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Vol 55, No 10 (2019) Heterogeneities of the Field of S-Wave Attenuation in the Lithosphere of the Caucasus and Their Relationship with Seismicity
Kopnichev Y.F., Sokolova I.N.
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) Hierarchy of Interrelationships in the Dynamics of Tropical Cyclones Activity
Yaroshevich M.I.
Vol 52, No 8 (2016) High S-wave attenuation anomalies and ringlike seismogenic structures in the lithosphere beneath Altai: Possible precursors of large earthquakes
Kopnichev Y.F., Sokolova I.N.
Vol 54, No 7 (2018) Historical Database of Geomagnetic and Auroral Activity for the Study of Solar–Terrestrial Relationships
Ptitsyna N.G., Sokolov S.N., Soldatov V.A., Tyasto M.I.
Vol 55, No 8 (2019) Holocenic Geological and Seismic Activity of the Fault System in Northeastern Bulgaria by the Complex of Geological-Geomorphological and Archeoseismological Methods
Rogozhin E.A., Gorbatikov A.V., Stepanova M.Y., Kharazova Y.V., Dimitrov O.V., Ovsyuchenko A.N., Korzhenkov A.M., Strelnikov A.A.
Vol 54, No 1 (2018) Horseshow Vortices at Erodible Boundaries of Nonuniform Flows
Mel’nikova O.N., Pokazeev K.V.
Vol 54, No 2 (2018) Hybrid Surface Waves from a Harmonic Perturbation Source
Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Y.V.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Hydraulic Regimes of Flow over Mountains during Severe Downslope Windstorms: Novorossiysk Bora, Novaya Zemlya Bora, and Pevek Yuzhak
Shestakova A.A., Moiseenko K.B.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) Iceberg drifting and distribution in the Vilkitsky Strait studied by detailed satellite radar and optical images
Kucheiko A.A., Ivanov A.Y., Davydov A.A., Antonyuk A.Y.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Identification of Frozen/Thawed Soils in the Areas of Anadyr (Chukotka) and Belaya Gora (Sakha) from the Sentinel 1 Radar Data
Rodionova N.V.
Vol 55, No 1 (2019) Impact of Sulfur Dioxide on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
Eliseev A.V., Zhang M., Gizatullin R.D., Altukhova A.V., Perevedentsev Y.P., Skorokhod A.I.
Vol 55, No 1 (2019) Impact of the Southern Oscillation on Arctic Stratospheric Dynamics and Ozone Layer
Jakovlev A.R., Smyshlyaev S.P.
Vol 54, No 8 (2018) Inclinometric Observations at the Korchagin Deposit
Kuzmin Y.O., Deshcherevskii A.V., Fattakhov E.A., Kuzmin D.K., Kazakov A.A., Aman D.V.
Vol 54, No 2 (2018) Inertial Oscillations and the Galilean Transformation
Korotaev G.K.
Vol 52, No 1 (2016) Influence of a spatial structure of precipitates on polarization characteristics of the outgoing microwave radiation of the atmosphere
Ilyushin Y.A., Kutuza B.G.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Influence of Feedbacks in the Climate–Energetics System on the Intensity of an Urban Heat Island
Demchenko P.F., Ginzburg A.S.
Vol 55, No 4 (2019) Influence of Nonlinear Interaction on the Evolution of Waves in a Shallow Basin
Rodin A.A., Rodina N.A., Kurkin A.A., Pelinovsky E.N.
Vol 55, No 5 (2019) Influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on Moscow Climate Continentality
Alexandrov G.A., Ginzburg A.S., Golitsyn G.S.
Vol 52, No 6 (2016) Influence of radiation and circulation factors on climate change in Western Siberia at the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century
Kharyutkina E.V., Loginov S.V., Ippolitov I.I.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) Influence of the type of sea waves on the backscattered radar cross section at medium incidence angles
Karaev V.Y., Panfilova M.A., Jie G.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Influence of Wave Polarization on the Texture Characteristics of Objects in Radar Images
Rodionova N.V.
Vol 55, No 1 (2019) Intensive Internal Waves with Anomalous Heights in the Black Sea Shelf Area
Bondur V.G., Serebryany A.N., Zamshin V.V., Tarasov L.L., Khimchenko E.E.
Vol 55, No 5 (2019) Interaction between Rossby Waves and a Jet Flow: Basic Equations and Verification for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Gnevyshev V.G., Frolova A.V., Kubryakov A.A., Sobko Y.V., Belonenko T.V.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Interaction of Mesoscale and Submesoscale Eddies in the Sea of Okhotsk Based on Satellite Data
Zhabin I.A., Andreev A.G.
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) Interannual and Intra-Monthly Fluctuations of the Wind Field and Sea Surface Temperature in the West African Upwelling Region Based on Satellite Data
Polonsky A.B., Serebrennikov A.N.
176 - 200 of 460 Items << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 > >> 

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