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卷 12, 编号 3 (2015)


Palinological spectrum in Samara and it's influence on the course of pollinosis

Khabibulina L., Vlasova N., Manzhos M., Kavelenova L., Blachentsev K.


Background. Purpose - to study the dynamics of anthesisin two parts of the city with different plants structure, the selection of the dominant taxa, calendaring of anthesising plants for Samara city. Methods. Pollen was captured by the gravimetric method, on glass slides, covered with a special mixture. In the obtained preparations pollen grains were counted and identified their belonging to different systematic groups. Results. In 2013 there were registered 21 taxons - 12 wood and 9 herbaceous, in 2014 - 20 taxa - 13 wood and 7 herbaceous in the air basin of Samara city. Birch pollen (16%), ambrosia (15%), poplar (11%), maple (10%), cereals (9%), pine (8%), willow (8%), nettle (6%), Artemisia (4%), Chenopodiaceae (4%),were dominated representing 90% of the pollen spectrum. Conclusion. Regional features of palinological spectrum in Samara city was revealed.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Atopic profile of patients with chronic vulvovaginitis

Dolgushina N., Latysheva E., Pavlova A., Kolodko V.


Background. The recurrent vulvovaginitis is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. In women the sensitization to various allergens can contribute to recurrences of vulvovaginitis. The purpose of the study was to compare the prevalence rate of hypersensitivity to aero-, food and contact allergens in patients with chronic vulvovaginitis of different origin. Methods. In cross-sectional study 88 patients of reproductive age were divided into the following groups: 52 women with chronic vulvovaginitis [18 patients with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), 17 patients with bacterial vaginosis (BV), 17 patients with non-specific vaginitis (NSV)] and 36 control patients. Laboratory studies included measurement of vaginal Ph, vaginal eosinophil count by microscopy, and serum IgE level by ELISA. All patients underwent the skin prick tests with aero-, food and fungal allergens, and patch skin tests with contact allergens. Results. The patients with VVC had the highest rate of sensitization to fungal allergens in skin allergy test (p=0,0002). The rate of positive patch-tests result with at least one allergen was higher in this group of patients (66,7%) and in patients with NSV (88,2%) compared to patients with BV (17,6%) and control group (8,3%) of women (p<0,0001). The total IgE level was significantly higher in women with chronic vulvovaginitis 114,5±158,5 IU/mL compared to the control group of women - 48,7±74,8 IU/mL (p=0,0229). Also the patients with chronic vulvovaginitis had the highest levels of antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus (p=0,0524) and Candida albicans (p=0,2294). Conclusion. Allergic inflammation can play a key role in the recurrence of vulvovaginitis and the resistance to standard therapy in this group of patients.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):8-15
pages 8-15 views

Russian experience of refractory chronic urticaria treatment with omalizumab

Danilycheva I., Elisyutina O., Ilina N., Latysheva E., Latysheva T., Fedenko E., Shulzhenko A.


Background. To study the efficacy and safety of omalizumab in patients with chronic urticaria, refractory to antihistamines in clinical practice. Methods. In this retrospective clinical analysis, we assessed effectiveness, time to relief of symptoms, dose change after omalizumab administration, and safety in 17 CU patients, 16 with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), 1 with different forms of chronic inducible urticaria (CindU) and 4 with both. Results. Treatment with omalizumab showed excellent effect in 70,6%, significant - in 17,7%, no effect - in 11,7% of CU patients. Eight patients marked effect for 24 hours, 2 - within 2-3 days, 2 - during 2 weeks, 1 - 4 weeks, and 2 patients - for 8 weeks. Eleven patients were receiving omalizumab 300 mg once per 4 weeks, one patient - 150 mg, 4 patients 2 injections of 300 mg, followed by 150 mg of 2, one patient had started treatment with a dose of 150 mg, continued treatment with omalizumab 300 mg. Omalizumab was safe. There was no influence of baseline total IgE levels and the results of test with autosera on the efficacy of omalizumab treatment. Conclusion. Our observation of patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria, with the concomitant or separate physical (induced) hives can resume high efficacy and safety of omalizumab treatment which can be recommended for CU patients, torpid to the first and secondline therapy.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis: one disease - two clinical forms

Kurbacheva O., Pavlova K.


This paper has summarized some questions of allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis classification, diagnosis and treatment. The rapid onset of effect, high efficiency and low bioavailability determine the feasibility of local antihistamines to treat AR and AK, especially in case of a local failure.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):22-29
pages 22-29 views

The original and generic antihistamines: issues of choice

Dukhanin A.


The work considers the issues relating to the interchangeability of generic and original drugs, studies of equivalence (pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic) and possible methodological problems of its evaluation. The author provides the criteria of a quality generic drug, the algorithm of the comparative analysis of main characteristics of original and generic antihistamines.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):30-40
pages 30-40 views

The species differences of staphylococci isolated from skin lesions in children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis

Kudryavtseva A., Savvina J., Morozova O.


Materials and methods. This study enrolled 87 patients with AD different manifestations in its acute phase. Most children were with moderate AD. In over 50% of cases we detected the erythemato-squamous form of AD (ES). 9 patients with severe manifestations had a lichenoid form. Skin smears were taken before starting therapy. The identification of staphylococcal types was performed and their antibiotic sensitivity was tested by means of the automated microbiology analyzer «Walka-way 96 plus», Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Germany. Results. The study proved that S. aureus and S. epidermidis (SA and SE) were mostly isolated from skin lesion: the coagulazo-negative staphylococci (CNS) included S. haemolyticus, S. warneri, S. hominis, S. saprophyticus and S. sciuri. 12,7% cases showed no bacterial growth. No difference between SA or CNS and the disease severity was recorded. CNS were proved to colonize more frequently the skin of patients with erythemato-squamous AD while SA was a more frequent colonizer in chronic AD with lichenization (р=0,081). All staphylococci were penicillin-resistant. Among CNS, 8 out of31 SE strains, 1 S. haemolyticus and 1 S. sciuri were oxacillin-resistant. Conclusion. Therefore, we can state that alongside with SA colonization and regardless of AD severity CNS skin lesion colonization is detected in patients with AD. Moreover, CNS colonization accompanies acute inflammatory changes and in some cases demonstrates oxacillin-resistance. These findings suggest the need for further research into the role that CNS play in AD progression.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Pharmacoeconomical efficiency of singulair in children of preschool age having atopic diseases

Volkova N., Beltyukov E.


The aim of study. To estimate pharmacoeconomical efficiency of the antagonist of the leykotriene receptors singulair in children of preschool age having atopic diseases. Materials and methods. Open randomized comparative study of pharmacoeconomical efficiency of a singulair in parallel groups of the children of preschool age having atopic diseases was conducted. Results. Including of singulair in therapy of preschool age children with atopic diseases reduced the cost in general by 10,6%, lowered the cost per unite of efficiency by 1,5 times during treatment and by 2 times in a half of year after finishing of the singulair therapy. Conclusion. Including of singulair in basic therapy of preschool age children with atopic diseases increases clinical and economic efficiency.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):47-50
pages 47-50 views

New opportunities for treatment of severe bronchial asthma: from clinical studies to portraits of patients

Nenasheva N.


The proportion of patients with controlled asthma has increased over the last 15 years, however, still there is a significant proportion of patients who do not achieve control of the disease, and therefore have a high risk of exacerbations, hospitalizations, and poor quality of life. Patients with severe asthma, for which there were limited additional pharmacotherapy are the major problem. For the first time in recent years in the treatment of asthma a new class of drugs appeared: longacting anticholinergics - tiotropium which had been entered in stepwise therapy of asthma by GINA 2015. The definition of severe asthma, the role of the cholinergic nervous system in bronchial asthma, mechanism of action and clinical efficacy of tiotropium in severe bronchial asthma adults are described in the article.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):51-61
pages 51-61 views

Ivan Ivanovitch Balabolkin (80 th Anniversary)

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):63-64
pages 63-64 views

Rustem Salakchovitch Fassakchov (60 th Anniversary)

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):65-66
pages 65-66 views

Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2015;12(3):67-72
pages 67-72 views