Prognostic significance of the evaluation of expression of the gene PCA3 in urine in patients with localized prostate cancer and histomorphological changes in the peritumoral zone

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Aim. To determine the prognostic significance PCA3 gene expression in urine sediment and exosomes in patients with localized prostate cancer (PC) and associated histologic changes in the peritumoral zone as a predictor of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy (RPE).

Materials and methods. Of 148 patients with localized PC, 96 (65%) had high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN-2) in the peritumoral zone. The other 52 (35%) had no pathologic tissue of the peritumoral zone. PDA3 expression in urine sediment and exosomes was determined with real-time PCR with respect to the reference gene KLK3.

Results. The PCA3 gene expression level in urine exosomes in patients with PIN-2 in the prostatic peritumoral zone and synchronous pancreatic adenocarcinoma was higher among patients with subsequent disease recurrence. Increased PCA3 gene expression in the urine sediment was also predictive of the risk of recurrence of a prostatic tumor with PIN-2 in the peritumoral zone, although to a lesser degree than the results with urine exosomes. When the ∆Ct РСА3-KLK3 was ≥1,86 in the urine sediment, biochemical recurrence of PC and PIN-2 developed more frequently in the peritumoral zone (84% versus 51%, p = 0,013).

Conclusions. Increased PCA3 gene expression in urine sediment and exosomes is a predictor of increased risk of biochemical recurrence after RPE in patients with localized PC and PIN-2 in the peritumoral zone.

About the authors

Philip S. Bova

Rostov State Scientific Research Institute of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctorant

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don


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