
Issue Title File
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Cloud Formation over the Ocean upon Cold Air Intrusion PDF
Rutkevich P.B., Golitsyn G.S., Rutkevich B.P.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Jet Stream in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Early 21st Century PDF
Zolotov S.Y., Ippolitov I.I., Loginov S.V., Kharyutkina E.V.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Effect of the Planetary Boundary Layer Horizontal Inhomogeneity in the Two-Dimensional Fluid Motion Model PDF
Permyakov M.S., Semykin V.I., Malikova N.P.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Optimal Perturbations with Zero Potential Vorticity in the Eady Model PDF
Kalashnik M.V., Chkhetiani O.G.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Atmospheric Perturbations during the Flow around Mountain Groups PDF
Berzegova R.B., Bedanokov M.K.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Linear Approximations of the Second Turbulent Moments of the Atmospheric Convective Surface Layer in a Forced-Convection Sublayer PDF
Vulfson A.N., Nikolaev P.V.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) On the Applicability of Similarity Theory for the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain PDF
Barskov K.V., Glazunov A.V., Repina I.A., Stepanenko V.M., Lykossov V.N., Mammarella I.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Optimal Control of Aerosol Emissions into the Stratosphere to Stabilize the Earth’s Climate PDF
Soldatenko S.A., Yusupov R.M.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Ground-Based Measurements of the Total Column of Freons in the Atmosphere near St. Petersburg (2009–2017) PDF
Polyakov A.V., Timofeyev Y.M., Virolainen Y.A., Makarova M.V., Poberovskii A.V., Imhasin H.K.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) Algorithm of the k–ω Turbulence Equations Solution for the Ocean General Circulation Model PDF
Moshonkin S.N., Zalesny V.B., Gusev A.V.
Vol 54, No 5 (2018) On the Contribution of the Eddy Transport to the Annual Mean Heat Budget of the Upper Layer in the North Atlantic PDF
Polonsky A.B., Sukhonos P.A.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Study of the Neutral Ekman Flow Using an Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model PDF
Kurbatskii A.F., Kurbatskaya L.I.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Development of a Subcloud Layer over the Sea during a Cold Air Invasion PDF
Rutkevich P.B., Golitsyn G.S., Rutkevich B.P., Shelekhov A.P.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling of Extreme Velocities over the Sea of Okhotsk and Sakhalin PDF
Kislov A.V., Rivin G.S., Platonov V.S., Varentsov M.I., Rozinkina I.A., Nikitin M.A., Chumakov M.M.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Influence of Feedbacks in the Climate–Energetics System on the Intensity of an Urban Heat Island PDF
Demchenko P.F., Ginzburg A.S.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) A New Class of Edge Baroclinic Waves and the Mechanism of Their Generation PDF
Kalashnik M.V., Chkhetiani O.G., Chagelishvili G.D.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Hydraulic Regimes of Flow over Mountains during Severe Downslope Windstorms: Novorossiysk Bora, Novaya Zemlya Bora, and Pevek Yuzhak PDF
Shestakova A.A., Moiseenko K.B.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Changes in Vertical Distribution and Column Content of NO2 under the Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings PDF
Gruzdev A.N., Ageyeva V.Y., Elokhov A.S.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Atmospheric Internal Gravity Waves Caused by Tsunamis over Kuril Islands PDF
Skorokhodov A.V., Shevchenko G.V.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Anomalous Dynamics of Bottom Currents and Temperature in the Northeastern Sector of the Middle Caspian Sea PDF
Ambrosimov A.K.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) The Role of Evolution Mechanisms in the Formation of a Wind-Wave Equilibrium Spectrum PDF
Polnikov V.G.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Peculiarities of Polluted Water Spreading from a Submarine Source in Stratified Coastal Environment PDF
Bondur V.G., Ivanov V.A., Fomin V.V.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Anomalous Decimeter Radio Noise from the Region of the Atmospheric Front: II. On the Nonthermal Mechanism of UHF Noise PDF
Klimenko V.V., Mareev E.A.
Vol 54, No 4 (2018) Characteristics of Storm Activity and Parameters of Lightning Discharges in the South of the European Part of Russia PDF
Adzhiev A.H., Kuliev D.D.
Vol 54, No 3 (2018) Random Walk Laws by A.N. Kolmogorov as the Basics for Understanding Most Phenomena of the Nature PDF
Golitsyn G.S.
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