
Trends in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk and Adjacent Basins Based on the Satellite Data in 1998–2017
Lozhkin D., Shevchenko G.
Dynamics of Convective Upwelling of Large-Scale Weakly Heated Atmospheric Aggregates
Chernogor L.
Analysis of Changes in the Ice Cover of Freshwater Lakes by SMOS data
Tikhonov V., Khvostov I., Romanov A., Sharkov E.
Anomalous Dynamics of Bottom Currents and Temperature in the Northeastern Sector of the Middle Caspian Sea
Ambrosimov A.
Convective structures in the Lofoten Basin based on satellite and Argo data
Alexeev V., Ivanov V., Repina I., Lavrova O., Stanichny S.
Analysis of the sensitivity of the composition and temperature of the stratosphere to the variability of spectral solar radiation fluxes induced by the 11-year cycle of solar activity
Smyshlyaev S., Galin V., Blakitnaya P., Lemishchenko A.
A New Climate Response Model for the Orbital Tuning of Pleistocene Climate Reconstructions
Gornostaeva A., Demezhko D., Antipin A.
On Evaluating the Depth of Soil Freezing Based on SMOS Satellite Data
Boyarskii D., Romanov A., Khvostov I., Tikhonov V., Sharkov E.
Extreme Climatic Events in the Altai-Sayan Region as an Indicator of Powerful Volcanic Eruptions
Barinov V., Myglan V., Taynik A., Oidupaa O., Agatova A., Churakova (Sidorova) O.
Quasi-Decadal Variations of Lower Stratosphere Meteorological Parameters and Total Ozone Global Fields Based on Satellite Data
Visheratin K., Kalashnik M.
Development of a Subcloud Layer over the Sea during a Cold Air Invasion
Rutkevich P., Golitsyn G., Rutkevich B., Shelekhov A.
Satellite microwave radiometry of sea ice of polar regions: a review
Tikhonov V., Raev M., Sharkov E., Boyarskii D., Repina I., Komarova N.
Analysis of the reproduction of dynamic processes in the stratosphere using the climate model of the institute of numerical mathematics, Russian academy of sciences
Vargin P., Volodin E.
Air Temperature and Black Carbon Concentration in the Surface Atmosphere at Tiksi, Yakutia
Vinogradova A., Titkova T.
Spectroscopic Multirelaxation Dielectric Model of Thawed and Frozen Arctic Soils Considering the Dependence on Temperature and Organic Matter Content
Mironov V., Savin I.
Correcting for Cryoprecipitation in the Calibration of IR Channels of the MSU-MR Radiometer
Alexanin A., Gektin Y., Diakov S., Zaitsev A., Kachur V.
Long-Term Sea Surface Temperature Trends in the Canary Upwelling Zone and their Causes
Polonsky A., Serebrennikov A.
Anomalous Decimeter Radio Noise from the Region of the Atmospheric Front: I. Characteristics of the Detected Radio Noise and Meteorological Parameters of the Frontal Cloudiness
Klimenko V., Mareev E.
Analysis of variations in the surface temperature of tropical and Northern Pacific Ocean
Kuzin V., Lobanov A.
Identification of Frozen/Thawed Soils in the Areas of Anadyr (Chukotka) and Belaya Gora (Sakha) from the Sentinel 1 Radar Data
Rodionova N.
Relationship between the Brightness Temperature Anomalies of the Lower Troposphere and the Climate Indices in the Southern Urals
Vasil’ev D., Velikanov N., Vodopyanov V., Krasnogorskaya N., Semenov V., Christodulo O.
The Satellite Atmospheric Sounder IKFS-2: 2. Validation of the Temperature Sounding of the Atmosphere
Polyakov A., Timofeyev Y., Uspensky A., Kukharsky A.
Interannual and Intra-Monthly Fluctuations of the Wind Field and Sea Surface Temperature in the West African Upwelling Region Based on Satellite Data
Polonsky A., Serebrennikov A.
Characteristics of Winter Surface Air Temperature Anomalies in Moscow in 1970–2016 under Conditions of Reduced Sea Ice Area in the Barents Sea
Shukurov K., Semenov V.
Results of Russian investigations into the middle atmosphere (2011–2014)
Krivolutsky A., Kukoleva A.
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