
Satellite microwave radiometry of sea ice of polar regions: a review
Tikhonov V., Raev M., Sharkov E., Boyarskii D., Repina I., Komarova N.
Comparison of Satellite Microwave and Visual Shipborne Data on Sea Ice Concentration
Alekseeva T., Tikhonov V., Frolov S., Raev M., Repina I., Sokolova Y., Afanasieva E., Sharkov E., Serovetnikov S.
Satellite Monitoring of Temperature Conditions near the Mouths of Spawning Rivers in the Southern Part of Sakhalin Island
Lozhkin D., Tskhay Z., Shevchenko G.
Review of Methods to Retrieve Sea-Ice Parameters from Satellite Microwave Radiometer Data
Zabolotskikh E.
Sea surface wind and Sea ice in the Barents Sea using microwave sensing data from Meteor-M N1 and GCOM-W1 satellites in January–March 2013
Mitnik L., Mitnik M., Chernyavsky G., Cherny I., Vykochko A., Pichugin M., Zabolotskikh E.
Characteristics of Winter Surface Air Temperature Anomalies in Moscow in 1970–2016 under Conditions of Reduced Sea Ice Area in the Barents Sea
Shukurov K., Semenov V.
Mechanism of a Positive Feedback in Long-Term Variations of the Convergence of Oceanic and Atmospheric Heat Fluxes and of the Ice Cover in the Barents Sea
Kalavichchi K., Bashmachnikov I.
Link between anomalously cold winters in Russia and sea-ice decline in the Barents Sea
Semenov V.
Numerical simulation of the motion of an ice keel in a stratified flow
Mortikov E.
Trends in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk and Adjacent Basins Based on the Satellite Data in 1998–2017
Lozhkin D., Shevchenko G.
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