
Analysis of the Results of Deformation Monitoring by the Inclinometer System at the Vladimir Filanovsky Field
Kuzmin Y., Deshcherevskii A., Fattakhov E., Kuzmin D., Kazakov A., Aman D.
Precursor Variability of Lineament Systems Detected Using Satellite Images during Strong Earthquakes
Bondur V., Zverev A., Gaponova E.
A Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Active Fires in the Boreal Forests of Eurasia and North America Based on Satellite Data
Sitnov S., Mokhov I.
Retrieving sea-wave spectra using satellite-imagery spectra in a wide range of frequencies
Bondur V., Dulov V., Murynin A., Ignatiev V.
Satellite Monitoring of Wildfire Impacts on the Conditions of Various Types of Vegetation Cover in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation
Bondur V., Tsidilina M., Cherepanova E.
Satellite Monitoring of Burnt-out Areas and Emissions of Harmful Contaminants Due to Forest and Other Wildfires in Russia
Bondur V., Gordo K.
Operational system for diagnosis and forecast of hydrophysical characteristics of the Black Sea
Korotaev G., Ratner Y., Ivanchik M., Kholod A., Ivanchik A.
Aerial Video-Spectral Survey in the Search for Fragments of Separated Parts of Launch Vehicles on the Ground
Ostrikov V., Plakhotnikov O., Kirienko A.
Inclinometric Observations at the Korchagin Deposit
Kuzmin Y., Deshcherevskii A., Fattakhov E., Kuzmin D., Kazakov A., Aman D.
Sulfate Sources in Carbonaceous Aerosol Particles in the Urban Atmosphere: The Case of Irkutsk
Yermakov A., Aloyan A., Arutyunyan V.
Satellite monitoring of trace gas and aerosol emissions during wildfires in Russia
Bondur V.
Baikal Electromagnetic Experiment
Korotaev S., Gorokhov J., Zurbanov V., Mirgazov R., Kiktenko E., Kruglyakov M., Orekhova D., Serdyuk V., Budnev N., Ryabov E.
Iceberg drifting and distribution in the Vilkitsky Strait studied by detailed satellite radar and optical images
Kucheiko A., Ivanov A., Davydov A., Antonyuk A.
Constructing the Optimal Model of the Geoelectric Section Using Vertical Electrical Sounding Data: Case Study of the Central Part of the Garm Research Area
Deshcherevskii A., Modin I., Sidorin A.
Manifestation specifics of hydrodynamic processes in satellite images of intense phytoplankton bloom areas
Lavrova O., Mityagina M.
On Methods of Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Based on Monitoring the Hydrogeodeformation Field
Kulikov G., Spector S., Rogozhin E., Lukashova R., Sysolin A.
Analysis of Approaches to the Systematization of Thematic Tasks Using Remote Sensing Data
Sizov O., Kushnyr O.
Monitoring short-period internal waves in the White Sea
Zimin A., Kozlov I., Atadzhanova O., Chapron B.
Global Circulation of Latent Heat in the Earth’s Atmosphere According to Data from Satellite Radiothermovision
Ermakov D.
Dynamics of radon activity due to earthquakes (by the example of Altai seismically active region)
Aptikaeva O., Shitov A.
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