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卷 8, 编号 4 (2011)


Controlled trials of efficacy and safety of allergen-specific immunotherapy: historical aspects

Vorob'eva O., Gushchin I., Vorobyeva O., Gushchin I.


в работе рассмотрены контролируемые исследования аллергенспецифической иммунотерапии (асит) начиная с 80-х гг. до 2010 г. проанализированы отдельные двойные слепые, плацебо-контролируемые исследования, мета-анализы, Кокрановские обзоры, согласительные документы, рекомендации, национальные и международные руководства. проведен сравнительный анализ эффективности и безопасности подкожной и сублингвальной асит.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):3-14
pages 3-14 views

The drug-induced pulmonary eosinophilia

Chernyak B., Vorzheva I., Chernyak B., Vorzheva I.


in the review modern data on drug-induced pulmonary eosinophilia - heterogeneous group of the diseases proceeding separately (syndrome lÖffler, acute and chronic eosinophilic pneumonias), or as the component part of a DRESS-syndrome (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) is introduced. The list of the medical products most often causing development of pulmonary eosinophilia is presented. clinical features of simple pulmonary eosinophilia, acute and chronic eosinophilia pneumonias, a DRESS-syndrome are described. Diagnostic criteria and principles of therapy of pulmonary eosinophilia depending on a clinical variant are reviewed.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):15-22
pages 15-22 views

The retrospective analysis of the anamnestic, clinical and laboratory data in patients with chronicidiopathic urticaria

Golubchikova R., Danilycheva I., Rebrova O., Golubchikova R., Danilycheva I., Rebrova O.


Background. analysis of the anamnestic, clinical laboratory findings in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria. Methods. The retrospective study of the anamnestic clinical laboratory findings in patients with chronic idiopathic. Results. women are predominant (3,4:1), 72% chronic idiopathic urticaria in the course of less or equal 5 years, 73% of patients suffer from urticaria and angioedema, triggers of urticaria are stress in 62% of patients, food in 27%, medications in 24%, acute respiratory disease in 12%, premenstrual syndrome in 6%. The part of patients with autoimmune thyroiditis is 21%. 46% of patients had signs of autoimmune pathology. 20% have antiparasitic antibodies. 100% of patients have gastrointestinal problems, 67% - chronic tonsillitis, 14% - atopic disease, 9% - parasitosis. in 43% of patients H. pylori infection was found. changed parameters of bacteriological studies of feces were detected in 85% of patients. There were no health hazard conditions.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):23-33
pages 23-33 views

Clinical effectiveness of efferent methods in complex treatment of atopic dermatitis

Yudina S., Ivanova I., Rusanova T., Yudina S., Ivanova I., Rusanova T.


Background. Clinical effectiveness estimation of efferent methods in complex treatment of Atopic Dermatitis. Method. the clinical effectiveness of intravenous laser blood radiation treatment (ivlBR), intravenous ultraviolet blood radiation treatment (ivUvBR) and extracorporal immunopharmacotherapy (eipt) was estimated in 198 patients with different clinical types of Atopic Dermatitis. Group of control included patients with standard basic therapy. Results. in patients with Atopic Dermatitis who had complex treatment ivlBR, ivUvBR, eipt was more rapid regression of inflammatory skin process and dynamic of index SCORAD were more rapid. this leaded to saving therapy time and reduction of relapses. Conclusion. the best effectiveness in treatment of Atopic Dermatitis complicated by secondary infection has ivUvBR or eipt with diuciphonum; in treatment of non-complicated of Atopic Dermatitis has ivlBR or eipt with dexametason.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):34-39
pages 34-39 views

The role of mutations in the genes FLG and GSTM1, and cytogenetic aberrations in the developmentof allergic occupational dermatitis in the oilfield workers of the north of Siberia

Il'inskikh N., Shilov B., Il'inskikh I., Il'inskikh E., Subbotin A., Ilyinskikh N., Shilov B., Ilyinskikh I., Ilyinskikh E., Subbotin A.


Background. The objective of the investigation was to determine frequencies of micronucleated cells in the buccal epithelium in relation to polymorphism of genes FLG and GSTM1 among oilfield workers suffered from allergic occupational dermatitis. Methods. There were 209 male oilfield workers examined with cases of allergic professional dermatitis at the age of 21-39 years old. as a control group there were used 207 male workers without allergic occupational dermatitis. we used genealogical method, micronucleous test and polymerase chain reaction to detect restriction fragments of genes GSTM1 and FLG. Results. it was detected that oilfield workers with genotypes contented homozygous mutated alleles GSTM1 (0/0) gene showed the higher frequency of micronucleated epithelial cells. it was not detected for FLG gene allele variants. among the examined oilfield workers with allergic occupational dermatitis there was nobody that would have both mutated alleles of FLG (282de14/282de14) and homozygous GSTM1 (0/0) genes, while in the control group we found some individuals of this type. Conclusions. The significantly higher levels of cytogenetic aberrations in the oilfield workers suffered from allergic occupational dermatitis are the result of combined effects of various factors on the genome. The investigation can provide the basis for the elaboration of new scientific criteria for hiring staff in oilfields of west siberia.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Detection of IgE-antibodies to recombinant birch allergens rBet v 1 and rBet v 2 in patients withsensitization to birch pollen

Mokronosova M., Sergeev A., Korovkina E., Konyukova N., Mokronosova M., Sergeev A., Korovkina E., Konjucova N.


Background. Allergic diagnosis is based on accurate clinical history and conducting of skin prick tests (sPt) and specific IgE determination. the past decade recombinant allergen components from pollen of birch are available for allergen-specific IgE antibody testing. the major allergen of birch tree pollen is Bet v 1; Bet v 2 is a well described minor allergen. Methods. 83 patients with birch pollinosis (55 male/28 female, age 4-35 years, mean 15,5) were observed. specific IgE levels were determined by using the ImmunoCap (Phadia, sweden); skin prick tests with standard aeroallergens panel was used. Results. All 83 patients had positive skin tests to birch pollen. the levels of specific IgE to rBet v1 had 87,9% of patients, sIgE to rBet v 2 (profilin) 14,5% of patients, sIgE to rBet v 1 and rBet v 2 13,3% of patients. Conclusion. the prevalence of the patients with presence of IgE - antibodies to profiling Bet v2 among citizens of moscow region, sensitized to birch, accounts 14,5%.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):45-48
pages 45-48 views

The efficiency of non-specific inhaled immunotherapy with ruzam in patients with atopic bronchialasthma

Terekhov D., Nenasheva N., Terekhov D., Nenasheva N.


Background. To study the efficacy and safety of inhaled form of ruzam in adult patients with persistent mild and moderate atopic bronchial asthma (ba). Materials and methods. a placebo-controlled prospective, randomized, open label study of an efficacy of ruzam a solution for inhalations (in bottles on 2,5 or 5 ml) on 2,5 ml onсe a day through nebulizer during 2 weeks was conducted in adult asthmatic patients. The efficacy of therapy was evaluated by dynamics of symptoms and requirement in ƒ2-agonists, besides PEfr, spirometry, bronchial hyperresponsiveness (bhr), asthma control test (aCT ), level of the markers of the allergic inflammation were performed. Results. reduction of bа symptoms, increase morning PEfr, decrease of bhr and NОex level in patients who received ruzam compared with control group was observed. achievement of clinical control of bа in patients treated by ruzam was accompanied by statistically significant positive dynamics of markers of inflammation (ifNg, ECP) in blood serum and in supernatant of the induced sputum. it testifies about anti-inflammatory influence of ruzam. Conclusion. inhaled therapy with ruzam in a complex with iNCs basic therapy is an effective and safe method of treatment of persistent atopic bronchial asthma. This combination allows to reach clinical and functional control of ba faster and to reduce inflammation markers in blood serum and induced sputum.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Features of clinical manifestations of allergic diseases in children sensitized to potatoes

Konyukova N., Pampura A., Fedenko E., Khavkin A., Okuneva T., Konjukova N., Pampura A., Fedenko E., Havkin A., Okuneva T.


Background. To establish the clinical and immunological features of the manifestations of allergic diseases in children with IgE-mediated sensitization to potato. Methods. allergy tests (skin prick tests and / or the determination of specific IgE in serum by ImmunoCap, Phadia was performed in 171 children with allergic diseases, who had sensitization to food plant proteins. Results. sensitization to the potato found in 134 children. significant discrepancies (36%) in the results of in vitro and in vivo tests to the potatoes were shown. sensitization to the potatoes is more common in patients with atopic dermatitis (ad), especially in severe disease. among children with the level of specific IgE antibodies to potato ≥2 kUa / l there were more common patients with severe ad. the correlation between the level of specific IgE antibodies to the potatoes and some of food plant proteins was found. the relationship between the concentration of specific IgE to the potatoes and Bet v 2 was not detected. Conclusion. the presence and concentration of specific IgE to the potatoes to a certain extent associated with clinical manifestations of ad. the data obtained substantiate the determination of specific IgE antibodies to potato in children with ad, especially in severe cases.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):55-61
pages 55-61 views

OLYMP programme-basic clinical immunology programme as a part of continued medicaleducation for pediatritiansOLYMP SCHOOL IN NIZHNIY NOVGOROD REGION

Abelevich M., Abelevich M.


In march 2011 OLIMP school (basics of clinical immunology for pediatricians) as a part of national project for pediatrician's education of basics of clinical immunology was successfully organized in Nizhniy Novgorod with help of Nutricia and Sandoz companies. Program included an actual topics of immune caused diseases in general practice, immune aspects of atopic diseases, nutritional influence to immunity of first - year - old children, evaluation of immune status of sickly children, principals of immune therapy.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ArIA 2008) (Part 11)

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):67-78
pages 67-78 views

Pollen allergy and household budget

Mokronosova M., Mokronosova M.


The prevalence of the allergy to birch pollen is high in the middle part of russian Federation. the symptoms of allergic intermittent rhinitis appears in the first decade and lasted during all life. the severity of the disease is aggravated annually. the economic burden of allergic rhinitis includes direct, indirect and hidden costs. the indirect cost (disability and loss of productivity, hypoallergenic life arrangements) exceeds direct costs many times. allergen specific immunotherapy by pollen allergovaccines is unique kind of pathogenic management. asIt demonstrates significant improvement of the symptoms of rhinitis and asthma, quality of life. one of the main problems is high costs of asIt. economical models used in investigations on asIt cost effectiveness demonstrated lucre in the following 10 years of life after 3 year's course of asIt. In order to achieve high clinical result it is necessary to follow european standard's guidance on specific immunotherapy strictly.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Clinical and immunological evaluation of the complex atopic dermatitis therapy in breast-feedingchildren

Denisova S., Sentsova T., Belitskaya M., Kon' I., Denisova S., Sencova T., Belickaya M., Kon I.


Цель. проведение клинико-иммунологической оценки эффективности диетотерапии матерей в составе комплексной терапии атопического дерматита (атд) у их детей, находящихся на естественном вскармливании. Материалы и методы. наблюдали 100 детей раннего возраста с атд, находящихся на естественном вскармливании. 43 пациента с атд, матери которых получали элиминационную диету с заменой коровьего молока на козье молоко «амалтея», составили первую группу. во вторую группу вошли 57 детей с атопическим дерматитом, чьи матери получали элиминационную диету с заменой коровьего молока на козье «амалтея», составили первую группу. во вторую группу вошли 57 детей с атд, матери которых получали элиминационную диету с исключением всех видов молока. Результаты. на фоне проведенного лечения, которое включало диетотерапию кормящих матерей и противоаллергическое лечение их детей, у 94% пациентов была получена ремиссия атд. диетотерапия, проводимая у кормящих матерей, оказывала положительное влияние на снижение в их грудном молоке общего IgE и аллергенспецифических IgE и IgG к белкам коровьего и козьего молока. положительная динамика в сторону снижения концентрации в крови общего IgE, аллергенспецифических IgE и IgG к белку коровьего молока и его фракциям, а также к белку сои и козьего молока отмечалась у всех детей, независимо от вида диетотерапии кормящих матерей. Комплексная терапия способствовала у больных обеих групп уменьшению концентрации провоспалительных цитокинов в крови. Заключение. полученные данные подтверждают целесообразность проведения диетологических мероприятий у кормящих матерей, имеющих детей с атд, особенно если атд вызван белками коровьего молока.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):84-90
pages 84-90 views

Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):91-91
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Instructions for Authors

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2011;8(4):92-92
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