Ways to improve the immediate results of treating complicated colon cancer in elderly and senile patients

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The article analyzes the results of treating 545 elderly and senile patients with complicated forms of colon cancer and severe concomitant pathology. Depending on the method of surgical treatment, the patients were divided into two groups. The control group consisted of 408 patients, who were performed traditional surgery without investigating the Tei index. The patients of the main group were operated using endovideosurgical technologies. In addition, the calculation of systolic-diastolic ratio by means of Doppler echocardiography was carried out. Measuring the Tei index allowed correcting cardiovascular risk in the perioperative period, thereby increasing operability and reducing the number of postoperative cardiac complications. The use of minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment for colon cancer contributed to a decrease in the frequency of postoperative complications. Thus, it contributed to reducing hospital mortality from 29.9% to 2.2%.

About the authors

Nikolay I. Glushkov

North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov

Email: nikolay.glushkov@szgmu.ru
SPIN-code: 8734-2053
Scopus Author ID: 6602069652

Doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the general surgery department 

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Konstantin V. Pavelets

North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov

Email: Fox-kamchatka@mail.ru
Scopus Author ID: 6506476558

Doctor of medical sciences, professor of the general surgery department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Timofey L. Gorshenin

North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov; Hospital for Wars Veterans

Email: tgorshenin@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 6124-1311
Scopus Author ID: 57195729409

Candidate of medical science, associate professor of the general surgery department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Mikhail Y. Lobanov

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: lobano78@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 2078-9621
Scopus Author ID: 56699706800

Candidate of medical science, associate professor of the general surgery department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Yuliya S. Shishlikova

North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.
Email: Fox-kamchatka@mail.ru

Post-graduate student of the general surgery department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The distribution of the both group patients according to the growth site

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3. Fig. 2. The ratio of postoperative complications in both groups. IOC - infections in the field of surgical intervention; OKN - acute intestinal obstruction

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4. Fig. 3. The distribution of the both group patients according to the cause of death. ACVI — acute cardiovascular insufficiency, PATE — pulmonary artery thromboembolia, CVI — cardiovascular insufficiency

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Copyright (c) 2019 Glushkov N.I., Pavelets K.V., Gorshenin T.L., Lobanov M.Y., Shishlikova Y.S.

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