
A Look at the 1988 Spitak Earthquake in the Light of Lessons Learned from the 1948 Ashgabat Catastrophe
Sidorin A.
Coseismic Deformation of the Earth’s Surface in the Area of the Catastrophic 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake According to GPS Measurements
Jiao Liu , Rogozhin E.
Relationship of the Vp/Vs Parameter with the State of the Magmatic Substance and Activity of the Northern Group of Volcanoes in Kamchatka
Slavina L., Kuchai M., Likhodeev D., Senyukov S.
Systematization of Ionospheric, Geodynamic, and Thermal Precursors of Strong (M ≥ 6) Earthquakes Detected from Space
Bondur V., Tsidilina M., Gaponova E., Voronova O.
Characteristics of the Short-Period S-Wave Attenuation Field in the Source Zone of the Strongest Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011 (Mw = 9.0)
Kopnichev Y., Sokolova I.
Evidences of Seismogenic Destruction of Tile Kiln at the Medieval Pottery Production Center in Arroyo of the Suatkan Spring in Bakhchisarai district, Crimea
Moiseev D., Korzhenkov A., Ovsyuchenko A.
Time Variations in Earthquake Focal Mechanisms of the Racha-Dzhava Seismic Zone
Shumlianskaya L., Burmin V.
Seismic “Incident” of 1185 in the Northern Sea of Azov: Contemporary Analysis of the Earthquake in an Active Seismogenic Zone
Nikonov A.
On the Devastating Earthquake at the Iran–Iraq Border
Rogozhin E., Sobisevich A., Sobisevich L., Kanonidi K.
On Methods of Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Based on Monitoring the Hydrogeodeformation Field
Kulikov G., Spector S., Rogozhin E., Lukashova R., Sysolin A.
Modern Horizontal Movements in the Zones of Strong and Moderate Earthquakes of the Early 21st Century in the Central Sector of the Greater Caucasus: Characteristics Inferred from GPS Observations and Connection with Neotectonics and Deep Structure of the Earth’s Crust
Rogozhin E., Milyukov V., Mironov A., Ovsyuchenko A., Gorbatikov A., Andreeva N., Lukashova R., Drobyshev V., Khubaev K.
Paleogeographic Conditions and Age of a Strong Earthquake According to Data from Studying of the Holocene Deposits from Lake Sevan, Armenia
Vardanyan A., Korzhenkov A., Sorokin A., Stakhovskaya R.
Non-Plate-Tectonic (Autonomous) Folding and Thrusting in the Earth’s Crust
Shevchenko V., Lukk A., Guseva T.
Earth’s Free Oscillations Excited by the 2013 Okhotsk Sea Earthquake
Milyukov V., Vinogradov M., Mironov A., Myasnikov A.
Macroseismic Manifestations of the Disastrous 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (MS = 8.0) According to the Study of Surface Seismodislocations
Jiao Liu , Rogozhin E.
Precursor Variability of Lineament Systems Detected Using Satellite Images during Strong Earthquakes
Bondur V., Zverev A., Gaponova E.
Variations in the Kinematics of Deformation in the Vicinity of the Catastrophic Sumatra Earthquake
Lukk A., Leonova V.
Regional long-period magnitude scales and their capabilities for tsunami warning
Gusev A., Chubarova O.
Space Methods of Studying the Precursor Cycle Dynamics of the Lineament System before the Preparation of Earthquakes
Bondur V., Zverev A., Gaponova E., Zima A.
The possibility of tsunami in the Sea of Okhotsk caused by deep-focus earthquakes
Zaytsev A., Pelinovsky E., Kurkin A., Kostenko I., Yalciner A.
Seismic Activation in the Eastern Part of the Southern Slope of the Great Caucasus in the Late XX to Early XXI Centuries
Yetirmishli G., Mammadli T., Rogozhin E., Sysolin A.
Cyclic Properties of Seismic Noise and the Problem of Predictability of the Strongest Earthquakes in Japanese Islands
Lyubushin A.
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