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The article investigates the features of urgent complications in patients with malignant lymphoma after chemotherapy. The study included 151 patients. Indolent lymphomas diagnosed in 68 people aggressive lymphomas - in 83 people. The study identified the most important urgent conditions af fecting patients and mortality. In patients with aggressive lymphoma we revealed the following lifethreatening condition (i.e. critical condition under which the patient can die without treatment in the anytime soon): acute heart failure, pulmonary edema, hemorrhagic stroke.The most common urgent conditions in patients with indolent lymphomas are following: ischemic stroke, acute renal failure and DIC syndrome. There were significant predictors of urgent complications that allow to predict their development and define the scope and order of pre-emptive intensive care, as well as to create a matrix of information for the development of learning mathematical matrix for model urgent complications after chemotherapy in patients with malignant lymphoma during neutropenia.

About the authors

A K Yurkin

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

A G Maximov

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

A V Shegolev

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

E A Yurkina

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Metschnikov


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Copyright (c) 2015 Yurkin A.K., Maximov A.G., Shegolev A.V., Yurkina E.A.

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