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Issue Title File
Vol 54, No 9 (2018) Topographic Cross Sections of Mountain Regions (Experience of Remote Geomorphologic Analysis)
Luzgin B.N.
Vol 52, No 7 (2016) Traces of ancient tsunamis in the coastal parts of the South China Sea
Rogozhin E.A.
Vol 55, No 5 (2019) Transfer of Lightning Optical Radiation into Space through the Cloud Layer
Busygin V.P., Krasnokutskaya L.D., Kuzmina I.Y.
Vol 55, No 1 (2019) Transformation of Aeolian Relief Forms under Wind Influence
Malinovskaya E.A.
Vol 55, No 6 (2019) Transformation of the First Mode Breather of Internal Waves above a Bottom Step in a Three-Layer Fluid
Lobovikov P.V., Kurkina O.E., Kurkin A.A., Kokoulina M.V.
Vol 54, No 7 (2018) Transport of Air Masses and Pollutants to the Russian Arctic Islands (19862016): Long-Term, Interannual, and Seasonal Variations
Vinogradova A.A., Ivanova Y.A.
Vol 54, No 1 (2018) Trends in Long-Term Dynamics of Cyclonic Activity of Typhoons
Yaroshevich M.I.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Trends in the Sea Surface Temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk and Adjacent Basins Based on the Satellite Data in 1998–2017
Lozhkin D.M., Shevchenko G.V.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Trends of Steric Sea Level Oscillations in the North Atlantic
Belonenko T.V., Koldunov A.V.
Vol 55, No 5 (2019) Tsunami Hazard Assessment on the Egyptian Coast of the Mediterranean
Zaytsev A.I., Babeyko A.Y., Kurkin A.A., Yalciner A.C., Pelinovsky E.N.
Vol 55, No 7 (2019) Two Stages of Thermal Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere
Trubitsyn A.P.
Vol 55, No 10 (2019) Underestimated Seismic Hazard of the Ferghana Depression: New Archeoseismological Data
Korzhenkov A.M., Usmanova M.T., Anarbaev A.A., Maksudov F.A., Murudaliev R.K., Zakhidov T.K., Rakhmanov Z.O.
Vol 55, No 6 (2019) Unsteady Chains of Wave Structures and Anomalous Transport of Passive Admixture in a Barotropic Jet Flow
Reutov V.P., Rybushkina G.V.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Use of Along-Track Altimeter Data to Verify Numerical Wave Models
Polnikov V.G., Pogarskii F.A., Zilitinkevich N.S., Kubryakov A.A.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Use of Remote Sensing to Find a Localization Pattern of Gold Mineralization in the Central Part of the Ayan-Yuryakh Anticlinorium, Magadan Oblast
Milovsky G.A., Makarov V.P., Troitsky V.V., Lyamin S.M., Orlyankin V.N., Shemyakina E.M., Gil I.G.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Using Earth Remote Sensing to Study the Parameters of the Morphological Structure of the Ridge Landscape in the North Caspian Region
Gonikov T.V.
Vol 55, No 9 (2019) Validation of Information Products of Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Processing
Kozoderov V.V., Kondranin T.V., Dmitriev E.V., Kamentsev V.P.
Vol 55, No 4 (2019) Validation of Integrated Water-Vapor Content from GNSS Data of Ground-Based Measurements
Kalinnikov V.V., Khutorova O.G.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Jet Stream in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Early 21st Century
Zolotov S.Y., Ippolitov I.I., Loginov S.V., Kharyutkina E.V.
Vol 52, No 9 (2016) Variant for estimating the activity of tropical cyclone groups in the world ocean
Yaroshevich M.I.
Vol 55, No 6 (2019) Variation of Carboneceous Atmospheric Aerosol Near St. Petersburg
Vlasenko S.S., Volkova K.A., Ionov D.V., Ryshkevich T.I., Ivanova O.A., Mikhailov E.F.
Vol 54, No 7 (2018) Variations in the K-Index of Geomagnetic Activity in the Moscow Region
Riabova S.A., Spivak A.A.
Vol 54, No 11 (2018) Variations in the Kinematics of Deformation in the Vicinity of the Catastrophic Sumatra Earthquake
Lukk A.A., Leonova V.G.
Vol 52, No 8 (2016) Variations of the aerosol concentration and chemical composition over the arid steppe zone of Southern Russia in summer
Artamonova M.S., Gubanova D.P., Iordanskii M.A., Lebedev V.A., Maksimenkov L.O., Minashkin V.M., Obvintsev Y.I., Chketiani O.G.
Vol 54, No 8 (2018) Verification of an Expert System for Forecasting Ice-Block-Formation: The Case of the Northern Dvina River
Aleshin I.M., Malygin I.V.
426 - 450 of 460 Items << < 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 > >> 

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