Palinological spectrum in Samara and it's influence on the course of pollinosis

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Background. Purpose - to study the dynamics of anthesisin two parts of the city with different plants structure, the selection of the dominant taxa, calendaring of anthesising plants for Samara city. Methods. Pollen was captured by the gravimetric method, on glass slides, covered with a special mixture. In the obtained preparations pollen grains were counted and identified their belonging to different systematic groups. Results. In 2013 there were registered 21 taxons - 12 wood and 9 herbaceous, in 2014 - 20 taxa - 13 wood and 7 herbaceous in the air basin of Samara city. Birch pollen (16%), ambrosia (15%), poplar (11%), maple (10%), cereals (9%), pine (8%), willow (8%), nettle (6%), Artemisia (4%), Chenopodiaceae (4%),were dominated representing 90% of the pollen spectrum. Conclusion. Regional features of palinological spectrum in Samara city was revealed.

About the authors

L R Khabibulina

NOU VPO the Medical University «Reaviz»


N V Vlasova

Samara State University


M V Manzhos

NOU VPO the Medical University «Reaviz»


L M Kavelenova

Samara State University


K V Blachentsev

City Centre of allergology and Immunology



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