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Vol 54, No 8 (2018)


Experimental Studies of Aerosols in the Atmosphere of Semiarid Landscapes of Kalmykia: 1. Microphysical Parameters and Mass Concentration of Aerosol Particles

Gubanova D.P., Chkhetiani O.G., Kuderina T.M., Iordanskii M.A., Obvintsev Y.I., Artamonova M.S.


This paper summarizes the results of long-term (2004–2016) comprehensive experimental studies of microphysical parameters and the mass concentration of aerosol particles in the atmospheric surface layer of semiarid regions of Kalmykia arranged by the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Characteristic values of the mass and number concentrations of aerosol particles in the summer have been determined for different velocities. A significant decrease in the concentration of surface submicron- and micron-sized aerosols in comparison with their values observed in desert areas of Kalmykia in the 1990s has been found. Mass concentration distributions over aerosol particle fractions have been obtained. The diurnal course of the particle number concentration has been studied taking the meteorological conditions (air temperature, velocity, and humidity) and the underlying surface into consideration. The particle-size distribution functions characteristic of atmospheric aerosols in Kalmykia have been determined. The removal of particles has been coupled with the main meteorological parameters in the atmospheric near-surface layer. A large number of submicron-sized particles have been found to persist in the atmospheric surface layer of semiarid landscapes, confirming that they are the main sources of transport of fine mineral aerosol particles, which are most dangerous to human health and actively engaged in biospheric and climate change processes.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):777-793
pages 777-793 views

Quantitative Study of Relationships of Hydrogen, Methane, Radon, and the Atmospheric Electric Field

Shuleikin V.N.


In this paper we develop a model representation of the relationships of hydrogen, methane, radon, and the atmospheric electric field based on the results of experimental observations. Bubble formations of hydrogen and methane are the only carriers of radon in the surficial soil layers and atmosphere. Light ions are formed as a result of ionization and, when combined with neutral condensation nuclei, they form heavy ions affecting the atmospheric electric field. Outside the hydrocarbon clusters, hydrogen and methane are related by an exponential relationship. Under stable weather conditions, the atmospheric radon and its inverse quantity, which is the atmospheric electric field, correlate with the radon content in the soil through the carrier-gases density. Owing to the lower molecular weight, hydrogen at comparable concentrations of volatile gases is the main carrier of radon into the surficial soil layers and atmosphere near the surface. At a methane-to-hydrogen concentration ratio of ~6.4, the volatile gases are equally involved in the transport of the ionizer. At an average ratio of their concentrations (~47), methane is the major carrier gas of radon. Upon increasing concentrations of carrier gases, the sensitivity of the atmospheric electric field to changes in their concentrations increases. Based on observations of the atmospheric electric field and the hydrogen and radon content in the atmosphere, the result significantly increases the accuracy of indirect control over the methane content in the soil.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):794-804
pages 794-804 views

Comprehensive Geological–Geophysical and Botanic Study of the Tectonic Junction Zone between the Katun Ridge and Uimon Depression (Altai Mountains)

Boyarskikh I.G., Agatova A.R., Kulikova A.I., Bakiyanov A.I., Skaptsov M.V., Mazeika J.


Areas with large gradients and anomalous variations in geomagnetic and radiation fields have been revealed and mapped at the northwestern foot of the Katun ridge, within an active seismic zone of its junction with the Uimon Depression (Altai Mountains). Six micropopulations of Lonicera caerulea are specified in areas with contrast geophysical parameters. The effect of a combination of undifferentiated geological–geophysical factors related to seismotectonic activity on the intensification of mutation of L. caerulea has been analyzed. It consists of a greater variability of the genome size and higher mitotic activity and frequency of pathological mitoses of seed generation. We have revealed a significant difference between micropopulations of L. caerulea in the genome size and reproductive characteristics (pollen fertility and morphometry; fruit mass; and production, viability, and energy of germination of seeds). A teratic form of L. caerulea (with numerous disturbances of microsporegenesis, resulting in formation of sterile pollen), is revealed in the zone of concentration of the fault network, which is mapped in a magnetometric and radonic survey. Most plants here produce seeds, which cannot germinate or are characterized by very low germination energy.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):805-825
pages 805-825 views

Autonomous (Non-Plate-Tectonic) Geodynamics of the Pyrenees

Shevchenko V.I., Guseva T.V., Dobrovolsky I.P., Krupennikova I.S., Lukk A.A.


The tectonic structure, seismicity, and modern geodynamics of the roughly EW-trending Pyrenees are considered based on the literature data. Geological evidence suggests that the structure of this mountain system is dominated by scaly overthrusts partially shifting into tectonic covers and conjugated folds. A lower width of the Pyrenees in the near-NS direction, across the strike, which was expected in the context of the plate-tectonic concept due to compression resulting from the convergence of the Eurasian Plate in the north and the African and Iberian lithospheric plates in the south, has not been confirmed by the geodetic data. GPS measurements reveal a higher width of the Pyrenees, also established by the seismological data based on the interpretation of the earthquake foci sets. Thus, there is a clear contradiction between the results obtained, on the one hand, by geological methods and, on the other hand, by geodetic and seismological surveys. This contradiction is proposed to be eliminated by invoking the previously developed ideas of the volume expansion of stratified rocks and the expansion of the corresponding parts of the Earth’s crust as a result of the inflow of additional mineral material with deep fluids rising from the lower crust/upper mantle.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):826-847
pages 826-847 views

Ring-Shaped Seismicity Structures Forming before Large Earthquakes and the Great Earthquakes in the Western and Eastern Pacific

Kopnichev Y.F., Sokolova I.N.


We consider the characteristics of seismicity before large earthquakes and the great earthquakes in the periphery of the Pacific Ocean. It is found that earthquakes with Mw = 7.0–9.2 that occurred in 1964–2016 were preceded by the formation of ring-shaped seismicity structures, usually in two depth ranges: 0–33 and 34–70 km. We obtain correlations between sizes of shallow (L) and deep (l) seismicity rings, threshold magnitudes (Mth1 and Mth2, respectively), and the time of their formation (T1 and T2, respectively) on magnitudes Mw of the mainshocks. It is shown that the sizes of ring-shaped structures at any given Mw for earthquakes in the western margin of the Pacific are significantly smaller than for those in the eastern margin. However, the values of Mth1 and Mth2 are close for these two regions. Parameters T1 and T2 vary considerably depending on the event, but on average they are ~27–30 years. It is supposed that the formation of ring-shaped structures is related to the migration of deep-seated fluids, while the difference between characteristics of these structures in the western and eastern margins of the Pacific are caused by different contents of fluids in the crust and upper mantle of the respective regions. This conclusion agrees with the available data on the peculiarities of aftershock processes of large earthquakes in the considered regions.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):848-858
pages 848-858 views

Paleogeographic Conditions and Age of a Strong Earthquake According to Data from Studying of the Holocene Deposits from Lake Sevan, Armenia

Vardanyan A.A., Korzhenkov A.M., Sorokin A.A., Stakhovskaya R.Y.


A field study of sections of loose deposits in the western part of the Lake Sevan basin (Armenia) is conducted to investigate geoecological and paleogeographic features of existence and development of high-mountain lakes. The typical lithological patterns of significant lake transgressions are revealed and stratigraphic layers with numerous remnants of human activity, as well as the traces of ancient earthquakes, such as horizons of seismogenic convolutions in lacustrine deposits (seismites), are found. To determine the absolute age of the stratigraphic units, four radiocarbon dates of the samples from the section near the village of Norashen are used. They estimate the age of limnologic deposits in the interval of 2020 ± 120–6270 ± 110 yr BP for a 4.5-m-thick section. Using these data, the average sedimentation rate in the studied region equal to 0.34 mm/yr is calculated. It is established that there were two significant lake transgressions: in the Middle and Late Holocene. During the field study, special attention was paid to the section of lacustrine deposits near the village of Norashen because it had layers with significant traces of human activity: ceramics and bone remnants. The results of archeological investigations and radiocarbon dates of the samples from the Norashen section have shown that humans settled in this region twice: in the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millenium BC. The analysis of the materials of studying the seismogenic convolutions in the lacustrine deposits and archaeological data has given us an idea about the possible connection of the transgression regime and a 500-year pause in human settlement of the study region with a strong earthquake that occurred approximately 4400 years ago in the Lake Sevan basin. These data can be used for determining the long-term trend of oscillations for the high-mountain lake in the Holocene and for revealing its causes, as well as for a more precise assessment of the seismic hazard in the western part of the Lake Sevan basin.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):859-866
pages 859-866 views

On the Devastating Earthquake at the Iran–Iraq Border

Rogozhin E.A., Sobisevich A.L., Sobisevich L.E., Kanonidi K.K.


The process of the lead up and development of a catastrophic seismic event that affected the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle, which led to a change in the natural environment in the western part of the Zagros folded mountain belt, is analyzed. The macroseismic effect, the focal mechanism, the aftershock sequence, the seismotectonic position of the epicentral area, and other parameters characterizing the features of the zone of this catastrophic earthquake with magnitude М = 7.4 that occurred near the Iran–Iraq border on November 12, 2017, are described. In one settlement (Iraq, the city of Dzharband khan), a macroseismic effect corresponding to 9-points according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale is recorded. An area of about 150 × 100 km2 underwent impacts of 7–8 points, tremors with the intensity of 5–6 points covered an extensive area of about 800 × 700 km2, and 4- to 5-point impacts were observed all over western Iran and eastern Iraq and appeared in major cities such as Tehran, Baghdad, Kirkuk, Ahvad, and Pasht. In the period from November 12, 2017, until January 21, 2018, more than 50 aftershocks with magnitude mb = 4.2–5.6 were registered in the epicenter zone of the earthquake according to data from the Federal Research Center Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Their epicentral area extended in the near-meridional direction along the Iraq–Iran border, primarily to the south from the epicenter of the main shock. Its length reached about 210 km and width was about 60 km. The position of the epicentral field of the aftershocks makes it possible to associate the earthquake focus of November 12, 2017, with the Khanaqin fault zone of the meridional strike and dextral strike-slip kinematics. The fault crosses Zagros diagonally near the Iran–Iraq border. Given that the size of the earthquake focus is established by the distribution of epicenters of the aftershocks, it covered the Khanaqin fault zone almost over its entire length. Sufficient attention is paid to the identified prognostic effects. The data of observations from geophysical observatories reflecting the processes of earthquake lead up and development are presented. Before the earthquake of November 12, 2017, the information and measuring systems of the North Caucasus geophysical observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS, had recorded gravitomagnetic disturbances of the ultralow frequency range. These prognostic effects appeared a few hours before the main shock. The conditions of the origination and development of seismogravity and gravitomagnetic disturbances are specified. In light of the presented material, it becomes clear that the experimental study of a separate class of fundamental gravitomagnetism problems identified in recent years is a defining problem of geophysics today. The gravitomagnetic disturbances in the lithosphere and other geospheres of the Earth recorded at large distances from the focal area can be considered a source of information on the time of appearance of the main high-magnitude shock. To use these effects for a real prediction of the expected magnitude and location and time of the pending earthquake, it is apparently necessary to develop a monitoring network at the observatory equipped with specialized measuring systems that can detect weak gravitomagnetic and seismogravity signals in the high-interference signaling environment on the Earth.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):867-878
pages 867-878 views

Evidences of Seismogenic Destruction of Tile Kiln at the Medieval Pottery Production Center in Arroyo of the Suatkan Spring in Bakhchisarai district, Crimea

Moiseev D.A., Korzhenkov A.M., Ovsyuchenko A.N.


The Suatkan pottery center was located in the mountainous region of Crimea in the proximity of one of the medieval centers of economic and political life in this region formed around Mangup and Eski-Kermen fortresses. This center specialized in ceramic building materials, i.e., roof tiles. An archeological excavation of Suatkan has recovered two pottery kilns in the territory of the production center; one of them (kiln 12) has specific deformations caused by seismic effect. It features systematic southward-oriented failures of arch structural elements of its firing chamber and rotations of parts of a partition lining of its heating chamber. Our investigations revealed that kiln 12 was destroyed as a result of a strong earthquake. The seismic nature of the kiln destruction is supported by a dissimilarity in deformations to other known medieval kilns from the Southwestern Crimea (in Chersonesus, on the outskirts of the Mangup and Bakla fortresses, and in the area of Sudak) and to earlier kiln 10 of the Suatkan center unearthed further down the slope, which, by the time kiln 12 was in operation and destroyed had been completely graded to the surrounding terrain under heavy destruction layers. Regretfully, the precise timing of the destruction of kiln 12 cannot be determined in the context of the archeological find; it can only be approximated as the beginning of the 10th century to the middle of the 13th century. Provided that the maximum seismic vibrations that led to its destruction propagated from the south-southeast, that is, from side of the South Crimean seismogenic zone, the most likely earthquake to have caused this destruction appears to be an event that occurred in the early years of the 11th century. The local intensity of seismic shakings was I = VII–VIII degrees on the MSK-64 scale.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):879-897
pages 879-897 views

Verification of an Expert System for Forecasting Ice-Block-Formation: The Case of the Northern Dvina River

Aleshin I.M., Malygin I.V.


Here we provide a short description of an expert system for predicting the ice-jamming power in the area of the Northern Dvina River and a procedure to verify this system. This expert system is based on hydrological and meteorological data for 1991–2016. The data were processed using a machine learning technique and adjacent mathematics, because there is no mathematical model of the ice-jamming process and time series of observations are too short to apply classical statistics. This expert system was developed in 2012; it was adjusted using data from 1991–2010 seasons obtained at hydrological stations. The current investigation involves additional data on 2011–2016 seasons to repeat learning and estimate system quality. The developed system demonstrates a reliable efficiency: the forecast results coincide with observations for all six added seasons (2011–2016). It should be noted that the additional data do not change forecast accuracy, which remained approximately 85%, like in the previous study. All developed software is cross-platform, written with a C++ language, and is implemented as a command line application. This software can be easily adopted to operate as a part of the Northern Dvina River online monitoring service.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):898-905
pages 898-905 views

A Novel Model of Quasi-Stationary Vortices in the Earth’s Atmosphere

Onishchenko O.G., Pokhotelov O.A., Astafieva N.M.


In the great variety of vortex motions in the atmosphere, concentrated vortices, attracting increased interest from the point of view of both fundamental research and practice, clearly stick out. A sufficiently precise definition of the concentrated vortex can be given for the case of an ideal fluid—it is an area localized in the space, surrounded by a potential flow and having a nonzero vorticity. Such vortices can be combined into a class of small-scale concentrated vortices including dust devils (DDs), waterspouts, fire vortices, and larger scale and more intense tornadoes. Unlike planetary-scale vortices (cyclones and anticyclones), DDs and tornadoes are small-scale vortices. DDs and tornadoes are generated in different environments (tornadoes occur in strong storm clouds), but they have much in common in regards to their structure. The speed of rotation in such vortices reaches the maximum value at a characteristic radius and tends to zero when approaching the center. The rotation speed in them has much in common with the rotation speed in stationary Rankine or Burgers vortices. This work is devoted to the study of a novel low-parameter model of stationary vortices. The model is most suitable for describing concentrated vortices in the Earth’s atmosphere. Within the framework of ideal hydrodynamics, a new model of thin vortex filaments is constructed at heights that are small when compared to the vertical scale of the Earth’s atmosphere. Unlike Rankine and Burgers vortices, it allows one to describe the structure limited in the radial direction. Quasi-stationary vortices in such a model arise as a result of the balance of two effects: the concentration of vertical vorticity to the center and the advection of the vortex motion in the vertical direction.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):906-910
pages 906-910 views

Tidal Love Numbers of Degrees 2 and 3

Spiridonov E.A.


In the coming years, the high-precision processing of large arrays of modern observational data from the Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) will require knowledge of the theoretical values of the tidal numbers h and l of degrees 2 and 3 with a relative error no worse than 10–4. This will make it possible to predict vertical and horizontal tidal displacements of the earth’s surface at the modern level. The paper presents the values of Love numbers h, k, and l of degrees 2 and 3 calculated for an inelastic ellipsoidal self-gravitating rotating earth without an ocean. Twelve different models are considered that differ from each other by the inclusion or exclusion of individual factors that affect the result. In particular, two different versions of the earth’s structure model are used, corrections for the relative and Coriolis accelerations are considered, and the values of the Love numbers are determined considering their latitude dependence. Lame elastic parameters were recalculated for the periods of semidiurnal and diurnal tidal waves using the logarithmic creep function to account for dissipation. The normalization of the obtained values of the Love numbers corresponds to International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) Conventions regarding the calculation of tidal displacements of the earth’s surface. The values are compared with the results of widely known works of other authors. Currently, the results are used to develop a new version of the ATLANTIDA3.1 software for predicting earth tides.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):911-931
pages 911-931 views

Inclinometric Observations at the Korchagin Deposit

Kuzmin Y.O., Deshcherevskii A.V., Fattakhov E.A., Kuzmin D.K., Kazakov A.A., Aman D.V.


The aim of this work is to analyze the results of geodeformation monitoring at the Korchagin oil, gas, and condensate deposit in the Caspian Sea. The inclinations of the base of the offshore platform are registered using Inklin-2 AGS-5 inclinometers. The software for collection and storage of data is elaborated at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences. The time series of inclinometric observations were processed using the WinABD package designed at the Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. The tidal and seiche impacts are estimated and the dynamics of time change of the position of the exploitation platform is described. The periodic oscillations of the heel and difference with periods of 24 and 12 h and mean annual amplitude of 0.005° and 0.001°, respectively, are probably related to breeze impacts. It is shown that gravitation tidal effects (lunar–solar static and marine tides) have a minor effect on platform inclination. The results of mathematic modeling of seafloor deformations induced by the exploitation of the deposit show a maximum settling amplitude of ~3 mm. A model of a deformed reservoir–reservoir with Neocomian and Volgian oil-saturated reservoirs is considered. The assessment of the heel and difference in the platform area showed that exploitation-related heel can reach 6 × 10–8 (16 angular ms), whereas the difference is 8 × 10–8 (12 angular ms). Both values are much lower than the resolution of inclinometers and observing deformations caused by other reasons. The absence of critical heel and difference of the exploitation platform is substantiated. Numerical procedures allow a detailed analysis of present-day geodynamic processes, which are caused by the exploitation of the Korchagin deposit under constant monitoring regime.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):932-940
pages 932-940 views

Native and Rare-Earth Metals on the Earth, the Moon, in Tektites, and Meteorites

Manankov A.V.


In order to develop astromineralogy, an emerging new research area, the results of studying the features of mineral genesis and geochemistry of native (SE) and rare-earth (TR) elements in host rocks of the biosphere outer shells and in space objects are presented. A set of methods, such as modern methods of astromineralogy, as well as modeling and the applied system analysis, is used. The theoretical models and hypotheses of the mechanisms of substructure-phase transformations of TR and SE elements under the influence of specific physicochemical conditions on the Moon and in space objects in comparison with the terrestrial objects are proposed. The theoretical importance and a practical role of intergeosphere criteria and systemology are shown. The material differences are substantiated between terrestrial and space objects that constitute seven groups of indicating criteria, whose complex can be used for objects of unknown origin: (1) geological and structural features—only the geological environment contains specific rocks of the catastrophite class, which always overlie basement rocks with angular unconformity and have signs of cooling and a reducing environment similar to the space environment; (2) petrochemical composition; (3) impurity elements; (4) the quantity, composition, morphology and structure of the SE; (5) the isotopic composition of carbon 14C; (6) composition of chemical elements of the TR group and radionuclides; and (7) different proton radiation power in the composition of solar wind under conditions of high vacuum in space (exotic micromixtures of native W and low-melting Sb, etc., in regolith) and the Earth’s atmosphere. New knowledge is applicable for the development of planetology, the theory of intergeosphere processes, the expansion of the resource base on the Moon, and the provision of space safety for the biosphere. The connection between catastrophic processes in the geoactive zones of the Earth and collision zones with the dispersion of minerals and rocks to nanosized suspensions and the formation of electrets in carrying over anomalous amounts of dust and oxides of C, N, and S to the atmosphere is discussed. These results are laid in the foundation of the method for earthquake prediction (patent no. 2516617…, 2014). A new class of multifunctional glass-crystalline materials, sikams (certificate no. 92355), which are also obtained from rocks comparable to lunar basalts in petrogeochemical features, is discovered.

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2018;54(8):941-953
pages 941-953 views

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