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卷 15, 编号 1 (2018)



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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):5-6
pages 5-6 views

Target immunotherapy of atopic dermatitis

Elisyutina O.


The data about novel immunopathogenetic mechanisms of AD that may be a therapeutic targets for the new immune therapy are presented in the review. The current results of modern clinical trials of targeted biological agents in AD are summarized.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):7-15
pages 7-15 views

Bronchial asthma in combination with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: epidemiology, prevalence and peculiarities of their relationship

Dyneva M., Kurbacheva O., Savlevich E.


Asthma in most cases is under control due to the success of modern pharmacotherapy. At the same time questions concerning the treatment of asthma and comorbidities like chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) remain unresolved. Among the causes of СRSwNP formation a microbial aggression or an inadequate immune response (allergy) to various types of antigens (allergens) are considered. Congenital, individual characteristics and abnormalities of the corresponding anatomical structures are also cited as factors contributing to the development of CRSwNP. A functional integrated immunity system - the lymphoid tissue associated with the mucous membranes (MALT), infectious and allergic inflammation in the upper respiratory tract can significantly affect the lower respiratory tract and vice versa. Inflammation is the cornerstone of CRSwNP pathogenesis, that’s why understanding of inflammatory response will reveal the mechanisms of asthma severity in combination with CRSwNP.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):16-25
pages 16-25 views

The efficiency of hypoallergenic space created with LG Puricare™ air purifier in the complex therapy of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma

Fedenko E., Elisutina O., Litovkina A., Smirnov D., Kurbacheva O.


Background. To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a hypoallergenic space created with the LG Puricare air purifier, in a closed hospital ward and at home in the complex treatment of patients with exacerbation of perennial and seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with or without asthma. Materials and methods. 70 patients with seasonal and perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis with or without asthma were involved in the open comparative, randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted in 2 stages. At the 1st stage, an assessment of the efficacy and tolerability of hypoallergenic space created with LG Puricare™ air purifier in the hospital was performed. At the 2nd stage, the same study was performed at home space. The primary endpoint of the study was the evaluation of the total symptoms score. Secondary endpoints were changes in the parameters of peripheral blood, eye, and nasal secretion eosinophilia, external respiration function, peak flowmetry parameters. An assessment of indoor allergens, pollen and mold spores concentration, determination of the number of particle matter and evaluation of microbial and fungal air contamination in the environment were also carried out. Results. A significant reduction of the concentration of airborne particles and mold spores was demonstrated. Disease severity score showed significant clinical improvement but no changes in the parameters of the external respiration function, eosinophilia of blood, eyes and nasal secretions. Conclusion. The use of LG Puricare™ air purifier is recommended as a part of complex therapy of patients with various allergic diseases.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):26-40
pages 26-40 views

Federal Clinical Recommendations. Anaphylactic shock

Latysheva T., Myasnikova T.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):41-46
pages 41-46 views

Allergological and immunological parameters and effectiveness of treatment of timely and later diagnosed bronchial asthma in children

Fayzullina R., Samigullina N.


Relevance. Timely diagnostics of bronchial asthma and the prescription of adequate therapy in children is an important problem at the present time. Purpose. To conduct a comparative analysis of clinical, immunological parameters, results of allergological examination and to evaluate the effectiveness of basic therapy in timely and late diagnosed bronchial asthma (BA) in children. Materials and methods. 155 children aged 5-15 years old with timely and late diagnosed mild persistent BA were under the observation. Modern immunological, allergological, functional diagnostic methods were used. Results. It was proved that late diagnosis of the disease is characterized by polysensitization and significant immunological disorders. It was shown that timely prescription of anti-inflammatory basic therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroid budesonid in BA children leads to a complete control of BA resulting in recovery of the lung function parameters; in late diagnostics more prolonged courses of treatment are required.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):47-54
pages 47-54 views

Atopic dermatitis in preschool children: prevalence, clinical and allergic characteristics and risk factors

Shakhova N., Kamaltynova E., Lobanov U., Ardatova T.


Background. Information on atopic dermatitis (AD) epidemiology in preschool children is scarce. Objectives. To estimate the prevalence, clinical, allergological characteristics and risk factors of AD in preschool children. Materials and methods. 5156 children aged 3-6 years old living in the Altai Territory participated in the study. The study included a screening and clinical phases. At the screening stage of the study the prevalence of AD was evaluated using the Russian version of the ISAAC questionnaire, risk factors were evaluated using the additional questionnaire. At the clinical stage diagnosis of AD was verified by allergists. Results. The prevalence of atopic dermatitis was 9,9%. 73,8% of children had mild AD; 58,5% of children were sensitized: 25 (15,6%) to food allergens - 12 (7,2%) to egg, 12 (7,2%) to cow’s milk, 6 (3,6%) to wheat flour and 8 (4,9%) to fish. The most important inhaled allergens were house dust mites, the sensitivity to them was diagnosed in 44 (26,8%) children. The family anamnesis of allergic diseases increases risk of development of AD by 5 times (OR=5,7; 95% CI=4,1-7,9; p<0,01), smoking of parents - by 1,7 times (OR=1,7; 95% CI=1,1 to 2,6; p<0,05); impropriate intake of vitamin D3 in the first year of life increases risk of development of AD by 2,8 times (OR=2,8; 95% CI=2-3,9; p<0,01). Conclusion. The prevalence of AD among children aged 3-6 years old is 9,9%, the majority of children have mild disease, and 57,3% of the children sensitized to one or more allergens. Risk factors of AD in preschool age are allergic family history, passive smoking and impropriate intake of vitamin D3 in the first year of life.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):55-62
pages 55-62 views

Microbiome of human skin - its immunohomeostatic role and the role in pathogenesis of skin diseases

Petrunin D.


In the last decade new methods of metagenomic analysis allowed to obtain important data regarding the microbiome of human skin. The problem of colonization and secondary infection by pathogenic microbes is of special importance for allergic dermatoses that require topical immunosuppressive therapy. One of treatment options in this case could be topical multicomponent drugs that allow successful treatment of infectious complications of inflammatory dermatoses. But there are still a lot of blanks regarding both fundamental questions regarding human skin microbiome and practice aspects of treatment of skin diseases where it plays a pathogenetic role. This literature review systematizes and structures the accumulated data regarding the composition and the role of human skin microbiome in normal conditions and in various skin diseases as well as summarizes clinical data of use of combinational topical glucocorticosteroid drugs. Furthermore, some algorithms concerning the choice and optimization of topical treatment of secondary infected dermatoses are outlined.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):63-81
pages 63-81 views

Peptides in the composition of Laennec that show antiviral effects in the therapy of atopic dermatitis and herpes infection

Torshin I., Gromova O., Dibrova E., Gromov A., Nazarenko O.


A characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis is herpes infection, which necessitates application of antiviral therapy. The analysis of the peptide composition of Laennec drug by de novo mass spectrometric sequencing allowed us to identify over 10 peptides, characterized by potential antiviral effect at all stages of the viral life cycle. Laennec’s peptides can inhibit viral activation (inhibition of protein HCFC1), fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane in the step of the host cell virus infection (inhibition of protein CD4), virus replication (inhibition of protein CTBP1), maturing of virion (inhibition of proteins CRM1, VPS4B, TPR, proline isomerase), budding of the viral particles from the cell membrane (inhibition of the NEDD4 protein). Laennek therapy in complex treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis and herpes virus infection can be substantiated by its pharmacologic activities including antiviral effect.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):82-90
pages 82-90 views

4th International Training for trainers of International Network of Universities for Molecular Allergology & Immunology (INUNIMAI)

Elisiutina O., Fedenko E., Khaitov M., Garib V.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):91-94
pages 91-94 views

Congresses, conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2018;15(1):95-96
pages 95-96 views