Flax with the Drug Controlit-Si on Different Backgrounds of Mineral Nutrition in the Conditions of the Central Non-Chernozem

Konova A.M., Gavrilova A.Y., Samsonova N.E.


The responsiveness of flax to mineral fertilizers and foliar top dressing with an aqueous solution of the drug Controlfit-Si on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil was studied. It is shown that the reaction of flax to mineral fertilizers depended on the hydrothermal environmental conditions, doses and the ratio of nutrients. Excessive humidity and arid conditions negatively affected the productivity of crops. Foliar top dressing of plants with the drug Controlfit-Si leveled the negative impact of adverse weather conditions, increased the responsiveness of plants to mineral fertilizers, contributed to a more complete use of nutrients from fertilizers. On average, for 3 years on the backgrounds of full mineral fertilizer, top dressing increased the yield of flax straw by 25–30% with the best effect against the background of N48P48K48 (4.03 t/ha). Top dressing did not have a positive effect on the yield of flax seeds. It took 13.8 kg N, 5.9 kg P2O5 and 10.7 kg K2O to form 1 ton of flax crop with the appropriate amount of seeds, regardless of plant nutrition conditions.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):75-84
pages 75-84 views

Crop Yield and Balance of Nutrition Elements in the Grain-Steam Crop Rotation in the Conditions of the Dry Steppe of Buryatia

Biltuev A.S., Budazhapov L.V., Ulanov A.K.


In the field agrochemical experiment, the potential of crop productivity and the balance of nutrition elements in the grain–steam crop rotation with alternating crops of steam–wheat–oats–oats per grain crop under conditions of increased aridization of the climate of the dry-steppe zone of Buryatia were investigated. It was revealed that the main application of N40P40 for grain crops and N40P40K40 for fodder (oats for grain planting) was the most effective among the mineral options and equal in effect and aftereffect to the application of manure 40 t/ha and organo-mineral fertilizer manure 10 t/ha + N50P25K60. A deficiency-free nitrogen balance was obtained when manure was applied at a dose of 11 t/ha of crop rotation area. The use of the recommended dose of mineral nitrogen fertilizers of 30 kg/ha did not compensate for nitrogen losses, its deficit was 12 kg/ha per year. A positive phosphorus balance was obtained when applying phosphorus fertilizers at a dose of 33 kg/ha, as well as the effects and aftereffects of manure 11 t/ha. The potash regime of soils in the experiment was the most deficient, the use of potash fertilizers (30 kg/ha of arable crop rotation), organic and organo-mineral fertilizers could not compensate for the loss of potassium in crop rotation.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):85-91
pages 85-91 views

Research Methods

Methods for Investigations the Biologically Active Forms of Si in Soil, Plants and Agrochemicals

Bocharnikova Е.А., Matichenkov V.V.


A set of methods for determining the active forms of silicon – monomers and polymers of silicic acid – in the soil–plant system is described in order to assess the silicon state of soils, the level of plant availability of silicon, as well as to assess the potential effectiveness of solid silicon-containing compounds as a source of bioavailable silicon. The parameter “active silicon” proposed to characterize the availability of bioavailable silicon in soils includes actual silicon, i.e. the content of monosilicon acid present in the soil solution at the moment, and “potential silicon” – monosilicon acid, which can pass into the soil solution from the solid phase. Based on the “active silicon” parameter, a classification of soils has been developed depending on the level of bioactive silicon deficiency.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):92-97
pages 92-97 views


Si-Based Biostimulators

Grankina А.О.


Biostimulants are a new type of agrochemicals that are highly effective when applying low doses (up to 10 kg/ha). The interest in the use of biostimulants is confirmed by the appearance of not only scientific papers, but also the formation in various countries of legislative bases regulating the use and classification of this type of substances in agriculture. Thanks to the influence of silicon-containing compounds as biostimulators of plant growth, several tasks of modern agriculture can be comprehensively solved: to minimize the effects of stress factors, to reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizer doses, to improve the quality of products, to stop soil degradation. The range of global manufacturers of silicon biostimulants is represented by liquid (monosilicon acid) or solid (amorphous silica or silica gel) forms. There are several silicon-mediated mechanisms that provide plant protection in conditions of biotic and abiotic stress. There is a hypothesis of the influence of silicon on the signaling system of plants, which requires additional research.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):98-105
pages 98-105 views

Silicon-Based Materials in Agriculture

Bocharnikova Е.А., Matichenkov V.V., Matichenkov I.V.


The more than 200-year history of studying the role and functions of silicon in the soil–plant system is shown. The main directions of research on silicon are given, including the study of the effect of silicon preparations on the mobility of heavy metals and on the resistance of plants to climatic changes. The silicon-mediated mechanisms of detoxification of cadmium-contaminated soils and reduction of cadmium accumulation by plants are generalized. There are 3 groups of silicon agrochemicals: silicon-containing soil meliorants, silicon fertilizers and biostimulators. The principles of the effect of these groups of agrochemicals on the soil–plant system are described.

Agrohimiâ. 2023;(12):106-113
pages 106-113 views


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