Role of specialized child pre-school institutions in prophylaxis of allergy in children

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Background. To estimate the efficiency of special child pre-school institution (SCPI) in prophylaxis of allergic diseases
in children.
Methods. 84 children with allergies aged between 10 months and 4 years old were observed. Among them 56 attended
the SCPI and 28 (comparative group) attended the basic CPI. All children were passing through clinical, allergological,
immunological examination as well as physical and mental development observation.
Results. In this research the risks of development of allergies were thoroughly analyzed as well as the results of
observation and check-ups of children with allergic diseases who attended to specialized SCPI or basic CPI. In the
SCPI dietary conditions were kept, the hypo allergic diet was introduced into practice, the food allowance was balanced
in protein, fat, carbohydrates and calorie contents due to physiological needs by substitution of foodstuffs. In the
basic CPI these conditions weren't provide.
In the SCPIs systematic observation of children is established and the cooperation of parents and doctor in charge of
the case allows carrying out continuous pathogenetic therapy. Medical and prophylactic measures decrease the
number of allergies' exacerbations and allow parents to proceed their usual activities, also improve the life conditions
of children and their parents.
Conclusion. The effectiveness of improving of health on the basis of SCPI is approximately 84,5% and the same in
basic CPI is 66,75%. The research proposes the method of calculation of needs in SCPI and can be used in the
organization of SCPI for children with allergic pathologies.

About the authors

E L Ivanova

Государственная медицинская академия

Email: ivanova
Государственная медицинская академия

M M Abelevich

Государственная медицинская академия

Государственная медицинская академия

E F Lukushkina

Государственная медицинская академия

Государственная медицинская академия

E L Ivanova

M V Abelevich

E F Loukoushkina


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