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Aim: To make natural development more exact to state the value of scientific prognostication of dia- stolic dysfunction with acute myocardial infarction without Q-wave after percutaneous intervention.materials and methods: 95 patients were subjected to coronography and revascularization of in- farct-related artery. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on angiographic results with single and multivessel affection. during first 48 hours from the beginning of the disease they were under ECHO examination.Results: Left ventricle affections dF data were revealed relatively to heaviness of affection in cor- onary vessels without reliable differences in local and global contractility. Primordialy the 1 group contained 14 (54%) patients of I grade dd, 5 (19%) with II grade, 1 (8%) with III grade, 6 (19%) without dd. A year later: 18 (70%) with I grade dd, 3 (12%) with II, patients with III grade were not redictered, 5 (18%) without dd. In group 2 within first 48 hours 37 (54%) patients had I grade,25 (36%) II grade, 7 (10%) III grade. In a year there were 46 (67%) with I grade, 13 (19%) II grade, 3 (4%) with III grade dd, 7 (10%) without dd.Conclusions: Obtained data indicate of a higher sensitivity dependently dF ischemia.In contrast to myocardial infarction group with coronary bloodstream fully restored within short terms, in group with multivessel affections a more heavy dd data preserved longer, in spite of infarct related artery revascularization. Also unfavourable events were revealed.

About the authors

D A Khomyakova

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov

S A Sayganov

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov

Y N Grishkin

North-West State Medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov


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Copyright (c) 2017 Khomyakova D.A., Sayganov S.A., Grishkin Y.N.

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