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Том 55, № 5 (2019) Sensitivity of the Ocean Circulation Model to the k-ω Vertical Turbulence Parametrization PDF
Zalesny V., Moshonkin S.
Том 55, № 5 (2019) Tsunami Hazard Assessment on the Egyptian Coast of the Mediterranean PDF
Zaytsev A., Babeyko A., Kurkin A., Yalciner A., Pelinovsky E.
Том 55, № 5 (2019) Transfer of Lightning Optical Radiation into Space through the Cloud Layer PDF
Busygin V., Krasnokutskaya L., Kuzmina I.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Vertical Propagation of Acoustic-Gravity Waves from Atmospheric Fronts into the Upper Atmosphere PDF
Kurdyaeva Y., Kulichkov S., Kshevetskii S., Borchevkina O., Golikova E.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Layered Structure of Stably Stratified Turbulent Shear Flows PDF
Glazunov A., Mortikov E., Barskov K., Kadantsev E., Zilitinkevich S.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Properties of the Frequency Spectra of the Sea Surface and Land Surface Air Temperature Anomalies in a Simple Stochastic Climate Model with Fluctuating Parameters PDF
Petrov D.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) The 100 000-Year Periodicity in Glacial Cycles and Oscillations of World Ocean Level PDF
Bezverkhnii V.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Peculiarity of the Intensity Dynamics of Tropical Cyclones Operating as a Group PDF
Yaroshevich M.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Modeling of Atmospheric Disturbances over the Crimean Mountains PDF
Kozhevnikov V.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Validation of Integrated Water-Vapor Content from GNSS Data of Ground-Based Measurements PDF
Kalinnikov V., Khutorova O.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Subpollen Particles as Atmospheric Cloud Condensation Nuclei PDF
Mikhailov E., Ivanova O., Nebosko E., Vlasenko S., Ryshkevich T.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Meridional Mass Transport of Bottom Water in the South Atlantic PDF
Belyaev K., Morozov E., Tuchkova N.
Том 55, № 4 (2019) Influence of Nonlinear Interaction on the Evolution of Waves in a Shallow Basin PDF
Rodin A., Rodina N., Kurkin A., Pelinovsky E.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Dynamics of Convective Upwelling of Large-Scale Weakly Heated Atmospheric Aggregates PDF
Chernogor L.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Numerical Simulation of Variations in Ozone Content, Erythemal Ultraviolet Radiation, and Ultraviolet Resources over Northern Eurasia in the 21st Century PDF
Pastukhova A., Chubarova N., Zhdanova Y., Galin V., Smyshlyaev S.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Phase Shift between Changes in Global Temperature and Atmospheric CO2 Content under External Emissions of Greenhouse Gases into the Atmosphere PDF
Muryshev K., Eliseev A., Denisov S., Mokhov I., Arzhanov M., Timazhev A.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Radiative Instability of a Barotropic Jet Flow in a Rotating Stratified Atmosphere PDF
Kalashnik M.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Vortex Motion Driven by Differential Diffusion PDF
Ingel L.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Eurasian Large-Scale Hazes in Summer 2016 PDF
Gorchakov G., Sitnov S., Karpov A., Gorchakova I., Gushchin R., Datsenko O.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Sulfate Sources in Carbonaceous Aerosol Particles in the Urban Atmosphere: The Case of Irkutsk PDF
Yermakov A., Aloyan A., Arutyunyan V.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) On Some Similar Regularities of Cyclonic and Seismic Activity PDF
Yaroshevich M.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Evolution of the Fine Structure of the Matter Distribution of a Free-Falling Droplet in Mixing Liquids PDF
Chashechkin Y.
Том 55, № 3 (2019) Internal Tides in the Denmark Strait PDF
Morozov E., Frey D., Gladyshev S., Klyuvitkin A., Novigatsky A.
Том 55, № 2 (2019) Bulk Models of Sheared Boundary Layer Convection PDF
Debolskiy A., Stepanenko V., Glazunov A., Zilitinkevich S.
Том 55, № 2 (2019) Organized Roll Circulation and Transport of Mineral Aerosols in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer PDF
Vazaeva N., Chkhetiani O., Maksimenkov L.
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