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Vol 55, No 1 (2019)


Diffusion-Rotational Parameterization of Eddy Fluxes of Potential Vorticity: Barotropic Flow in the Zonal Channel

Ivchenko V.O., Zalesny V.B.


The problem of parameterizing the eddy flux of a potential vorticity is discussed. The traditional diffusion parameterization is complemented by the inclusion of the rotational component. The new scheme is analyzed using a quasi-geostrophic model of the dynamics of the barotropic flow in a zonal channel with a nonflat bottom. An analytical solution of the problem is found and the influence of topography on the flow disturbances is discussed. An equation for the eddy potential enstrophy is used, which makes it possible to relate the diffusion and rotational coefficients.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):1-16
pages 1-16 views

Methods for Observation Data Assimilation in Problems of Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean

Shutyaev V.P.


This paper presents a review and analysis of approaches to data assimilation in problems of geophysical hydrodynamics, from the simplest sequential assimilation schemes to modern variational methods. Special attention is paid to the study of the problem of variational assimilation in a weak formulation, in particular, to the construction of an optimality system and the estimation of the covariance matrices of the optimal solution errors. This is a new direction of research in which the author has obtained some results.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):17-31
pages 17-31 views

Estimation of the Contribution of Different Mechanisms to the Phase Evolution of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation Using the Results of Climate Simulation

Volodin E.M.


For the evolution equation, a technique is proposed to estimate the contribution of different terms to a phase change during oscillations of different frequencies. The contribution is normalized such that a sum of contributions from all terms amounts to 1. This technique is applied to studying the quasi-biennial oscillation of the wind velocity in the equatorial stratosphere, which is retrieved from data of the 500-year preindustrial experiment using the climate model of the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The impacts of the nonorographic and orographic gravity-wave drags, as well as of the advection by a zonally averaged velocity, on the phase change of the model quasi-biennial oscillation are calculated. It is shown that the nonorographic wave drag is the main mechanism responsible for the phase change (impact is 1.58); the vertical advection slows down the phase change (impact is –0.74), while impacts of other terms are small.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Impact of Sulfur Dioxide on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle

Eliseev A.V., Zhang M., Gizatullin R.D., Altukhova A.V., Perevedentsev Y.P., Skorokhod A.I.


This paper updates the results obtained earlier with the climate model developed at the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS CM) and describing the impact of atmospheric sulfur dioxide on the terrestrial carbon cycle. Since no global data are available for the near-surface SO2 concentration, a statistical model was used to reconstruct its concentration from appropriate data on surface sulfate concentrations; the coefficients of this model were tuned by using the output of the RAMS-CMAQ atmospheric chemistry and transport model. The results obtained in this study are generally consistent with data reported earlier. Specifically, the most significant SO2 impact on the terrestrial carbon cycle was found to be for southeastern North America and for Europe. However, this impact for southeastern Asia obtained in this study is considerably weaker than the value obtained earlier, which can be explained by the excessive moisture content in the atmosphere used in the IAP RAS CM for this region.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):38-49
pages 38-49 views

Transformation of Aeolian Relief Forms under Wind Influence

Malinovskaya E.A.


The interaction of the air flow with a surface consisting of sandy disjoint particles is considered. Taking into account their mobility on the surface allows one to describe the causes for increasing the stability of the particle layer adjacent to the air environment. The value of the threshold wind speed required for the removal of the particle increases due to the change in the pressure difference above and below the particle relative to the same value in a stationary state. The number of detached surface particles when the wind reaches the threshold values also increases. This fact allows one to explain one of the possible causes for the appearance of the well-known effective change in the gravity force acting on the layer with the growth of aeolian relief forms. For inclined surfaces, the balance for flows of particles falling and detached by the wind is disturbed due to the difference in resistance to the influence of the air flow. The differentiation of aeolian relief forms on the area with different intensities of wind removal makes it possible to estimate the relative increase in mass, which determines the optimal distance between the two structures for sustainable growth.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):50-58
pages 50-58 views

Spatial–Temporal CO2 Variations near St. Petersburg Based on Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements

Timofeyev Y.M., Berezin I.A., Virolainen Y.A., Makarova M.V., Polyakov A.V., Poberovsky A.V., Filippov N.N., Foka S.C.


The results of studying spatial–temporal CO2 variations near St. Petersburg in 2014–2017 based on satellite measurements (OCO-2 satellite) and ground-based spectroscopic and local measurements are presented. According to satellite data, the full amplitude of the spatial–temporal variations for the average CO2 mixing ratio (XCO2) amount to 57.7 ppm (over 14%). The maximal XCO2 spatial variations during 1 day of observations (March 17, 2015) were 46.8 ppm (more than 10%). A comparison of CO2 satellite and ground-based spectroscopic measurements has shown that ground-based measurements in the NDACC observation system after the correction of systematic differences from the TCCON system can be used to validate satellite measurements. Ground-based local measurements of the near-surface CO2 mixing ratio at Peterhof do not correlate either with spectroscopic ground-based or satellite measurements due to both mesoscale CO2 variations and significantly different spatial averaging kernels of direct and remote measurements.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Accounting for Autocorrelation in the Linear Regression Problem by an Example of Analysis of the Atmospheric Column NO2 Content

Gruzdev A.N.


A method is proposed for accounting for serial correlation (autocorrelation) of data in the linear regression problem which enables accounting the autocorrelation on large scales. The residual series is represented as an autoregressive process of the order, k, that can be much greater than 1, and the autocorrelation function of the process is calculated by solving the system of the Yule-Walker equations. Given the autocorrelation function, the autocorrelation matrix is constructed that is included in formulas for estimates of regression coefficients and their standard errors. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated by the multiple regression analysis of data of 26-year measurements of the column NO2 content at the Zvenigorod Research Station of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. Estimates of regression coefficients and their errors depend on the order of autoregression, k. First, the error increases with increasing k. Then it reaches a maximum and next begins to decrease. In the case of NO2, the maximum error is more than doubled compared to its initial value. The error decrease (after reaching the maximum) stops if k approaches the value at which the autoregressive process enables describing important features of the autocorrelation function of the residual series. Estimates of seasonally dependent NO2 trends and effects on NO2 of natural factors such as the 11-year solar cycle, the quasi-biennial oscillation, the North Atlantic Oscillation and others are obtained.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Analyzing Conditions for the Occurrence of the Voice of the Sea on the Basis of Infrasound Measurements

Perepelkin V.G., Chunchuzov I.P., Kulichkov S.N., Popov O.E., Repina I.A.


Conditions for the occurrence of the “voice of the sea” within the infrasonic range are studied and its parameters are determined from measurements performed in the waters of the Black Sea (2011 and 2016) and the Sea of Okhotsk (2017). Different parameters (mean correlations, acoustic-arrival spectra, directions, and phase velocities) of high-frequency infrasounds (1–10 Hz) recorded during the 2011 and 2016 experiments carried out in Katsiveli (Crimea) are compared. Wind conditions over the Black Sea waters and the conditions of propagation of acoustic waves along the direction of their arrivals during these measurements have been studied in detail. In both cases, atmospheric vortices are observed in the direction of infrasound arrivals, which cause the wind to change its direction over the sea surface. The interaction between two oppositely directed atmospheric vortices (according to data obtained in 2011) and a vortex observed to the west of the recording point (according to data obtained in 2016) result in the generation of infrasounds. The generation of microbaroms and the voice of the sea due to wind-direction variations, which cause the nonlinear interaction of surface waves propagating in opposite directions and the formation of their 2nd harmonics in the form of standing surface waves, is discussed. The most probable regions of infrasound generation are determined from an analysis of the profiles of wind velocity and direction along the path of infrasound arrivals and acoustic-pressure fields calculated using the parabolic-equation method according to the \({{C}_{{{\text{eff}}}}}\) profiles in the direction of infrasound propagation. In both cases, these regions coincide with zones in which the wind velocity had dropped to zero and the wind direction had reversed. The infrasound within a microbarom frequency range of 0.2–0.3 Hz and the (higher frequency) sea voice with a mean frequency of 5.5 Hz, which were simultaneously recorded from the same direction, are given as an example.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):73-85
pages 73-85 views

Impact of the Southern Oscillation on Arctic Stratospheric Dynamics and Ozone Layer

Jakovlev A.R., Smyshlyaev S.P.


The impact of the Southern Oscillation on the structure and composition of the Arctic stratosphere is analyzed using sea-surface temperature, potential vorticity, air temperature, ozone mixing ratio, and total ozone reanalysis data for 1980–2016. It is shown that El Niño enhances the instability of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex and precedes sudden stratospheric warmings, thus leading to an increase in total ozone over the Artcic during winter–spring.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):86-98
pages 86-98 views

Intensive Internal Waves with Anomalous Heights in the Black Sea Shelf Area

Bondur V.G., Serebryany A.N., Zamshin V.V., Tarasov L.L., Khimchenko E.E.


A train of internal waves ~16 m in height and 101–131 m in length, abnormally large for the Black Sea, is studied. The measurements have been conducted in the water area near Gelendzhik using a towed Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), an RBR concerto hydrological miniprobe, and a moored thermistor string and applying the spatial spectral analysis of a radar satellite image obtained at the moment of sea-truth measurements. Registered anomalous internal waves have a nonlinear character (soliton-like shapes of wave profiles, amplitude dispersion, changing distance between the crests, etc.). Vertical components of orbital current velocities in the internal waves reach 0.20 m/s. Quasimonochromatic spectral maxima due to the surface manifestations of internal waves having lengths corresponding to those measured by ADCP were registered using the satellite radar image. The source of this internal wave train with such anomalous amplitude was a cold atmospheric front and related low-pressure region.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):99-109
pages 99-109 views

Review of Methods to Retrieve Sea-Ice Parameters from Satellite Microwave Radiometer Data

Zabolotskikh E.V.


Sea-ice monitoring using long-term data from satellite passive microwave instruments allows one to make quantitative estimates of climatic trends. These numerical estimates depend on the methods used for sea-ice parameter retrievals. This work presents a review of methods to retrieve sea-ice parameters from the data of satellite microwave radiometers. An analysis of the physics of the formation of microwave radiation over sea ice and its transport in the atmosphere makes it possible to determine the main sources of errors and classify methods. This paper considers the basic principles underlying the methods, assumptions, and approximations used and it analyzes the verification data. Weather filters are considered to identify the areas of open water. A comparative analysis of the advantages and limitations of the main sea-ice concentration retrieval methods is provided by measurements of satellite microwave radiometers such as the Radiometers of the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager series (SSM/I) and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR). A review of satellite products based on SSM/I, AMSR-E, and AMSR2 data, as well as available Internet resources with operational and historical sea-ice data, is presented.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):110-128
pages 110-128 views

Numerical Simulation of Ice Cover of Saline Lakes

Stepanenko V.M., Repina I.A., Ganbat G., Davaa G.


A new version of the one-dimensional thermo-hydrodynamic and biogeochemical model LAKE2.1 is presented. The model is supplemented with a description of the dynamics and vertical distribution of salinity in an ice cover. Simulation results are compared to in situ and satellite data of water temperature and ice cover at Uvs Nuur Lake (Mongolia) from 2000 to 2015. It is shown that underestimating the mixed-layer depth by the model with standard turbulence closure k−ε during summer and autumn leads to a significant shift in the timing of the onset of ice. It is also demonstrated that, while neglecting the salinity of the lake, the freeze-up according to the model happens 16–17 days earlier than in reality. This error is removed if the effect of salinity on water density and freezing temperature is included. However, in this case, the model underestimates the maximal seasonal ice thickness on average by 0.2 m. In turn, this error decreases an order of magnitude if the dynamics and vertical distribution of salinity in ice are simulated in the model.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2019;55(1):129-138
pages 129-138 views

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