Influence of Long-Term Use of Mineral Fertilizers on Weed Infestation of Grain-Grass-Rowed Crop Rotation



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In a long-term study in a long-term stationary experiment, it was revealed that the effect of mineral fertilizers extended to the quantitative composition and structure of the contamination of fields of grain-grass crop rotation, but not to the species composition of weed vegetation. Under the influence of mineral fertilizers, the height and weight of weeds increased, but their number decreased during the period of co-growth with cultivated plants during the growing season (by 12.0–22.6%). In the absence of a pronounced competitiveness of cultivated plants in the non-maneuverable version of the experiment, the weeds from the spring period to the harvest increased by 47%. The contamination of fields with perennial dicotyledonous weed species and their relative abundance in fertilized variants decreased by 2.4–3.6 times, and with small-year dicotyledonous species increased by 1.3–1.4 times. White marjoram and pickles turned out to be responsive to the application of mineral fertilizers, while field thorice and wild radish mainly grew in an untreated version, where the acidity of the soil had higher indicators.

Sobre autores

A. Shpanev

Agrophysical Research Institute; All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 195220, Saint-Petersburg, Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14; Russia, 196608, Saint-Petersburg–Pushkin, shosse Podbel’skogo 3

V. Smuk

Agrophysical Research Institute; All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection

Russia, 195220, Saint-Petersburg, Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14; Russia, 196608, Saint-Petersburg–Pushkin, shosse Podbel’skogo 3

M. Fesenko

Agrophysical Research Institute

Russia, 195220, Saint-Petersburg, Grazhdanskiy prosp. 14


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