Microbiome of human skin - its immunohomeostatic role and the role in pathogenesis of skin diseases

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In the last decade new methods of metagenomic analysis allowed to obtain important data regarding the microbiome of human skin. The problem of colonization and secondary infection by pathogenic microbes is of special importance for allergic dermatoses that require topical immunosuppressive therapy. One of treatment options in this case could be topical multicomponent drugs that allow successful treatment of infectious complications of inflammatory dermatoses. But there are still a lot of blanks regarding both fundamental questions regarding human skin microbiome and practice aspects of treatment of skin diseases where it plays a pathogenetic role. This literature review systematizes and structures the accumulated data regarding the composition and the role of human skin microbiome in normal conditions and in various skin diseases as well as summarizes clinical data of use of combinational topical glucocorticosteroid drugs. Furthermore, some algorithms concerning the choice and optimization of topical treatment of secondary infected dermatoses are outlined.

About the authors

D D Petrunin

LEO Pharmaceutical Products LLC

Email: prof.preobrazhenskii@gmail.com
кандидат медицинских наук, менеджер по научно-медицинским вопросам, врач-дерматовенеролог


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