
标题 文件
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Cloud Formation over the Ocean upon Cold Air Intrusion PDF
Rutkevich P., Golitsyn G., Rutkevich B.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Variability of the Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Jet Stream in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Early 21st Century PDF
Zolotov S., Ippolitov I., Loginov S., Kharyutkina E.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Effect of the Planetary Boundary Layer Horizontal Inhomogeneity in the Two-Dimensional Fluid Motion Model PDF
Permyakov M., Semykin V., Malikova N.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Optimal Perturbations with Zero Potential Vorticity in the Eady Model PDF
Kalashnik M., Chkhetiani O.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Atmospheric Perturbations during the Flow around Mountain Groups PDF
Berzegova R., Bedanokov M.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Linear Approximations of the Second Turbulent Moments of the Atmospheric Convective Surface Layer in a Forced-Convection Sublayer PDF
Vulfson A., Nikolaev P.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) On the Applicability of Similarity Theory for the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain PDF
Barskov K., Glazunov A., Repina I., Stepanenko V., Lykossov V., Mammarella I.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Optimal Control of Aerosol Emissions into the Stratosphere to Stabilize the Earth’s Climate PDF
Soldatenko S., Yusupov R.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Ground-Based Measurements of the Total Column of Freons in the Atmosphere near St. Petersburg (2009–2017) PDF
Polyakov A., Timofeyev Y., Virolainen Y., Makarova M., Poberovskii A., Imhasin H.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) Algorithm of the k–ω Turbulence Equations Solution for the Ocean General Circulation Model PDF
Moshonkin S., Zalesny V., Gusev A.
卷 54, 编号 5 (2018) On the Contribution of the Eddy Transport to the Annual Mean Heat Budget of the Upper Layer in the North Atlantic PDF
Polonsky A., Sukhonos P.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Study of the Neutral Ekman Flow Using an Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model PDF
Kurbatskii A., Kurbatskaya L.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Development of a Subcloud Layer over the Sea during a Cold Air Invasion PDF
Rutkevich P., Golitsyn G., Rutkevich B., Shelekhov A.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling of Extreme Velocities over the Sea of Okhotsk and Sakhalin PDF
Kislov A., Rivin G., Platonov V., Varentsov M., Rozinkina I., Nikitin M., Chumakov M.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Influence of Feedbacks in the Climate–Energetics System on the Intensity of an Urban Heat Island PDF
Demchenko P., Ginzburg A.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) A New Class of Edge Baroclinic Waves and the Mechanism of Their Generation PDF
Kalashnik M., Chkhetiani O., Chagelishvili G.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Hydraulic Regimes of Flow over Mountains during Severe Downslope Windstorms: Novorossiysk Bora, Novaya Zemlya Bora, and Pevek Yuzhak PDF
Shestakova A., Moiseenko K.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Changes in Vertical Distribution and Column Content of NO2 under the Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings PDF
Gruzdev A., Ageyeva V., Elokhov A.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Atmospheric Internal Gravity Waves Caused by Tsunamis over Kuril Islands PDF
Skorokhodov A., Shevchenko G.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Anomalous Dynamics of Bottom Currents and Temperature in the Northeastern Sector of the Middle Caspian Sea PDF
Ambrosimov A.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) The Role of Evolution Mechanisms in the Formation of a Wind-Wave Equilibrium Spectrum PDF
Polnikov V.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Peculiarities of Polluted Water Spreading from a Submarine Source in Stratified Coastal Environment PDF
Bondur V., Ivanov V., Fomin V.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Anomalous Decimeter Radio Noise from the Region of the Atmospheric Front: II. On the Nonthermal Mechanism of UHF Noise PDF
Klimenko V., Mareev E.
卷 54, 编号 4 (2018) Characteristics of Storm Activity and Parameters of Lightning Discharges in the South of the European Part of Russia PDF
Adzhiev A., Kuliev D.
卷 54, 编号 3 (2018) Random Walk Laws by A.N. Kolmogorov as the Basics for Understanding Most Phenomena of the Nature PDF
Golitsyn G.
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