Possibilities of diagnostic scales in patients with acute appendicitis in the conditions of an infectious hospital

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Currently, diagnostic scales are being actively developed to help doctors diagnose and make decisions regarding the treatment tactics of certain diseases. In particular, there are diagnostic scales for acute appendicitis. However, we found no publications describing the results of assessing the sensitivity of diagnostic scales for acute appendicitis in relation to patients admitted to infectious diseases hospitals, as well as the results of comparing the sensitivity of these scales in patients in general surgery and infectious diseases hospitals. Thus, based on the sufficient clinical material, we have analyzed the results of comparing the sensitivity of some diagnostic scales of acute appendicitis in relation to patients in general surgical hospitals and patients being treated in hospitals with an infectious profile. The results of the study show that the sensitivity of diagnostic scales in relation to acute appendicitis in patients treated in infectious diseases wards is lower than in patients in surgical departments of the general profile. The following result may be explained by “masked” course of acute appendicitis (when “simulating” the symptoms of acute intestinal infection), as well as the blurred clinical picture of acute appendicitis in patients with acute and chronic infectious diseases.

About the authors

Vyacheslav P. Zemlyanoy

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: zeml.spb@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2329-0023

д.м.н. профессор, заведующий кафедрой факультетской  хирургии им. И.И. Грекова, декан хирургического факультета

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Vyacheslav A. Melnikov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.
Email: melnikov.szgmu@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9723-0392
SPIN-code: 2793-3016

Applicant for the Department of Faculty Surgery named after I.I. Grekov.

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Mikhail M. Nahumov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: mikhail.nakhumov@szgmu.ru

к.м.н., доцент кафедры факультетской хирургии им. И.И. Грекова

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Yuliya V. Letina

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: Yuliya.Letina@szgmu.ru

к.м.н., доцент кафедры факультетской хирургии им. И.И. Грекова

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Agata Yu. Zemlyanskaya

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: agatazem@mail.ru

студентка 5-го курса медико-профилактического факультета

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2021 Zemlyanoy V.P., Melnikov V.A., Nahumov M.M., Letina Y.V., Zemlyanskaya A.Y.

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