
Variations in the Kinematics of Deformation in the Vicinity of the Catastrophic Sumatra Earthquake
Lukk A., Leonova V.
Modern Geodynamics and Focal Mechanisms of Earthquakes near the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant
Lukk A., Rebetsky Y.
Coseismic Deformation of the Earth’s Surface in the Area of the Catastrophic 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake According to GPS Measurements
Jiao Liu , Rogozhin E.
Inclinometric Observations at the Korchagin Deposit
Kuzmin Y., Deshcherevskii A., Fattakhov E., Kuzmin D., Kazakov A., Aman D.
Quaternary Lacustrine Complexes of the Northwest East European Platform and Northern Yakutia and Their Deformation Structures
Gorbatov E., Kolesnikov S.
On the Devastating Earthquake at the Iran–Iraq Border
Rogozhin E., Sobisevich A., Sobisevich L., Kanonidi K.
Analysis of the Results of Deformation Monitoring by the Inclinometer System at the Vladimir Filanovsky Field
Kuzmin Y., Deshcherevskii A., Fattakhov E., Kuzmin D., Kazakov A., Aman D.
Atmospheric Perturbations during the Flow around Mountain Groups
Berzegova R., Bedanokov M.
Space Methods of Studying the Precursor Cycle Dynamics of the Lineament System before the Preparation of Earthquakes
Bondur V., Zverev A., Gaponova E., Zima A.
Horseshow Vortices at Erodible Boundaries of Nonuniform Flows
Mel’nikova O., Pokazeev K.
Earth’s Free Oscillations Excited by the 2013 Okhotsk Sea Earthquake
Milyukov V., Vinogradov M., Mironov A., Myasnikov A.
Spectral characteristics of Rossby waves in the Northwestern Pacific based on satellite altimetry
Belonenko T., Kubrjakov A., Stanichny S.
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