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卷 6, 编号 5 (2009)


Pharmacological control of itch cholinergic constituent in atopic dermatitis patients

Grebenchenko E., Gushchin I., Fedenko E., Grebenchenko E., Gushin I., Fedenko E.


The aim of the study. To study pharmacological efficacy of antihistamines with both M-holino- and H-histaminoreceptors activity and with electoral effect on H1- histaminoreceptors on acetylholine - induced itch in atopic dermatitis (AD) patients. Materials and methods. 60 AD patients were investigated. All patients were divided on 2 groups. The 1-st group took chloropiramine hydrochloride 25 mg three times daily for 7 days. The 2-d group took cetirizine hydrochloride 10 mg once daily for 7 days. Microcirculation in two symmetric sites of the intact skin area of forearms was estimated with laser doppler flowmetry in standard conditions. Then 20 µIΛ of 0,5 M acetylholine (ACH) solution was injected intracutaneously into a back surface of the left forearm (for control the same volume of 0,9% NaCl solution was injected into a symmetric point of the right forearm) and during 20 minutes the skin reaction was measured with microcirculation index (1sm proximately ACH injection) and local sensation was estimated by means of visual analog scale before treatment, on 7th day of antihistamines treatment and 3d day after treatment. Also index SCORAD, intensity of itch, facts of diary self-control was estimated before treatment, on 7th day of antihistamines treatment and 3d day after treatment. Results. AD patients felt an itch in the ACH injection site before the beginning of antihistamines administration. All patients from the lgroup and patients with mild and moderate dermatitis on the 3-rd day after antihistamines treatment felt ACH-induced tingling and burning. All patients from the 2 group and severe AD patients from the 1 group felt a weak itch in the ACH injection site at the 7-th day of administration and at the 3-rd day after antihistamines treatment completion. Intracutaneous ACH-injection increased cutaneous blood-flux, weal and flare reactions in mild and moderate AD; in severe AD there was no increasing of cutaneous blood-flux, weal and flare reactions, but a significant increased intensity and duration of itch. During chloropiramine and cetirizine treatment the recovery of normal reaction of skin was established. Chloropiramine demonstrated long-term reduction of itch at the 3-d day after the treatment completion as compared with cetirizine. Conclusions: Administration of lgeneration antihistamines with anthicholinergic activity in complex therapy of AD patients is more preferable to reduce itch.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):3-10
pages 3-10 views

No metabolites impact in allergic inflammation regulation and their contribution to remodelling bronchi mucous in bronchial asthma patients

Ogorodova L., Kozina O., Gereng E., Ogorodova L., Kozina O., Gereng E.


Background. To study the role of NO metabolites in allergic inflammation regulation and remodelling in BA patients. Material and methods. Morphological and morphometrical methods of investigation of bronchi mucous of 39 BA patients were used, IL-4, TNF-α, INF-g, IL-8, nitrite, 3-nitrotyrosine, nitrosoglutathion levels in bronchoalveolar washout were investigated, nitrite concentration in condensate of the exhaled air was measured. Results. The increased level of IL-4, TNF-α, INF-g, IL-8 in bronchoalveolar washout is associated with persistent Th2-inflammation. The BA severity correlate with highest IL-8, TNF-a, INF-g, nitrite and 3-nitrotyrosine level but with nitrosoglutathion deficit and in general is associated with structured architectonics bronchi mucous abnormalities. Conclusion. The association of toxic NO metabolites, pro-inflammation cytokines levels, bronchi mucous path-omorphological abnormalities with clinical signs of BA confirms the role of toxic NO metabolites in development of Th2-inflammations.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):11-17
pages 11-17 views

Immune status of the workers of technogenic-excited environment manufacture and of population living in this territory

Oradovskaya I., Leyko N., Feoktistov B., Oprishchenko M., Luss L., Nikonova M., Ivanov V., Zabelov V., Oradovsraya I., Leyko L., Eeoktistov V., Luss L., Nikonova M., Ivanov V., Zabelov V.


Background. To study the influence of technogenic-excited environment manufacture on clinical and immune parameters of employees and population living in the territory of its influence. Methods. The analysis of frequency of clinical features of immune dysfunction with clinical, immunolological and allergological examination was carried out. 689 persons were examined: 474 - the personnel of industrial complex, 215 - the population which is not working at industrial complex. Results. Clinical signs of immune dysfunction during 2 year follow-up period were established in 77,3% of population group. The immune parameters in all groups during 2 year follow-up period in comparison with those during 1 year follow-up period showed the decreasing of number of leukocytes, T-lymphocytes, CD4+ T-lymphocytes as well as immunoregulative index. It was defined dissociation in level of NK-cells, expressed in decreasing of absolute values of CD16+ lymphocytes and increasing of their percentage and increasing of CD8+ T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and phagocytosis parameters.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):18-28
pages 18-28 views

Oral allergen-specific immunotherapy of food allergy in children

Pampura A., Smirnova M., Pampura A., Smirnova M.


In the majority of children with food allergy tolerance to food develops within the years. However in a number of patients the food allergy stays for life and patients are compelled to adhere an eliminative diet, during which there is a threat of the allergenic product occasional exposure constantly. Recent studies showed the efficacy of oral immunotherapy with different products in food allergy in children. In this article we reviewed the experience of oral allergen-specific immunotherapy with different foods.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):29-35
pages 29-35 views

Role of specialized child pre-school institutions in prophylaxis of allergy in children

Ivanova E., Abelevich M., Lukushkina E., Ivanova E., Abelevich M., Loukoushkina E.


Background. To estimate the efficiency of special child pre-school institution (SCPI) in prophylaxis of allergic diseases in children. Methods. 84 children with allergies aged between 10 months and 4 years old were observed. Among them 56 attended the SCPI and 28 (comparative group) attended the basic CPI. All children were passing through clinical, allergological, immunological examination as well as physical and mental development observation. Results. In this research the risks of development of allergies were thoroughly analyzed as well as the results of observation and check-ups of children with allergic diseases who attended to specialized SCPI or basic CPI. In the SCPI dietary conditions were kept, the hypo allergic diet was introduced into practice, the food allowance was balanced in protein, fat, carbohydrates and calorie contents due to physiological needs by substitution of foodstuffs. In the basic CPI these conditions weren't provide. In the SCPIs systematic observation of children is established and the cooperation of parents and doctor in charge of the case allows carrying out continuous pathogenetic therapy. Medical and prophylactic measures decrease the number of allergies' exacerbations and allow parents to proceed their usual activities, also improve the life conditions of children and their parents. Conclusion. The effectiveness of improving of health on the basis of SCPI is approximately 84,5% and the same in basic CPI is 66,75%. The research proposes the method of calculation of needs in SCPI and can be used in the organization of SCPI for children with allergic pathologies.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Bronchial obstructive syndrome and respiratory infection in children: pathogenesis and therapy

Zaytseva O., Zaytseva S., Lokshina E., Kravchenko O., Tenenbaum M., Zaitseva O., Zaitseva S., Lokshina E., Kravchenko O.


This lecture is devoted to pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostics and treatment of bronchial obstructive syndrome in children.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):44-58
pages 44-58 views


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The article presents a normative document, reflecting a World Allergy Organization position of regulating the basic positions WAO, allowing to standardize the educational process of allergists of the different countries with the purpose of optimization of the medical aid to the people with allergic diseases.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Allergic rhinitis and it's impact on asthma (ARIA 2008) (Part 1)

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):65-76
pages 65-76 views

Elimination of fungi from nasal cavity

Zheltikova T., Antropova A., Mokronosova M., Zheltikova T., Antropova A., Mokronosova M.


Введение. Элиминационная терапия широко используется в аллергологической практике. Это первый, наиболее важный и эффективный этап профилактики и лечения аллергических заболеваний. Элиминация аллергенов плесневых грибов представляет собой большую проблему. В этой связи целью работы было исследование возможности использования препарата Аква Марис для элиминации спор плесневых грибов из полости носа у больных аллергическим ринитом. Материалы и методы. Под наблюдением находились 32 пациента (2 пациента оказались некомплаентны) с диагнозом аллергический персистирующий ринит (АПР). Критериями отбора пациентов в исследование являлись наличие симптомов АПР, сенсибилизации к бытовым аллергенам и положительный эффект элиминации. Из 32 пациентов 17 имели регулярный контакт с плесневыми грибами (1-я группа). Во вторую группу вошли 13 пациентов с аллергическим ринитом, которые проживали в квартирах без микогенных биоповреждений. Пациентам было назначено промывание полости носа препаратом Аква Марис. Смывы назального секрета использовали для проведения микологического анализа. Статистически данные обрабатывали с использованием программ StatSoft Statistica 6.0 и Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Результаты. В носовой полости обследованных больных выявлены споры плесневых грибов как у пациентов, регулярно находящихся в помещениях, колонизированных плесневыми грибами (1-я группа), так и у пациентов, не проживающих в помещениях с микогенными поражениями (2-я группа). У пациентов 1-й группы выявлено 6 родов, а у пациентов 2-й группы - 1 род грибов. Численность грибов в носовой полости пациентов 1-й группы статистически достоверно выше, чем у пациентов 2-й группы. После регулярного промывания препаратом Аква Марис носовой полости пациентов с АПР частота выявления спор грибов статистически достоверно снизилась. Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о высокой способности препарата Аква Марис элиминировать споры грибов из полости носа, независимо от тяжести течения АПР.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Efficiency and safety of nasal spray NASAVAL for prevention and treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis

Zakharzhevskaya T., Sidorenko I., Treskunov V., Karaulov A., ZakharzJievskaya T., Sidorenko I., Treskunov V., Karaulov A.


In article the data of open non comparative clinical research is cited according to efficiency and safety of microdisperse cellulose powder used for prevention and treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis (AR).
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):82-86
pages 82-86 views

Use of Mustela Stelatopia moisturising products in children with atopic dermatitis

Revyakina V., Surkov A., Makarova S., Balabolkin I., Revyakina V., Surkov A.


THE AIM OF THE STUDY WAS To estimate the efficiency and tolerance of daily application of Mustela Stelatopia emollient cream and bath oil as products for care of child's skin in 64 children suffering from atopic dermatitis. Results. The study showed that Mustela Stelatopia had a considerable treatment-and-prophylactic effects resulted to lower dryness and reduced itching. Skin humidity and SCORAD index during the study had expressed positive dynamics in children of the basic group unlike the comparison group
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):87-90
pages 87-90 views

Xerosis treatment with emollients in AD patients

Filimonova T., Tsyvkina E., Shtyrbul O., Elisyutina O., Fedenko E., Filimonova T., Tsyvkina E., Shtirbul O., Elisyutina O., Fedenko E.


Цель исследования. Оценка клинической эффективности использования смягчающих средств Трикзера + селектиоза (Авен) в комплексной терапии больных атопическим дерматитом (АтД). Материалы, и методы. В исследование включено 28 пациентов с АтД различной степени тяжести с выраженной сухостью кожных покровов. Все пациенты использовали смягчающие средства Трикзера + селектиоза (Авен) 2 раза в день в течение 30 дней на пораженные участки колжи в сочетании с топическими глюкокортикостероидами (ТГКС) при обострении АтД, а также в качестве монотерапии в период ремиссии заболевания. Эффективность лечения оценивалась врачом и пациентом по 4-балльной шкале с регистрацией параметров интенсивности коленого зуда, сухости и шелушения кожи. Результаты. До начала исследования число пациентов с оценкой сухости кожи в 3 балла составляло 22 (79%), пациентов без признаков сухости кожи не было. Через 30 дней наблюдения оценка сухости кожи в 3 балла отмечена у 2 (7%) пациентов, 0 баллов - у 10 (36%) пациентов. До начала исследования интенсивное шелушение кожи отмечено у 12 (43%) пациентов, на 30 день исследования - у 2 (7%) пациентов. Также выявлена тенденция к уменьшению интенсивности зуда кожи. Заключение. Применение увлаленяющих средств Трикзера + селектиоза (Авен) в комплексной наружной терапии АтД приводит к эффективному уменьшению сухости, шелушения и зуда кожи, снижению потребности в ТГКС, что позволяет осуществлять рациональный уход за колеей больных АтД и обеспечивать профилактику рецидивов заболевания.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):91-95
pages 91-95 views
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Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):99-99
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Instructions for Authors

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(5):100-102
pages 100-102 views