
Satellite Monitoring of Temperature Conditions near the Mouths of Spawning Rivers in the Southern Part of Sakhalin Island
Lozhkin D., Tskhay Z., Shevchenko G.
Statistical Analysis of Monitoring the Results of the Radon Level and Meteorological Parameters in the Buildings of Geophysical Stations in Azerbaijan
Feyzullayev A., Aliyev C., Mardanov M., Jafarova H., Huseynov D., Baghirli R.
The Azimuthal Dependence of the Microwave Emissions of a Water Surface Based on Remote Measurements at the Black Sea
Sazonov D., Kuzmin A., Sadovsky I.
Cloud Formation over the Ocean upon Cold Air Intrusion
Rutkevich P., Golitsyn G., Rutkevich B.
A two-channel method for retrieval of the Black Sea surface temperature from Landsat-8 measurements
Aleskerova A., Kubryakov A., Stanichny S.
Quasi-decadal variations in total ozone content, wind velocity, temperature, and geopotential height over the Arosa station (Switzerland)
Visheratin K.
On the Change in the Ocean Surface Temperature in the Benguela Upwelling Region. Part I: Season Cycle
Polonsky A., Serebrennikov A.
Effect of Changes in Global Temperature and Radiative Forcing on the General Atmospheric Circulation
Bogdanov M., Morozova S.
A Regression Model of Microwave Emission of a Water Surface at 37.5 GHz
Sazonov D.
Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Jet Stream in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Early 21st Century
Zolotov S., Ippolitov I., Loginov S., Kharyutkina E.
Determination of the methane content in the atmosphere using correlation radiometer
Shishigin S.
Studying randomness and determinism in surface temperature anomaly indices using the recurrence plot method
Kiselev B.
Trends in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk and Adjacent Basins Based on the Satellite Data in 1998–2017
Lozhkin D., Shevchenko G.
Dynamics of Convective Upwelling of Large-Scale Weakly Heated Atmospheric Aggregates
Chernogor L.
Analysis of Changes in the Ice Cover of Freshwater Lakes by SMOS data
Tikhonov V., Khvostov I., Romanov A., Sharkov E.
Anomalous Dynamics of Bottom Currents and Temperature in the Northeastern Sector of the Middle Caspian Sea
Ambrosimov A.
Convective structures in the Lofoten Basin based on satellite and Argo data
Alexeev V., Ivanov V., Repina I., Lavrova O., Stanichny S.
Analysis of the sensitivity of the composition and temperature of the stratosphere to the variability of spectral solar radiation fluxes induced by the 11-year cycle of solar activity
Smyshlyaev S., Galin V., Blakitnaya P., Lemishchenko A.
A New Climate Response Model for the Orbital Tuning of Pleistocene Climate Reconstructions
Gornostaeva A., Demezhko D., Antipin A.
On Evaluating the Depth of Soil Freezing Based on SMOS Satellite Data
Boyarskii D., Romanov A., Khvostov I., Tikhonov V., Sharkov E.
Extreme Climatic Events in the Altai-Sayan Region as an Indicator of Powerful Volcanic Eruptions
Barinov V., Myglan V., Taynik A., Oidupaa O., Agatova A., Churakova (Sidorova) O.
Quasi-Decadal Variations of Lower Stratosphere Meteorological Parameters and Total Ozone Global Fields Based on Satellite Data
Visheratin K., Kalashnik M.
Development of a Subcloud Layer over the Sea during a Cold Air Invasion
Rutkevich P., Golitsyn G., Rutkevich B., Shelekhov A.
Satellite microwave radiometry of sea ice of polar regions: a review
Tikhonov V., Raev M., Sharkov E., Boyarskii D., Repina I., Komarova N.
Analysis of the reproduction of dynamic processes in the stratosphere using the climate model of the institute of numerical mathematics, Russian academy of sciences
Vargin P., Volodin E.
1 - 25 的 49 信息 1 2 > >> 


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