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The article presents the MRI studies results of 138 patients after surgery for colorectal cancer. The recurrence was diagnosed in 48 patients (n=48; 35%) in terms of three to 82 months after surgery. The effectiveness of various pulse sequences and planes, bolus contrast enhancement and dWI was evaluated. The semiotics of recurrence of colorectal cancer were described on various pulse sequences, planes and postcontrast images. The combination of the optimal plane and pulse sequence allowed us to identify the tumor and assess its prevalence, structure and form. diagnostic difficulties were associated with small sizes of recurrence - up to 15 mm; in the event of recurrence in the structure of scarring, the presence of areas of hemorrhage in the tumor structure. The use of dynamic bolus contrast enhancement and additional pulse sequence and planes to the standard protocol in difficult cases didn’t increase the sensitivity and specificity of the study. The sensitivity of the MRI was 89.5%, specificity - 98,9%.

About the authors

V V Otochkin

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov

E V Rozengauz

North-Western State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov


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Copyright (c) 2017 Otochkin V.V., Rozengauz E.V.

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